Require Import List. Require Import Arith. Require Import Relations. Require Import msl.msl_standard. (* Identifiers and addresses are just drawn from the naturals.*) Definition ident := nat. Definition addr := nat. (* Values are either integers or pointers (addresses) *) Inductive val : Set := | int_val : nat -> val | ptr_val : addr -> val. (* Get an implemenation of share maps for the local environments*) Module LocalsMapInput <: ShareMapInput. Definition A := ident. Definition A_dec_eq := eq_nat_dec. Definition B := val. End LocalsMapInput. Module LocalsMap := ShareMap(LocalsMapInput). Definition locals := Definition locals_sa := LocalsMap.map_sa. Existing Instance locals_sa. (* We characterize expressions as functions from local variable environments whcih are monotone with respect to increasing the environment. *) Definition expr := { f: locals -> option val | forall l l' v, join_sub l l' -> f l = Some v -> f l' = Some v }. (* Get an implemenation of share maps for memories *) Module MemMapInput <: ShareMapInput. Definition A := addr. Definition A_dec_eq := eq_nat_dec. Definition B := val. End MemMapInput. Module MemMap := ShareMap(MemMapInput). Definition mem := Definition mem_sa := MemMap.map_sa. (* The syntax of commands. These are pretty basic imperative language constructs. *) Inductive cmd := | skip | seq : cmd -> cmd -> cmd | call : ident -> ident -> list expr -> cmd | ret : expr -> cmd | load : ident -> expr -> cmd | store : expr -> expr -> cmd | assign : ident -> expr -> cmd | cif : expr -> cmd -> cmd -> cmd | while : expr -> cmd -> cmd. (* A function declaration consists of a list of formal arguments (local identifiers which will receive the actual arguments), a list of local variables together with their initial values, and a command implementing the function body. Finally we include a syntactic validity fact -- the formals and declared locals are disjoint. *) Inductive fun_decl := { fnd_formals : list ident ; fnd_locals : list (ident * val) ; fnd_cmd : cmd ; fnd_valid : NoDup (fnd_formals ++ map (@fst _ _) fnd_locals) }. (* A program is a mapping from function identifiers to function declarations. *) Definition program_unit := nat -> option fun_decl. (** Operational semantics **) (* Controls capture the control stack of imperative languages. kseq c k means "execute c, then run k" kcall i rho k means "when a return is executed, unwind to this point, restore local varibles rho, and update i with the return value" kext i f vs k means "I tried to call funcion f with arguments vs, but f isn't defined" knil means "safely halted" *) Inductive ctl := | kseq : cmd -> ctl -> ctl | kcall : ident -> locals -> ctl -> ctl | kext : ident -> ident -> list val -> ctl -> ctl | knil : ctl. (* We define a small step semantics which manipulate states of this form.*) Definition state := (ctl * locals * mem)%type. (* In local environment rho, the list of expressions es have values vs *) Fixpoint evaluate_exprs (rho:locals) (es:list expr) (vs:list val) : Prop := match es, vs with | e::es', v::vs' => proj1_sig e rho = Some v /\ evaluate_exprs rho es' vs' | nil, nil => True | _, _ => False end. (* the funtion make_locals builds the initial local variable environment at function entry *) Section function_entry_locals. Variable vals:list val. Variable fd:fun_decl. Let actuals := combine (fnd_formals fd) vals. Definition make_locals := LocalsMap.build_map (actuals ++ fnd_locals fd). End function_entry_locals. (* unwind_return drops all the leading kseq constructions to finde the correct function return position *) Fixpoint unwind_return (k:ctl) : option (ident * locals * ctl):= match k with | kseq _ k' => unwind_return k' | kcall i rho k => Some (i,rho,k) | kext _ _ _ _ => None | knil => None end. (* Main small step semantics definition. We send state (k,rho,m) to state (k',rho',m') when we execute command c (in program p). *) Inductive step (pu:program_unit) : forall (k:ctl) (rho:locals) (m:mem) (c:cmd) (k':ctl) (rho':locals) (m':mem), Prop := | step_skip : forall k rho m, step pu k rho m skip k rho m | step_seq : forall k rho m c1 c2, step pu k rho m (seq c1 c2) (kseq c1 (kseq c2 k)) rho m | step_if_false : forall k rho m e c1 c2, proj1_sig e rho = Some (int_val 0) -> step pu k rho m (cif e c1 c2) (kseq c2 k) rho m | step_if_true : forall k rho m x e c1 c2, x <> 0 -> proj1_sig e rho = Some (int_val x) -> step pu k rho m (cif e c1 c2) (kseq c1 k) rho m | step_while_false : forall k rho m e c, proj1_sig e rho = Some (int_val 0) -> step pu k rho m (while e c) k rho m | step_while_true : forall k rho m e c x, x <> 0 -> proj1_sig e rho = Some (int_val x) -> step pu k rho m (while e c) (kseq c (kseq (while e c) k)) rho m | step_ret : forall k rho m e v i rho' k' rho'', proj1_sig e rho = Some v -> unwind_return k = (Some (i,rho',k')) -> LocalsMap.map_upd i v rho' = Some rho'' -> step pu k rho m (ret e) k' rho'' m | step_call_internal : forall k rho m x f exps vals fd, evaluate_exprs rho exps vals -> pu f = Some fd -> step pu k rho m (call x f exps) (kseq (fnd_cmd fd) (kcall x rho k)) (make_locals vals fd) m | step_call_external : forall k rho m x f exps vals, pu f = None -> evaluate_exprs rho exps vals -> step pu k rho m (call x f exps) (kext x f vals k) rho m | step_assign : forall k rho rho' m i e v, proj1_sig e rho = Some v -> LocalsMap.map_upd i v rho = Some rho' -> step pu k rho m (assign i e) k rho' m | step_load : forall k rho rho' m i e a v, proj1_sig e rho = Some (ptr_val a) -> MemMap.map_val a m = Some v -> LocalsMap.map_upd i v rho = Some rho' -> step pu k rho m (load i e) k rho' m | step_store : forall k rho m e1 a e2 v m', proj1_sig e1 rho = Some (ptr_val a) -> proj1_sig e2 rho = Some v -> MemMap.map_upd a v m = Some m' -> step pu k rho m (store e1 e2) k rho m'. (* Pull off the outermost command and execute it *) Inductive step' (pu:program_unit) : forall (st st':state), Prop := | step'_step : forall c k rho m k' rho' m', step pu k rho m c k' rho' m' -> step' pu (kseq c k,rho,m) (k',rho',m'). (* Evaluating a list of expressions is functional. *) Lemma evaluate_exprs_fun : forall rho exps vals1 vals2, evaluate_exprs rho exps vals1 -> evaluate_exprs rho exps vals2 -> vals1 = vals2. Proof. intros rho exps. induction exps; simpl; intros. destruct vals1. destruct vals2. auto. elim H0. elim H. destruct vals1. elim H. destruct vals2. elim H0. intuition. f_equal. congruence. auto. Qed. (* The small step semantics is functional (deterministic) *) Lemma step_fun : forall pu k rho m c k1 rho1 m1 k2 rho2 m2, step pu k rho m c k1 rho1 m1 -> step pu k rho m c k2 rho2 m2 -> (k1,rho1,m1) = (k2,rho2,m2). Proof. intros; inv H; inv H0; try congruence. assert (vals = vals0). eapply evaluate_exprs_fun; eauto. congruence. assert (vals = vals0). eapply evaluate_exprs_fun; eauto. congruence. Qed.