Library juicy_mem

Require Import veric.base.
Require Import veric.rmaps.
Require Import veric.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Import cjoins.

Definition perm_of_sh (rsh sh: Share.t): option permission :=
  if eq_dec sh
    then if eq_dec rsh
            then Some Freeable
            else Some Writable
    else if eq_dec sh
           then if eq_dec rsh
                   then None
                   else Some Nonempty
           else Some Readable.

Definition contents_at (m: mem) (loc: address) : memval :=
  ZMap.get (snd loc) (ZMap.get (fst loc) (mem_contents m)).

Definition access_at (m: mem) (loc: address) : option permission :=
   ZMap.get (fst loc) (mem_access m) (snd loc) Cur.

Definition max_access_at (m: mem) (loc: address) : option permission :=
   ZMap.get (fst loc) (mem_access m) (snd loc) Max.

Definition contents_cohere (m: mem) (phi: rmap) :=
  forall rsh sh v loc pp, phi @ loc = YES rsh sh (VAL v) pp -> contents_at m loc = v /\ pp=NoneP.

Definition valshare (r: resource) : share :=
    match r with
      | YES rsh sh (VAL v) _ => pshare_sh sh
      | _ =>

Definition res_retain' (r: resource) : Share.t :=
 match r with
  | NO sh => sh
  | YES sh _ _ _ => sh
  | PURE _ _ =>

Definition perm_of_res (r: resource) := perm_of_sh (res_retain' r) (valshare r).

Definition access_cohere (m: mem) (phi: rmap) :=
  forall loc, access_at m loc = perm_of_res (phi @ loc).

Definition max_access_cohere (m: mem) (phi: rmap) :=
 forall loc,
   match phi @ loc with
   | YES rsh sh (VAL _) _ => perm_order'' (max_access_at m loc) (perm_of_sh rsh (pshare_sh sh))
   | YES rsh sh _ _ => fst loc < nextblock m
   | NO rsh => perm_order'' (max_access_at m loc) (perm_of_sh rsh )
   | PURE _ _ => fst loc < nextblock m

Definition alloc_cohere (m: mem) (phi: rmap) :=
 forall loc, fst loc >= nextblock m -> phi @ loc = NO

Inductive juicy_mem: Type :=
  mkJuicyMem: forall (m: mem) (phi: rmap)
    (JMcontents: contents_cohere m phi)
    (JMaccess: access_cohere m phi)
    (JMmax_access: max_access_cohere m phi)
    (JMalloc: alloc_cohere m phi),

Section selectors.
Variable (j: juicy_mem).
Definition m_dry := match j with mkJuicyMem m _ _ _ _ _ => m end.
Definition m_phi := match j with mkJuicyMem _ phi _ _ _ _ => phi end.
Lemma juicy_mem_contents: contents_cohere m_dry m_phi.
Proof. unfold m_dry, m_phi; destruct j; auto. Qed.
Lemma juicy_mem_access: access_cohere m_dry m_phi.
Proof. unfold m_dry, m_phi; destruct j; auto. Qed.
Lemma juicy_mem_max_access: max_access_cohere m_dry m_phi.
Proof. unfold m_dry, m_phi; destruct j; auto. Qed.
Lemma juicy_mem_alloc_cohere: alloc_cohere m_dry m_phi.
Proof. unfold m_dry, m_phi; destruct j; auto. Qed.
End selectors.

Lemma writable_join_sub: forall loc phi1 phi2,
  join_sub phi1 phi2 -> writable loc phi1 -> writable loc phi2.
hnf in H0|-*.
destruct H; generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ loc H); clear H.
revert H0; destruct (phi1 @ loc); intros; try contradiction.
destruct H0; subst.
inv H; try pfullshare_join. simpl.
split; auto.

Lemma writable_inv: forall phi loc, writable loc phi ->
  exists rsh, exists k, exists pp, phi @ loc = YES rsh pfullshare k pp /\ isVAL k.
intros phi loc H.
destruct (phi @ loc); try solve [inversion H].
destruct H.
destruct k; solve [
    rewrite H; repeat eexists; eauto
  | inversion H0 as [? H1]; inv H1].

Lemma nreadable_inv: forall phi loc, ~readable loc phi
  -> (exists rsh, phi @ loc = NO rsh)
   \/ (exists rsh, exists sh, exists k, exists pp, phi @ loc = YES rsh sh k pp /\ ~isVAL k)
   \/ (exists k, exists pp, phi @ loc = PURE k pp).
unfold readable in H.
simpl in H.
destruct (phi@loc); eauto 50.

Lemma VAL_valid:
 forall (f: address -> option (pshare*kind)),
   (forall l sh k, f l = Some (sh,k) -> isVAL k) ->
   AV.valid f.
intros b ofs.
case_eq (f (b,ofs)); intros; auto.
destruct p.
specialize (H _ _ _ H0).
destruct k; solve [
  | inversion H as [? H']; inversion H' ].

Lemma age1_joinx {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{agA: ageable A}{AgeA: Age_alg A} : forall phi1 phi2 phi3 phi1' phi2' phi3',
             age phi1 phi1' -> age phi2 phi2' -> age phi3 phi3' ->
             join phi1 phi2 phi3 -> join phi1' phi2' phi3'.
destruct (age1_join _ H2 H) as [phi2'' [phi3'' [? [? ?]]]].
unfold age in *.

Lemma constructive_age1_join {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{agA: ageable A}{AgeA: Age_alg A} : forall x y z x' : A,
       join x y z ->
       age x x' ->
       { yz' : A*A | join x' (fst yz') (snd yz') /\ age y (fst yz') /\ age z (snd yz')}.
pose proof I.
case_eq (age1 y); [intros y' ? | intros].
case_eq (age1 z); [intros z' ? | intros].
exists (y',z').
split; auto.
apply (age1_joinx x y z x' y' z' H1 H2 H3 H0).
elimtype False.
destruct (age1_join _ H0 H1) as [? [? [? [? ?]]]].
unfold age in *.
elimtype False.
destruct (age1_join _ H0 H1) as [? [? [? [? ?]]]].
unfold age in *.

Lemma age1_constructive_joins_eq : forall {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{agA: ageable A}{AgeA: Age_alg A} {phi1 phi2},
  constructive_joins phi1 phi2
  -> forall {phi1'}, age1 phi1 = Some phi1'
  -> forall {phi2'}, age1 phi2 = Some phi2'
  -> constructive_joins phi1' phi2'.
destruct X as [? ?H].
destruct (constructive_age1_join _ _ _ _ H1 H) as [[y z] [? [? ?]]].
simpl in *.
unfold age in H3. rewrite H0 in H3; inv H3; econstructor; eauto.

Program Definition age1_juicy_mem (j: juicy_mem): option juicy_mem :=
      match age1 (m_phi j) with
        | Some phi' => Some (mkJuicyMem (m_dry j) phi' _ _ _ _)
        | None => None
Next Obligation.  assert (necR (m_phi j) phi')
   by (constructor 1; symmetry in Heq_anonymous; apply Heq_anonymous).
 destruct j; hnf; simpl in *; intros.
 case_eq (phi @ loc); intros.
 apply (necR_NO _ _ _ _ H) in H1. congruence.
 generalize (necR_YES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H1); intros.
 rewrite H0 in H2. inv H2.
 destruct (JMcontents t p v loc _ H1). subst; split; auto.
 apply preds_fmap_NoneP.
 rewrite (necR_PURE _ _ _ _ _ H H1) in H0. inv H0.
Next Obligation.  assert (necR (m_phi j) phi')
   by (constructor 1; symmetry in Heq_anonymous; apply Heq_anonymous).
 destruct j; hnf; simpl in *; intros.
 generalize (JMaccess loc); case_eq (phi @ loc); intros.
 apply (necR_NO _ _ loc _ H) in H0. rewrite H0; auto.
 rewrite (necR_YES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H0); auto.
 rewrite (necR_PURE _ _ _ _ _ H H0); auto.
Next Obligation.  assert (necR (m_phi j) phi')
   by (constructor 1; symmetry in Heq_anonymous; apply Heq_anonymous).
 destruct j; hnf; simpl in *; intros.
 generalize (JMmax_access loc); case_eq (phi @ loc); intros.
 apply (necR_NO _ _ loc _ H) in H0. rewrite H0; auto.
 rewrite (necR_YES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H0); auto.
 rewrite (necR_PURE _ _ _ _ _ H H0); auto.
Next Obligation.  assert (necR (m_phi j) phi')
   by (constructor 1; symmetry in Heq_anonymous; apply Heq_anonymous).
 destruct j; hnf; simpl in *; intros.
 specialize (JMalloc loc H0).
 apply (necR_NO _ _ loc _ H). auto.

Lemma age1_juicy_mem_unpack: forall j j',
  age1_juicy_mem j = Some j' ->
  age (m_phi j) (m_phi j')
  /\ m_dry j = m_dry j'.
unfold age1_juicy_mem in H.
inv H.
split; simpl; auto.
symmetry in H0; apply H0.

Lemma age1_juicy_mem_unpack': forall j j',
  age (m_phi j) (m_phi j') /\ m_dry j = m_dry j' ->
  age1_juicy_mem j = Some j'.
  unfold age1_juicy_mem.
  generalize (eq_refl (age1 (m_phi j))).
  pattern (age1 (m_phi j)) at 1 3.
  rewrite H0; clear H0. intros H0.
  destruct j, j'; simpl in *; subst; repeat f_equal; try apply proof_irr.

Lemma age1_juicy_mem_unpack'': forall j j',
  age (m_phi j) (m_phi j') -> m_dry j = m_dry j' ->
  age1_juicy_mem j = Some j'.
  apply age1_juicy_mem_unpack'.
 split; auto.

Lemma rmap_join_eq_level: forall phi1 phi2: rmap, joins phi1 phi2 -> level phi1 = level phi2.
intros until phi2; intro H.
destruct H as [? H].
apply join_level in H; destruct H; congruence.

Lemma rmap_join_sub_eq_level: forall phi1 phi2: rmap,
          join_sub phi1 phi2 -> level phi1 = level phi2.
intros until phi2; intro H.
destruct H; apply join_level in H; destruct H; congruence.

Lemma age1_juicy_mem_None1:
  forall j, age1_juicy_mem j = None -> age1 (m_phi j) = None.
intros j H.
destruct j.
unfold age1_juicy_mem in H; simpl in H.
revert H; generalize (refl_equal (age1 phi)); pattern (age1 phi) at 1 3; destruct (age1 phi); intros; auto.
inv H.

Lemma age1_juicy_mem_None2:
  forall j, age1 (m_phi j) = None -> age1_juicy_mem j = None.
unfold age1_juicy_mem.
generalize (eq_refl (age1 (m_phi j))).
pattern (age1 (m_phi j)) at 1 3.
rewrite H.

Lemma age1_juicy_mem_Some:
  forall j j', age1_juicy_mem j = Some j' -> age1 (m_phi j) = Some (m_phi j').
apply age1_juicy_mem_unpack in H; intuition.

Lemma unage_juicy_mem: forall j' : juicy_mem,
   exists j : juicy_mem, age1_juicy_mem j = Some j'.
destruct j' as [m phi'].
destruct (af_unage age_facts phi') as [phi ?].
assert (NEC: necR phi phi') by (constructor 1; auto).
 rename H into Hage.
assert (contents_cohere m phi).
  hnf; intros.
  generalize (necR_YES phi phi' loc rsh sh (VAL v) pp NEC H); intro.
  destruct (JMcontents _ _ _ _ _ H0).
  rewrite H2 in H0.
  split; auto.
  generalize (necR_YES' _ _ loc rsh sh (VAL v) NEC); intro.
  apply H3 in H0. congruence.
assert (access_cohere m phi).
  hnf; intros.
  generalize (JMaccess loc); intros.
  case_eq (phi @ loc); intros.
  apply (necR_NO _ _ loc _ NEC) in H1. rewrite H1 in H0; auto.
  apply (necR_YES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEC) in H1. rewrite H1 in H0; auto.
  apply (necR_PURE _ _ _ _ _ NEC) in H1. rewrite H1 in H0; auto.
assert (max_access_cohere m phi).
  hnf; intros.
  generalize (JMmax_access loc); intros.
  case_eq (phi @ loc); intros.
  apply (necR_NO _ _ _ _ NEC) in H2; rewrite H2 in H1; auto.
  rewrite (necR_YES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEC H2) in H1; auto.
  rewrite (necR_PURE _ _ _ _ _ NEC H2) in H1; auto.
assert (alloc_cohere m phi).
  hnf; intros.
  generalize (JMalloc loc H2); intros.
  case_eq (phi @ loc); intros.
  apply (necR_NO _ _ _ _ NEC) in H4; rewrite H4 in H3; auto.
  rewrite (necR_YES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEC H4) in H3; inv H3.
  rewrite (necR_PURE _ _ _ _ _ NEC H4) in H3; inv H3.
exists (mkJuicyMem m phi H H0 H1 H2).
apply age1_juicy_mem_unpack''; simpl; auto.

Lemma level1_juicy_mem: forall j: juicy_mem,
  age1_juicy_mem j = None <-> level (m_phi j) = 0%nat.
intro x.
split; intro H.
apply age1_level0.
apply age1_juicy_mem_None1; auto.
apply age1_level0 in H.
apply age1_juicy_mem_None2.

Lemma level2_juicy_mem: forall j1 j2: juicy_mem,
   age1_juicy_mem j1 = Some j2 -> level (m_phi j1) = S (level (m_phi j2)).
intros x y H.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack x y H).
 apply age_level in H0. auto.

Lemma juicy_mem_ageable_facts: ageable_facts juicy_mem (fun j => level (m_phi j)) age1_juicy_mem.
apply unage_juicy_mem.
apply level1_juicy_mem.
apply level2_juicy_mem.

Instance juicy_mem_ageable: ageable juicy_mem :=
  mkAgeable _ (fun j => level (m_phi j)) age1_juicy_mem juicy_mem_ageable_facts.

Lemma level_juice_level_phi: forall (j: juicy_mem), level j = level (m_phi j).
Proof. intuition. Qed.

Lemma juicy_mem_ext: forall j1 j2,
       m_dry j1 = m_dry j2 ->
       m_phi j1 = m_phi j2 ->
destruct j1; destruct j2; simpl in *.
f_equal; apply proof_irr.

Lemma perm_of_sh_pshare: forall rsh (sh: pshare),
   exists p, perm_of_sh rsh (pshare_sh sh) = Some p.
intros sh.
unfold perm_of_sh.
if_tac. subst.
contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto.
intro sh.
if_tac; eauto.
if_tac; eauto.
if_tac; eauto.
if_tac; eauto.
if_tac; eauto.
destruct sh0; simpl in *.
subst x.
clear - n.
elimtype False.
generalize bot_identity; rewrite identity_unit_equiv; intro.
apply (n _ H).

Lemma perm_of_sh_fullshare: perm_of_sh fullshare = Some Freeable.
Proof. unfold perm_of_sh. rewrite if_true by auto. rewrite if_true by auto. auto. Qed.

Lemma unage_writable: forall (phi phi': rmap) loc,
  age phi phi' -> writable loc phi' -> writable loc phi.
simpl in *.
apply age1_resource_at with (loc := loc) (r := phi @ loc) in H.
destruct (phi' @ loc); try contradiction.
unfold writable.
destruct (phi @ loc); try discriminate.
inv H. auto.
destruct (phi' @ loc); inv H0.
rewrite resource_at_approx. auto.

Lemma unage_readable: forall (phi phi': rmap) loc,
  age phi phi' -> readable loc phi' -> readable loc phi.
simpl in *.
apply age1_resource_at with (loc := loc) (r := phi @ loc) in H.
 2: symmetry; apply resource_at_approx.
destruct (phi' @ loc); inv H0.
destruct (phi @ loc); inv H.

Lemma readable_inv: forall phi loc, readable loc phi ->
  exists rsh, exists sh, exists v, exists pp, phi @ loc = YES rsh sh (VAL v) pp.
intros phi loc H.
destruct (phi @ loc); try solve [inversion H].
destruct H. subst.

Definition fmap_option {A B} (v: option A) (m: B) (f: A -> B): B :=
  match v with
    | None => m
    | Some v' => f v'

Lemma resource_at_make_rmap: forall f V lev H, resource_at (proj1_sig (make_rmap f V lev H)) = f.
refine (fun f V lev H => match proj2_sig (make_rmap f V lev H) with
                           | conj _ RESOURCE_AT => RESOURCE_AT

Lemma resource_at_remake_rmap: forall f V lev H, resource_at (proj1_sig (remake_rmap f V lev H)) = f.
refine (fun f V lev H => match proj2_sig (remake_rmap f V lev H) with
                           | conj _ RESOURCE_AT => RESOURCE_AT

Lemma level_make_rmap: forall f V lev H, @level rmap _ (proj1_sig (make_rmap f V lev H)) = lev.
refine (fun f V lev H => match proj2_sig (make_rmap f V lev H) with
                           | conj LEVEL _ => LEVEL

Lemma level_remake_rmap: forall f V lev H, @level rmap _ (proj1_sig (remake_rmap f V lev H)) = lev.
refine (fun f V lev H => match proj2_sig (remake_rmap f V lev H) with
                           | conj LEVEL _ => LEVEL

Section inflate.
Variables (m: mem) (phi: rmap).

Lemma phi_valid: valid (resource_at phi).
Proof. unfold valid; apply rmap_valid. Qed.

Definition read_sh: pshare := fst (split_pshare pfullshare).

Definition extern_retainer : share := Share.Lsh.

Definition inflate_initial_mem' (w: rmap) (loc: address) :=
   match access_at m loc with
           | Some Freeable => YES pfullshare (VAL (contents_at m loc)) NoneP
           | Some Writable => YES extern_retainer pfullshare (VAL (contents_at m loc)) NoneP
           | Some Readable => YES extern_retainer read_sh (VAL (contents_at m loc)) NoneP
           | Some Nonempty =>
                         match w @ loc with PURE _ _ => w @ loc | _ => NO extern_retainer end
           | None => NO

Lemma inflate_initial_mem'_fmap:
 forall w, resource_fmap (approx (level w)) oo inflate_initial_mem' w =
                inflate_initial_mem' w.
unfold valid, CompCert_AV.valid, compose.
unfold inflate_initial_mem'.
extensionality loc.
destruct (access_at m loc); try destruct p;
  try solve [unfold resource_fmap; f_equal; try apply preds_fmap_NoneP].
rewrite <- level_core.
  case_eq (w @ loc);intros; try reflexivity.
  rewrite <- H. rewrite level_core. apply resource_at_approx.

Lemma inflate_initial_mem'_valid:
  forall lev, CompCert_AV.valid (res_option oo inflate_initial_mem' lev).
unfold valid, CompCert_AV.valid, compose, inflate_initial_mem'.
intros lev b ofs.
destruct (access_at m (b, ofs)); try destruct p; simpl; auto.
 case_eq (lev @ (b,ofs)); intros; simpl; auto.

Definition inflate_initial_mem (w: rmap): rmap :=
    proj1_sig (make_rmap (inflate_initial_mem' w) (inflate_initial_mem'_valid w) _
            (inflate_initial_mem'_fmap w)).

Lemma inflate_initial_mem_level: forall w, level (inflate_initial_mem w) = level w.
intros; unfold inflate_initial_mem, inflate_initial_mem'.
rewrite level_make_rmap; auto.

Definition all_VALs (phi: rmap) :=
  forall l, match phi @ l with
              | YES _ _ k _ => isVAL k
              | _ => True

Lemma inflate_initial_mem_all_VALs: forall lev, all_VALs (inflate_initial_mem lev).
unfold inflate_initial_mem, inflate_initial_mem', all_VALs.
intros; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
destruct (access_at m l); try destruct p; auto.
 case (lev @ l); simpl; intros; auto.

Definition inflate_alloc: rmap.
 refine (proj1_sig (remake_rmap (fun loc =>
   fmap_option (res_option (phi @ loc))
  (fmap_option (access_at m loc)
    (fun p =>
      match p with
        | Freeable => YES pfullshare (VAL (contents_at m loc)) NoneP
        | _ => NO
  (fun _ => phi @ loc)) _ (level phi) _)).
assert (VALID: valid (resource_at phi)) by (apply phi_valid).
unfold valid, CompCert_AV.valid in *.
unfold compose in *.
intros b ofs.
specialize VALID with b ofs.
unfold fmap_option.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs)); simpl in *; auto.
destruct (access_at m (b, ofs)); simpl in *; auto.
destruct p; simpl in *; auto.
destruct k; simpl in *; auto.
intros i H.
specialize (VALID i H).
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs + i)); simpl in *; auto; try discriminate.
destruct VALID as [n [H H0]].
exists n.
split; auto.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs - z)); simpl in *; auto; try discriminate.

destruct (access_at m (b, ofs)); simpl; auto. destruct p0; simpl; auto.

case_eq (phi @ l); simpl; intros; auto.
case_eq (access_at m l); simpl; intros; auto.
right; destruct p; simpl; auto.
left; exists phi; split; auto.
right; destruct (access_at m l); simpl; auto.
destruct p0; simpl; auto.

Lemma approx_map_idem: forall n (lp: preds),
  preds_fmap (approx n) (preds_fmap (approx n) lp) = preds_fmap (approx n) lp.
intros n ls; unfold preds_fmap.
destruct ls.
rewrite <- compose_assoc.
rewrite (approx_oo_approx n).

Definition inflate_store: rmap. refine (
proj1_sig (make_rmap (fun loc =>
  match phi @ loc with
    | YES rsh sh (VAL _) _ => YES rsh sh (VAL (contents_at m loc)) NoneP
    | YES _ _ _ _ => resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) (phi @ loc)
    | _ => phi @ loc
  end) _ (level phi) _)).
assert (VALID: valid (resource_at phi)) by (apply phi_valid).
unfold valid, CompCert_AV.valid in *.
unfold compose in *.
intros b ofs.
specialize VALID with b ofs.
remember (phi @ (b, ofs)) as HPHI.
destruct HPHI; simpl; auto.
destruct k; simpl in *; auto.
intros i H1.
specialize VALID with i.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs + i)); auto.
destruct k; simpl; auto.
simpl in VALID.
assert (H2: Some (p1, VAL m0) = Some (p, CT i)).
apply (VALID H1).
inversion H2.
destruct VALID as [n [H1 H0]].
exists n.
split; auto.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs - z)); simpl in *; auto.
inversion H0; subst; auto.

unfold compose.
extensionality l.
destruct l as (b, ofs).
remember (phi @ (b, ofs)) as HPHI.
destruct HPHI; auto.
destruct k; try solve
  [ unfold resource_fmap; rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP; auto
  | unfold resource_fmap; rewrite approx_map_idem; auto ].
rewrite HeqHPHI.
apply resource_at_approx.

Definition inflate_free: rmap. refine (
proj1_sig (make_rmap (fun loc =>
  match phi @ loc with
    | YES _ _ (VAL _) _ => fmap_option (access_at m loc) (NO (fun _ => phi @ loc)
    | YES _ _ _ _ => resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) (phi @ loc)
    | _ => phi @ loc
  end) _ (level phi) _)).
assert (VALID: valid (resource_at phi)) by (apply phi_valid).
unfold valid, CompCert_AV.valid in *.
unfold compose in *.
intros b ofs.
specialize VALID with b ofs.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs)); try destruct k; simpl in *; auto.
destruct (access_at m (b, ofs)); simpl; auto.
intros i H.
specialize VALID with i.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs + i)); try destruct k; simpl in *; auto.
destruct (access_at m (b, ofs + i)); simpl; auto.
assert (Some (p1, VAL m0) = Some (p, CT i)) by apply (VALID H).
inversion H0.
destruct VALID as [n [H H0]].
exists n.
split; auto.
destruct (phi @ (b, ofs - z)); try destruct k; simpl in *; auto.
destruct (access_at m (b, ofs - z)); simpl; auto.
inversion H0.

unfold compose.
extensionality l.
destruct l as (b, ofs).
remember (phi @ (b, ofs)) as HPHI.
destruct HPHI; auto.
destruct k; destruct (access_at m (b, ofs)); try solve
  [ unfold resource_fmap; rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP; auto
  | unfold resource_fmap; rewrite approx_map_idem; auto ].
unfold fmap_option.
rewrite HeqHPHI.
rewrite resource_at_approx; auto.
unfold fmap_option; auto.

rewrite HeqHPHI.
apply resource_at_approx.

End inflate.

Lemma adr_inv0: forall (b b': block) (ofs ofs': Z) (sz: Z),
  ~ adr_range (b, ofs) sz (b', ofs') ->
  b <> b' \/ ~ ofs <= ofs' < ofs + sz.
intros until sz.
intro H.
destruct (zeq b b').
right; intro Contra.
apply H.
unfold adr_range.
left; intro Contra.
apply n; auto.

Lemma adr_inv: forall (b b': block) (ofs ofs': Z) ch,
  ~ adr_range (b, ofs) (size_chunk ch) (b', ofs') ->
  b <> b' \/ ~ ofs <= ofs' < ofs + size_chunk ch.
Proof. intros until ch; intros H1; eapply adr_inv0; eauto. Qed.

Lemma range_inv0: forall ofs ofs' sz,
  ~ ofs <= ofs' < ofs + sz ->
  ofs' < ofs \/ ofs' >= ofs + sz.
intros until sz; intro H.
destruct (zle ofs ofs'); destruct (zlt ofs' (ofs + sz)); omega.

Lemma range_inv: forall ofs ofs' ch,
  ~ ofs <= ofs' < ofs + size_chunk ch ->
  ofs' < ofs \/ ofs' >= ofs + size_chunk ch.
Proof. intros; eapply range_inv0; eauto. Qed.

Lemma perm_of_sh_Freeable_top: forall rsh sh, perm_of_sh rsh sh = Some Freeable ->
     (rsh, sh) = (,
intros rsh sh H.
unfold perm_of_sh in H.
repeat if_tac in H; solve [inversion H | auto].

Lemma top_pfullshare: forall psh, pshare_sh psh = -> psh = pfullshare.
intros psh H.
apply lifted_eq; auto.

Lemma nextblock_access_empty: forall m b ofs, b >= nextblock m
  -> access_at m (b, ofs) = None.
unfold access_at. simpl.
apply (nextblock_noaccess m b ofs Cur).

Section initial_mem.
Variables (m: mem) (w: rmap).

Definition initial_rmap_ok :=
   forall loc, (fst loc >= nextblock m -> core w @ loc = NO /\
                   (match w @ loc with
                    | PURE _ _ => fst loc < nextblock m /\
                                           access_at m loc = Some Nonempty /\
                                            max_access_at m loc = Some Nonempty
                    | _ => True end).
Hypothesis IOK: initial_rmap_ok.
End initial_mem.

Definition empty_retainer (loc: address) :=

Lemma perm_of_freeable: perm_of_sh fullshare = Some Freeable.
unfold perm_of_sh.
rewrite if_true by auto. rewrite if_true by auto. auto.

Lemma perm_of_writable:
   forall sh, sh<> -> perm_of_sh sh fullshare = Some Writable.
intros. unfold perm_of_sh. rewrite if_true by auto. rewrite if_false by auto. auto.

Lemma perm_of_readable:
  forall sh sh', sh <> -> sh <> -> perm_of_sh sh' sh = Some Readable.
intros. unfold perm_of_sh. rewrite if_false by auto. rewrite if_false by auto. auto.

Lemma perm_of_nonempty:
  forall sh, sh <> -> perm_of_sh sh = Some Nonempty.
intros. unfold perm_of_sh. rewrite if_false. rewrite if_true by auto.
rewrite if_false by auto; auto.
intro; contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto.

Lemma perm_of_empty:
    perm_of_sh = None.
intros. unfold perm_of_sh. rewrite if_false. rewrite if_true by auto.
rewrite if_true by auto. auto.
intro; contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto.

Lemma fst_split_fullshare_not_bot: fst (Share.split fullshare) <>
case_eq (Share.split fullshare); intros.
rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H. subst.
apply Share.split_nontrivial in H0; auto.
apply Share.nontrivial in H0. contradiction.

Lemma fst_split_fullshare_not_top: fst (Share.split fullshare) <>
case_eq (Share.split fullshare); intros.
simpl; intro. subst.
apply nonemp_split_neq1 in H.
apply H; auto.
apply top_share_nonidentity.

Lemma extern_retainer_neq_bot:
  extern_retainer <>
apply fst_split_fullshare_not_bot.

Lemma extern_retainer_neq_top:
  extern_retainer <>
apply fst_split_fullshare_not_top.

Definition initial_mem (m: mem) lev (IOK: initial_rmap_ok m lev) : juicy_mem.
 refine (mkJuicyMem m (inflate_initial_mem m lev) _ _ _ _);
  unfold inflate_initial_mem, inflate_initial_mem';
  hnf; intros; try rewrite resource_at_make_rmap in *.
revert H; case_eq (access_at m loc); intros.
 destruct p; inv H0; auto.
 revert H2; case_eq (lev @ loc); intros; congruence.
 destruct (max_access_at m loc); try destruct p; try congruence.
case_eq (access_at m loc); intros; try destruct p; auto; simpl.
apply perm_of_freeable.
apply perm_of_writable.
apply extern_retainer_neq_top.
apply perm_of_readable.
apply extern_retainer_neq_bot.
apply extern_retainer_neq_top.
destruct (IOK loc).
case_eq (lev @ loc); intros.
simpl; apply perm_of_nonempty; apply extern_retainer_neq_bot.
simpl; apply perm_of_nonempty; apply extern_retainer_neq_bot.
apply perm_of_nonempty; apply Share.nontrivial.
apply perm_of_empty.
generalize (perm_cur_max m (fst loc) (snd loc)); unfold perm; intros.
case_eq (access_at m loc); try destruct p; intros.
unfold perm_order'', perm_order', max_access_at in *.
simpl; rewrite perm_of_freeable.
apply H.
unfold access_at in H0. rewrite H0. constructor.
simpl. rewrite perm_of_writable.
unfold perm_order'', perm_order', max_access_at, access_at in *.
rewrite H0 in *.
specialize (H Writable). spec H. constructor.
apply H.
apply extern_retainer_neq_top.
rewrite perm_of_readable.
unfold perm_order'', perm_order', max_access_at, access_at in *.
rewrite H0 in *.
apply H. constructor.
clear; unfold read_sh.
unfold split_pshare; simpl.
apply fst_split_fullshare_not_bot.
apply fst_split_fullshare_not_top.
destruct (IOK loc).
destruct (lev @ loc).
rewrite perm_of_nonempty by apply extern_retainer_neq_bot.
unfold max_access_at, access_at in *.
rewrite H0 in H.
specialize (H Nonempty). spec H. constructor.
apply H.
rewrite perm_of_nonempty by apply extern_retainer_neq_bot.
unfold max_access_at, access_at in *.
rewrite H0 in H.
specialize (H Nonempty). spec H. constructor.
apply H.
destruct H2; auto.
rewrite perm_of_empty. destruct (max_access_at m loc); try constructor.
unfold access_at.
unfold block; rewrite (nextblock_noaccess m (fst loc) (snd loc) Cur); auto.

Definition juicy_mem_level (j: juicy_mem) (lev: nat) :=
  level (m_phi j) = lev.

Lemma initial_mem_level: forall lev m j IOK,
  j = initial_mem m lev IOK -> juicy_mem_level j (level lev).
destruct j; simpl.
unfold initial_mem in H.
inversion H; subst.
unfold juicy_mem_level. simpl.
erewrite inflate_initial_mem_level; eauto.

Lemma initial_mem_all_VALs: forall lev m j IOK, j = initial_mem m lev IOK
  -> all_VALs (m_phi j).
intros until 1; intros (b, ofs).
destruct j; unfold initial_mem in H; inversion H; subst.
unfold inflate_initial_mem, inflate_initial_mem'; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
destruct (access_at m (b, ofs)); try destruct p; auto.
case_eq (lev @ (b,ofs)); intros; auto.

Lemma perm_mem_access: forall m b ofs p,
  perm m b ofs Cur p ->
  exists p', (perm_order p' p /\ access_at m (b, ofs) = Some p').
intros until p; intro H.
unfold perm, perm_order' in H.
unfold access_at. simpl.
match type of H with match ?A with Some _ => _ | None => _ end => destruct A end.
exists p0; split; auto.

Section store.
Variables (jm: juicy_mem) (m': mem)
          (ch: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val)
          (STORE: store ch (m_dry jm) b ofs v = Some m').

Lemma store_phi_elsewhere_eq: forall rsh sh mv loc',
  ~ adr_range (b, ofs) (size_chunk ch) loc'
  -> (m_phi jm) @ loc' = YES rsh sh (VAL mv) NoneP -> contents_at m' loc' = mv.
destruct jm. simpl in *. clear jm.
unfold contents_at.
rewrite store_mem_contents with
  (chunk := ch) (m1 := m) (b := b) (ofs := ofs) (v := v); auto.
destruct loc' as [b' ofs']. simpl.
destruct (zeq b' b).
destruct (adr_inv b b' ofs ofs' ch H).
symmetry in e.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
rewrite setN_outside.
destruct (JMcontents _ _ _ _ _ H0) as [H5 _].
apply H5.
destruct (range_inv _ _ _ H1) as [H1'|H1'].
left; auto.
rewrite encode_val_length.
rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.

rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
destruct (JMcontents _ _ _ _ _ H0) as [H1 _].
apply H1.

Definition store_juicy_mem: juicy_mem.
 refine (mkJuicyMem m' (inflate_store m' (m_phi jm)) _ _ _ _).
intros rsh sh' v' loc' pp H2.
unfold inflate_store in H2; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap in H2.
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc'); try destruct k; try solve [inversion H2].
inversion H2; auto.
intro loc; generalize (juicy_mem_access jm loc); intro H0.
unfold inflate_store; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
assert (H2: mem_access m' = mem_access (m_dry jm)) by (eapply store_access; eauto).
unfold access_at in H0|-*.
rewrite H2.
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc); try destruct k; auto.
intro loc; generalize (juicy_mem_max_access jm loc); intro H1.
assert (H2: mem_access m' = mem_access (m_dry jm)) by (eapply store_access; eauto).
unfold inflate_store; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
unfold max_access_at in *; rewrite H2.
apply nextblock_store in STORE.
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc); auto.
destruct k; simpl; try congruence. rewrite STORE; auto.
hnf; intros.
unfold inflate_store. rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
generalize (juicy_mem_alloc_cohere jm loc); intro.
rewrite (nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE) in H.
rewrite (H0 H). auto.

End store.

Section storebytes.
Variables (jm: juicy_mem) (m': mem) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (bytes: list memval)
  (STOREBYTES: storebytes (m_dry jm) b ofs bytes = Some m').

Lemma storebytes_phi_elsewhere_eq: forall rsh sh mv loc',
  ~ adr_range (b, ofs) (Zlength bytes) loc' ->
  (m_phi jm) @ loc' = YES rsh sh (VAL mv) NoneP ->
  contents_at m' loc' = mv.
destruct jm. simpl in *. clear jm.
unfold contents_at.
rewrite storebytes_mem_contents with
  (m1 := m) (b := b) (ofs := ofs) (bytes := bytes); auto.
destruct loc' as [b' ofs']. simpl.
destruct (zeq b' b).
destruct (adr_inv0 b b' ofs ofs' (Zlength bytes) H).
symmetry in e.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
rewrite setN_outside.
destruct (JMcontents _ _ _ _ _ H0) as [H5 _].
apply H5.
destruct (range_inv0 _ _ _ H1) as [H1'|H1'].
left; auto.
rewrite <-Zlength_correct; auto.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
destruct (JMcontents _ _ _ _ _ H0) as [H1 _].
apply H1.

Definition storebytes_juicy_mem: juicy_mem.
 refine (mkJuicyMem m' (inflate_store m' (m_phi jm)) _ _ _ _).
intros rsh sh' v' loc' pp H2.
unfold inflate_store in H2; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap in H2.
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc'); try destruct k; try solve [inversion H2].
inversion H2; auto.
intro loc; generalize (juicy_mem_access jm loc); intro H0.
unfold inflate_store; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
assert (H2: mem_access m' = mem_access (m_dry jm))
 by (eapply storebytes_access; eauto).
unfold access_at in H0|-*.
rewrite H2.
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc); try destruct k; auto.
intro loc; generalize (juicy_mem_max_access jm loc); intro H1.
assert (H2: mem_access m' = mem_access (m_dry jm))
 by (eapply storebytes_access; eauto).
unfold inflate_store; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
unfold max_access_at in *; rewrite H2.
assert (H88:=nextblock_storebytes _ _ _ _ _ STOREBYTES).
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc); try rewrite H88; auto.
destruct k; simpl; try rewrite H88; auto.
hnf; intros.
unfold inflate_store. rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
generalize (juicy_mem_alloc_cohere jm loc); intro.
rewrite (nextblock_storebytes _ _ _ _ _ STOREBYTES) in H.
rewrite (H0 H).

End storebytes.

Lemma mem_access_perm: forall m b ofs p,
  access_at m (b, ofs) = Some p ->
  perm m b ofs Cur p.
intros m b ofs p H.
unfold perm, perm_order'.
unfold access_at in H. simpl in H.
rewrite H; auto.

Lemma free_smaller_None : forall m b b' ofs lo hi m',
  access_at m (b, ofs) = None
  -> free m b' lo hi = Some m'
  -> access_at m' (b, ofs) = None.
Transparent free.
unfold free, unchecked_free, access_at; intros.
if_tac in H0; inv H0.
destruct (Z_eq_dec b' b); subst.
rewrite ZMap.gss; if_tac; auto.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

Lemma free_nadr_range_eq : forall m b b' ofs' lo hi m',
  ~ adr_range (b, lo) (hi - lo) (b', ofs')
  -> free m b lo hi = Some m'
  -> access_at m (b', ofs') = access_at m' (b', ofs')
  /\ contents_at m (b', ofs') = contents_at m' (b', ofs').
unfold free, unchecked_free, access_at, contents_at; intros.
if_tac in H0; inv H0.
unfold adr_range in H.
assert (lo + (hi - lo) = hi) by omega. rewrite H0 in H; clear H0.
assert (b <> b' \/ lo > ofs' \/ ofs' >= hi).
  case_eq (Z_eq_dec b b'); intros; auto.
  case_eq (Z_gt_dec lo ofs'); intros; auto.
  case_eq (Z_ge_dec ofs' hi); intros; auto.
  clear H0 H2 H3.
  elimtype False; apply H.
  repeat split; auto; omega.
clear H; inv H0; split.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
inv H.
destruct (Z_eq_dec b b'); subst.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
case_eq (zle lo ofs' && zlt ofs' hi); intros.
rewrite andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
unfold zle in H. destruct (Z_le_gt_dec lo ofs'); auto. omegaContradiction. inv H.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
destruct (Z_eq_dec b b'); subst.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
case_eq (zle lo ofs' && zlt ofs' hi); intros.
rewrite andb_true_iff in H. destruct H.
unfold zlt in H2. destruct (Z_lt_dec ofs' hi); try omega. inv H2.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

Section free.
Variables (jm :juicy_mem) (m': mem)
          (b: block) (lo hi: Z)
          (FREE: free (m_dry jm) b lo hi = Some m').

Definition free_juicy_mem: juicy_mem.
 generalize (juicy_mem_contents jm); intro.
 generalize (juicy_mem_access jm); intro.
 generalize (juicy_mem_max_access jm); intro.
 refine (mkJuicyMem m' (inflate_free m' (m_phi jm)) _ _ _ _).
unfold contents_cohere in *.
intros rsh' sh' v' [b' ofs'] pp H2.
unfold access_cohere in H0.
specialize (H0 (b', ofs')).
unfold inflate_free in H2; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap in H2.
remember (m_phi jm @ (b', ofs')) as HPHI.
destruct HPHI; try destruct k; try solve [inversion H2].
remember (access_at m' (b', ofs')) as HACCESS.
destruct HACCESS; simpl in H2; inversion H2; subst.
assert (H3: contents_at (m_dry jm) (b', ofs') = v') by (eapply H; eauto).
assert (H4: m' = unchecked_free (m_dry jm) b lo hi) by (apply free_result; auto).
rewrite H4.
unfold unchecked_free, contents_at; simpl.
split; auto.
symmetry in HeqHPHI.
destruct (H _ _ _ _ _ HeqHPHI); auto.
intros [b' ofs']; spec H0 (b', ofs').
unfold inflate_free; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
destruct (adr_range_dec (b,lo) (hi-lo) (b',ofs')).
destruct a as [H2 [H3 H4]].
assert (lo + (hi - lo) = hi) by omega. rewrite H5 in H4; clear H5.
subst b'.
rewrite <- resource_at_approx.
replace (access_at m' (b, ofs')) with (@None permission).
Focus 2.
unfold free in FREE.
if_tac in FREE; inv FREE.
unfold access_at, unchecked_free. simpl. rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct (zle lo ofs'); [ | omegaContradiction].
destruct (zlt ofs' hi); [ | omegaContradiction].
symmetry; simpl.
assert (access_at (m_dry jm) (b, ofs') = Some Freeable).
unfold free in FREE. if_tac in FREE; inv FREE.
specialize (H2 ofs'). unfold perm in H2; unfold access_at.
spec H2; [split; auto |].
unfold perm_order' in H2.
destruct (ZMap.get b (mem_access (m_dry jm)) ofs' Cur); try contradiction.
inv H2; auto.
rewrite H2 in H0.
symmetry in H0.
clear - H0.
unfold perm_of_res in *.
apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in H0.
rename H0 into HH;
revert HH;
case_eq (m_phi jm @ (b, ofs')); try destruct k; simpl; intros;
inv HH; try solve [contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto].
apply perm_of_empty.
destruct (free_nadr_range_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n FREE) as [H2 H3].
rewrite H2 in *. clear H2 H3.
case_eq (m_phi jm @ (b', ofs')); intros; rewrite H2 in *; auto.
destruct k; simpl; auto.
unfold fmap_option.
destruct (access_at m' (b', ofs')); auto.
symmetry; apply perm_of_empty.
intro loc. specialize (H1 loc).
unfold inflate_free. rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
unfold free in FREE. if_tac in FREE; inversion FREE; clear FREE.
rename H4 into FREE.
rewrite FREE.
rewrite <- resource_at_approx.
destruct (adr_range_dec (b,lo) (hi-lo) loc).
Focus 2.
replace (max_access_at m' loc) with (max_access_at (m_dry jm) loc).
Focus 2.
subst m'; unfold max_access_at, unchecked_free; simpl.
destruct (eq_dec (fst loc) b). subst. rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct ( ZMap.get (fst loc) (mem_access (m_dry jm)) (snd loc) Max); auto.
destruct loc as [b z]. simpl in *.
destruct (zle lo z); simpl; auto. destruct (zlt z hi); simpl; auto.
contradict n; auto. repeat split; auto. omega.
if_tac; auto.
rewrite ZMap.gso; solve [auto].
revert H1; case_eq (m_phi jm @ loc); intros; auto.
destruct loc as [b' z]; destruct a; simpl in *; subst b'.
specialize (H2 z). spec H2 ; [ omega | ].
specialize (H0 (b,z)). rewrite H1 in H0. unfold perm in H2.
unfold access_at in H0. simpl in H0; rewrite H0 in H2.
elimtype False; clear - H2.
unfold perm_order' in H2. revert H2; case_eq (perm_of_res (NO t)); intros; auto.
unfold perm_of_res in H.
simpl in H.
inv H2; apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in H; inv H; (contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto).
replace (access_at m' loc) with (@None permission).
Focus 2.
subst m'; unfold access_at; unfold unchecked_free; simpl.
destruct loc as [b' z]; destruct a; simpl in *; subst b'.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct (zle lo z); [ | omegaContradiction].
destruct (zlt z hi); [ | omegaContradiction].
replace (max_access_at m' loc) with (@None permission).
Focus 2.
subst m'; unfold max_access_at; unfold unchecked_free; simpl.
destruct loc as [b' z]; destruct a; simpl in *; subst b'.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct (zle lo z); [ | omegaContradiction].
destruct (zlt z hi); [ | omegaContradiction].
specialize (H0 loc). rewrite H1 in H0.
destruct loc as [b' z']; destruct a; simpl in *; subst b'.
specialize (H2 z').
spec H2; [ omega |].
unfold perm in H2; unfold access_at in H0. simpl in *. rewrite H0 in H2.
clear - H2.
destruct k; auto.
rewrite perm_of_empty; auto.
unfold perm_of_res in H2; simpl in H2.
elimtype False.
unfold perm_order' in H2. revert H2; case_eq (perm_of_sh t; intros; inv H2;
  apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in H; inv H; apply Share.nontrivial; auto.
unfold perm_of_res in H2; simpl in H2.
elimtype False.
unfold perm_order' in H2. revert H2; case_eq (perm_of_sh t; intros; inv H2;
  apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in H; inv H; apply Share.nontrivial; auto.
unfold perm_of_res in H2; simpl in H2.
elimtype False.
unfold perm_order' in H2. revert H2; case_eq (perm_of_sh t; intros; inv H2;
  apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in H; inv H; apply Share.nontrivial; auto.
 simpl; auto.
 forget (m_dry jm) as m. subst m'. simpl. auto.
assert (NEXT: nextblock (m_dry jm) = nextblock m').
clear - FREE. subst. unfold unchecked_free; simpl. auto.
revert H1; case_eq (m_phi jm @ loc); intros; auto.
case_eq (access_at m' loc); intros; simpl; auto.
forget (max_access_at (m_dry jm) loc) as x.
destruct k; simpl; try rewrite <- NEXT; auto.
destruct k; simpl; try rewrite <- NEXT; auto.
rewrite perm_of_empty.
destruct (max_access_at (m_dry jm) loc); simpl; auto.
 simpl; auto. subst m'; simpl; auto.
hnf; intros.
unfold inflate_free. rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
pose proof (juicy_mem_alloc_cohere jm loc).
rewrite (nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ FREE) in H2; auto.
rewrite H3; auto.

End free.

Lemma free_not_freeable_eq : forall m b lo hi m' b' ofs',
  free m b lo hi = Some m'
  -> access_at m (b', ofs') <> Some Freeable
  -> access_at m (b', ofs') = access_at m' (b', ofs').
unfold free, unchecked_free in H.
if_tac in H; inv H; simpl.
unfold access_at in *. simpl in *.
destruct (adr_range_dec (b,lo) (hi-lo) (b',ofs')).
destruct a as [? [? ?]].
replace (lo + (hi - lo)) with hi in H3 by omega.
unfold range_perm in H1. spec H1 ofs'. spec H1; auto.
unfold perm, perm_order' in H1.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct (zle lo ofs'); try omegaContradiction.
destruct (zlt ofs' hi); try omegaContradiction.
destruct (ZMap.get b' (mem_access m) ofs' Cur); try contradiction.
contradiction H0.
inv H1; auto.
destruct (Z_eq_dec b b').
subst; rewrite ZMap.gss.
assert (zle lo ofs' && zlt ofs' hi = false).
  unfold adr_range in n.
  replace (lo + (hi - lo)) with hi in n by omega.
  assert (lo > ofs' \/ ofs' >= hi).
    destruct (Z_gt_le_dec lo ofs'); auto.
    destruct (Z_ge_lt_dec ofs' hi); auto.
    elimtype False; apply n; auto.
  inv H.
  apply andb_false_intro1.
  unfold zle. case_eq (Z_le_gt_dec lo ofs'); intros; auto.
  inv H; auto. omegaContradiction.
  apply andb_false_intro2.
  unfold zlt. case_eq (Z_lt_dec ofs' hi); intros; auto.
  inv H; auto. omegaContradiction.
rewrite H; auto.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

Definition after_alloc'
  (lo hi: Z) (b: block) (phi: rmap)(H: forall ofs, phi @ (b,ofs) = NO
  : address -> resource := fun loc =>
    if adr_range_dec (b,lo) (hi-lo) loc
      then YES pfullshare (VAL Undef) NoneP
      else phi @ loc.

Lemma adr_range_eq_block : forall b ofs n b' ofs',
  adr_range (b,ofs) n (b',ofs') ->
unfold adr_range; intros.
destruct H; auto.

Lemma after_alloc'_valid : forall lo hi b phi H,
  valid (after_alloc' lo hi b phi H).
intros; hnf; intros.
unfold compose, after_alloc'.
if_tac; simpl; auto.
case_eq (phi @ (b0, ofs)); intros; simpl; auto.
generalize (rmap_valid phi). intro H4.
unfold AV.valid, compose in H4.
spec H4 b0 ofs.
rewrite H1 in H4; simpl in H4.
destruct k; auto.
assert (b = b0) by (eapply adr_range_eq_block; eauto).
subst. congruence.
destruct H4 as [? [? ?]]; eexists; split; eauto.
if_tac; eauto.
assert (b = b0) by (eapply adr_range_eq_block; eauto).
subst. congruence.

Lemma after_alloc'_ok : forall lo hi b phi H,
  resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) oo (after_alloc' lo hi b phi H)
  = after_alloc' lo hi b phi H.
unfold resource_fmap, compose, after_alloc'.
extensionality loc.
rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP; auto.
case_eq (phi @ loc); intros; auto.
generalize H1; intros.
apply necR_YES with (phi':=phi) in H1; eauto.
rewrite <- H1.
generalize (resource_at_approx phi loc); rewrite H1; auto.

Definition after_alloc
  (lo hi: Z) (b: block) (phi: rmap)(H: forall ofs, phi @ (b,ofs) = NO : rmap :=
  proj1_sig (make_rmap (after_alloc' lo hi b phi H)
    (after_alloc'_valid lo hi b phi H)
    (level phi)
    (after_alloc'_ok lo hi b phi H)).

Definition mod_after_alloc' (phi: rmap) (lo hi: Z) (b: block)
  : address -> resource := fun loc =>
    if adr_range_dec (b,lo) (hi-lo) loc
      then YES pfullshare (VAL Undef) NoneP
      else core phi @ loc.

Lemma mod_after_alloc'_valid : forall phi lo hi b,
  valid (mod_after_alloc' phi lo hi b).
intros; hnf; intros.
unfold compose, mod_after_alloc'.
if_tac; simpl; auto.
rewrite <- core_resource_at.
destruct (phi @ (b0,ofs)).
rewrite core_NO; simpl; auto.
rewrite core_YES; simpl; auto.
rewrite core_PURE; simpl; auto.

Lemma mod_after_alloc'_ok : forall phi lo hi b,
  resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) oo (mod_after_alloc' phi lo hi b)
  = mod_after_alloc' phi lo hi b.
unfold resource_fmap, compose, mod_after_alloc'.
extensionality loc.
if_tac; auto.
rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP; auto.
case_eq (core phi @ loc); intros; auto; f_equal;
rewrite <- level_core;
generalize (resource_at_approx (core phi) loc); rewrite H0; intro; injection H1; auto.

Definition mod_after_alloc (phi: rmap) (lo hi: Z) (b: block) :=
  proj1_sig (make_rmap (mod_after_alloc' phi lo hi b)
    (mod_after_alloc'_valid phi lo hi b)
    (mod_after_alloc'_ok phi lo hi b)).

Transparent alloc.

Lemma adr_range_inv: forall loc loc' n,
  ~ adr_range loc n loc' ->
  fst loc <> fst loc' \/ (fst loc=fst loc' /\ ~snd loc <= snd loc' < snd loc + n).
intros until n.
intro H.
destruct (zeq (fst loc) (fst loc')).
right; split; auto; intro Contra.
apply H.
unfold adr_range.
destruct loc,loc'.
left; intro Contra.
apply n0; auto.

Lemma dry_noperm_juicy_nonreadable : forall m loc,
  access_at (m_dry m) loc = None -> ~readable loc (m_phi m).
 generalize (juicy_mem_contents m); intro H0.
 generalize (juicy_mem_access m); intro H1.
specialize (H1 loc).
destruct loc as (b,ofs).
intro Contra.
hnf in Contra.
destruct (m_phi m @ (b,ofs)); simpl in *; auto.
destruct Contra as [x ?]. subst k.
unfold perm_of_res in H1. simpl in H1.
rewrite H in H1.
unfold perm_of_sh in H1.
if_tac in H1. if_tac in H1; inv H1.
if_tac in H1.
destruct p. simpl in H3. subst x0.
clear - n; apply nonunit_nonidentity in n.
contradiction n; auto.
inv H1.

Lemma fullempty_after_alloc : forall m1 m2 lo n b ofs,
  alloc m1 lo n = (m2, b) ->
  access_at m2 (b, ofs) = None \/ access_at m2 (b, ofs) = Some Freeable.
unfold access_at.
unfold alloc in H.
inv H.
simpl in *.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct (zle lo ofs); simpl; auto.
destruct (zlt ofs n); simpl; auto.

Lemma alloc_dry_unchanged_on : forall m1 m2 loc lo hi b0,
  alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b0) ->
  ~adr_range (b0,lo) (hi-lo) loc ->
  access_at m1 loc = access_at m2 loc /\
  (access_at m1 loc <> None -> contents_at m1 loc= contents_at m2 loc).
unfold access_at, contents_at; destruct loc as [b z]. simpl.
unfold alloc in H.
inv H. simpl.
unfold adr_range in H0.
destruct (eq_dec b (nextblock m1)).
repeat rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct (zle lo z); simpl.
destruct (zlt z hi); simpl.
contradiction H0; split; auto.
apply nextblock_noaccess; auto.
unfold block; omega.
apply nextblock_noaccess; auto.
unfold block; omega.
contradiction H.
apply nextblock_noaccess; auto.
unfold block; omega.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

Lemma adr_range_zle_fact : forall b lo hi loc,
  adr_range (b,lo) (hi-lo) loc ->
  zle lo (snd loc) && zlt (snd loc) hi = true.
unfold adr_range.
destruct loc; simpl in *.
destruct H.
destruct H0.
apply andb_true_iff.
apply zle_true; auto.
apply zlt_true; omega.

Lemma alloc_dry_updated_on : forall m1 m2 lo hi b loc,
  alloc m1 lo hi = (m2, b) ->
  adr_range (b, lo) (hi - lo) loc ->
  access_at m2 loc=Some Freeable /\
  contents_at m2 loc=Undef.
generalize H as H'; intros.
unfold alloc in H.
destruct loc as [b' z'].
destruct H0. subst b'.
unfold access_at, contents_at; inv H; simpl in *.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
destruct H1.
destruct (zle lo z'); try contradiction.
destruct (zlt z' hi); try omegaContradiction.
split; auto.
rewrite ZMap.gss.

Definition resource_decay (nextb: block) (phi1 phi2: rmap) :=
  (level phi1 >= level phi2)%nat /\
 forall l: address,
  (fst l >= nextb -> phi1 @ l = NO /\
  (resource_fmap (approx (level phi2)) (phi1 @ l) = (phi2 @ l) \/
  (exists rsh, exists v, exists v',
       resource_fmap (approx (level phi2)) (phi1 @ l) = YES rsh pfullshare (VAL v) NoneP /\
       phi2 @ l = YES rsh pfullshare (VAL v') NoneP)
  \/ (fst l >= nextb /\ exists v, phi2 @ l = YES pfullshare (VAL v) NoneP)
  \/ (exists v, exists pp, phi1 @ l = YES pfullshare (VAL v) pp /\ phi2 @ l = NO

Definition resource_nodecay (nextb: block) (phi1 phi2: rmap) :=
  (level phi1 >= level phi2)%nat /\
  forall l: address,
  (fst l >= nextb -> phi1 @ l = NO /\
  (resource_fmap (approx (level phi2)) (phi1 @ l) = (phi2 @ l) \/
  (exists rsh, exists v, exists v',
       resource_fmap (approx (level phi2)) (phi1 @ l) = YES rsh pfullshare (VAL v) NoneP
      /\ phi2 @ l = YES rsh pfullshare (VAL v') NoneP)).

Lemma resource_nodecay_decay:
   forall b phi1 phi2, resource_nodecay b phi1 phi2 -> resource_decay b phi1 phi2.
 unfold resource_decay, resource_nodecay; intros; destruct H; split; intros; try omega.
specialize (H0 l); intuition.

Lemma resource_decay_refl: forall b phi,
  (forall l, fst l >= b -> phi @ l = NO ->
  resource_decay b phi phi.
split; auto.
intros; split; auto.
apply resource_at_approx.

Lemma resource_decay_trans: forall b b' m1 m2 m3,
  b <= b' ->
  resource_decay b m1 m2 -> resource_decay b' m2 m3 -> resource_decay b m1 m3.
 intros until m3; intro Hbb; intros.
 destruct H as [H' H]; destruct H0 as [H0' H0]; split; [omega |].
 intro l; specialize (H l); specialize (H0 l).
 destruct H,H0.
 split. auto.
 destruct H1.
 destruct H2.
 left. rewrite <- H2.
 replace (resource_fmap (approx (level m3)) (m1 @ l))
    with (resource_fmap (approx (level m3))
              (resource_fmap (approx (level m2)) (m1 @ l)))
  by (rewrite resource_fmap_fmap; rewrite approx_oo_approx' by auto; auto).
rewrite H1. auto.
 clear - Hbb H H1 H0 H2 H' H0'.
 destruct H2 as [[rsh2 [v2 [v2' [? ?]]]]|[[? [v ?]] |?]]; subst.
 left; exists rsh2,v2,v2'; split; auto.
 rewrite <- H1 in H2.
 rewrite resource_fmap_fmap in H2. rewrite approx_oo_approx' in H2 by omega.
 right; left. split. omega. exists v; auto.
 right; right; auto.
 destruct H2 as [v [pp [? ?]]].
 rewrite H2 in H1. destruct (m1 @ l); inv H1. eauto.
 destruct H2.
 destruct H1 as [[rsh [v [v' [? ?]]]]|[[? [v ?]] |?]].
 right; left; exists rsh,v,v'; split.
 rewrite <- (approx_oo_approx' (level m3) (level m2)) by auto.
 rewrite <- resource_fmap_fmap. rewrite H1.
 unfold resource_fmap. rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP. auto.
 rewrite H3 in H2. rewrite <- H2.
 unfold resource_fmap. rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP. auto.
 right; right; left; split; auto. exists v. rewrite <- H2; rewrite <- H3.
 rewrite H3.
 unfold resource_fmap. rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP. auto.
 right; right; right.
 destruct H1 as [v [pp [? ?]]].
 rewrite H3 in H2. simpl in H2. eauto.
 destruct H1 as [[rsh [v [v' [? ?]]]]|[[? [v ?]] |?]].
 destruct H2 as [[rsh2 [v2 [v2' [? ?]]]]|[[? [v2 ?]] |?]].
 right; left; exists rsh,v,v2'; split.
 rewrite <- (approx_oo_approx' (level m3) (level m2)) by auto.
 rewrite <- resource_fmap_fmap. rewrite H1.
 unfold resource_fmap. rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP. auto.
 rewrite H3 in H2. rewrite H4. simpl in H2. inv H2; auto.
 right; right; left. split. omega. exists v2; auto.
 right; right; right.
 destruct (m1 @ l); inv H1.
 destruct H2 as [vx [pp [? ?]]]. inversion2 H3 H1. eauto.
 destruct H2 as [[rsh2 [v2 [v2' [? ?]]]]|[[? [v2 ?]] |?]].
 right; right; left; split; auto. exists v2'. rewrite H3 in H2; inv H2; auto.
 right; right; left; split; auto; exists v2; auto.
 left. destruct H2 as [v' [pp [? ?]]]. rewrite H4; rewrite H; auto.
 destruct H2 as [[rsh2 [v2 [v2' [? ?]]]]|[[? [v2 ?]] |?]].
 destruct H1 as [v' [pp [? ?]]].
 rewrite H4 in H2; inv H2.
 right; right; left; split. omega. eauto.
 right; right; right.
 destruct H1 as [v1 [pp1 [? ?]]].
 destruct H2 as [v2 [pp2 [? ?]]].
 inversion2 H3 H2.

Lemma level_store_juicy_mem:
 forall jm m ch b i v H, level (store_juicy_mem jm m ch b i v H) = level jm.
unfold store_juicy_mem. simpl.
unfold inflate_store; simpl. rewrite level_make_rmap. auto.

Lemma level_storebytes_juicy_mem:
 forall jm m b i bytes H, level (storebytes_juicy_mem jm m b i bytes H) = level jm.
unfold storebytes_juicy_mem. simpl.
unfold inflate_store; simpl. rewrite level_make_rmap. auto.

Lemma inflate_store_resource_nodecay:
  forall (jm: juicy_mem) (m': mem)
          (ch: memory_chunk) (b: block) (ofs: Z) (v: val)
          (STORE: store ch (m_dry jm) b ofs v = Some m')
  inflate_store m' (m_phi jm) = phi' -> resource_nodecay (nextblock (m_dry jm)) (m_phi jm) phi'.
subst; unfold inflate_store; simpl. rewrite level_make_rmap. auto.
intro l'.
apply juicy_mem_alloc_cohere.
destruct (adr_range_dec (b, ofs) (size_chunk ch) l') as [HA | HA].
unfold adr_range in HA.
destruct l' as (b', ofs').
destruct HA as [HA0 HA1].
subst b'.
assert (H0: range_perm (m_dry jm) b ofs (ofs + size_chunk ch) Cur Writable).
  cut (valid_access (m_dry jm) ch b ofs Writable).
  intros [? ?]; auto.
  eapply store_valid_access_3; eauto.
assert (H1: perm (m_dry jm) b ofs' Cur Writable) by (apply H0; auto).
generalize (juicy_mem_access jm (b, ofs')); intro ACCESS.
assert (valshare (m_phi jm @ (b, ofs')) = fullshare).
unfold perm, perm_order' in H1.
unfold access_at in ACCESS.
simpl in *.
revert H1; case_eq (ZMap.get b (mem_access (m_dry jm)) ofs' Cur); intros; try contradiction.
rewrite H1 in ACCESS.
unfold perm_of_res in ACCESS.
symmetry in ACCESS.
destruct p; inv H2.
apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in ACCESS.
injection ACCESS; intros.
apply H.
unfold perm_of_sh in ACCESS.
if_tac in ACCESS; auto.
if_tac in ACCESS; auto.
if_tac in ACCESS; inv ACCESS.
unfold valshare in H2.
revert H2; case_eq (m_phi jm @ (b,ofs')); intros; try destruct k; try solve [contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto].
assert (p = pfullshare). destruct p; simpl; subst; auto. subst.
destruct (juicy_mem_contents _ _ _ _ _ _ H2); subst.
do 2 econstructor; exists (contents_at m' (b, ofs')); split; try eassumption.
unfold resource_fmap; f_equal; try reflexivity. apply preds_fmap_NoneP.
unfold inflate_store; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
rewrite H2. auto.
assert (H0: level (m_phi jm) = level phi').
  rewrite <- H; unfold inflate_store; rewrite level_make_rmap; auto.
rewrite <- H.
unfold inflate_store; rewrite level_make_rmap; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
case_eq l'; intros b' ofs' e'; subst.
remember (m_phi jm @ (b', ofs')) as HPHI; destruct HPHI; try destruct k; auto;
  try solve [rewrite HeqHPHI; rewrite resource_at_approx; auto].
rewrite (store_phi_elsewhere_eq jm _ _ _ _ _ STORE t p m (b', ofs')); auto.
assert (H: p0 = NoneP).
  symmetry in HeqHPHI;
  destruct (juicy_mem_contents jm _ _ _ _ _ HeqHPHI); auto.
rewrite H.
unfold resource_fmap; f_equal; try reflexivity. apply preds_fmap_NoneP.
assert (H: p0 = NoneP).
  symmetry in HeqHPHI;
  destruct (juicy_mem_contents jm _ _ _ _ _ HeqHPHI); auto.
rewrite H in HeqHPHI; clear H.
rewrite HeqHPHI; auto.

Lemma inflate_free_resource_decay:
 forall (jm :juicy_mem) (m': mem)
          (b: block) (lo hi: Z)
          (FREE: free (m_dry jm) b lo hi = Some m'),
   resource_decay (nextblock (m_dry jm)) (m_phi jm) (inflate_free m' (m_phi jm)).
unfold inflate_free; rewrite level_make_rmap; auto.
intros l.
apply juicy_mem_alloc_cohere.
destruct (adr_range_dec (b, lo) (hi-lo) l) as [HA | HA].
right. right.
unfold adr_range in HA.
destruct l; simpl in HA|-*.
destruct HA as [H0 [H1 H2]]. subst b0.
assert (lo + (hi - lo) = hi) by omega.
rewrite H in H2. clear H.
unfold free, unchecked_free in FREE.
if_tac in FREE; inv FREE; simpl.
unfold inflate_free; simpl.
rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
unfold access_at; simpl.
rewrite ZMap.gss.
replace (proj_sumbool (zle lo z) && proj_sumbool (zlt z hi)) with true.
rewrite <- resource_at_approx.
specialize (H _ (conj H1 H2)). unfold perm in H.
generalize (juicy_mem_access jm (b,z)); intro H3.
assert (access_at (m_dry jm) (b, z) = Some Freeable).
unfold access_at. unfold perm_order' in H.
simpl. destruct (ZMap.get b (mem_access (m_dry jm)) z Cur); try contradiction; inv H; auto.
rewrite H3 in H0.
unfold perm_of_res in *.
apply perm_of_sh_Freeable_top in H0.
injection H0; intros.
destruct (m_phi jm @ (b,z)); simpl in H4; try destruct k; try solve [contradiction Share.nontrivial; auto].
exists m; econstructor. split.
simpl in H5. subst. simpl. f_equal. destruct p. unfold pfullshare.
 apply exist_ext; auto.
 simpl. auto.
destruct (zle lo z); destruct (zlt z hi); simpl; auto; try congruence.

destruct l.
destruct (free_nadr_range_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HA FREE).
unfold inflate_free; rewrite level_make_rmap; rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
generalize (juicy_mem_contents jm); intro Hc.
generalize (juicy_mem_access jm (b0,z)); intro Ha.
rewrite resource_at_approx.
case_eq (m_phi jm @ (b0, z)); intros; rewrite H1 in Ha; auto.
destruct k; auto.
simpl in Ha.
unfold fmap_option.
rewrite <- H. rewrite Ha.
unfold perm_of_res.
unfold perm_of_res in Ha.
simpl in Ha.
destruct (perm_of_sh_pshare t p).
rewrite H2. auto.

Lemma juicy_store_nodecay:
  forall jm m' ch b ofs v
       (H: store ch (m_dry jm) b ofs v = Some m'),
       resource_nodecay (nextblock (m_dry jm)) (m_phi jm) (m_phi (store_juicy_mem jm _ _ _ _ _ H)).
 eapply inflate_store_resource_nodecay; eauto.

Lemma can_age1_juicy_mem: forall j r,
  age (m_phi j) r -> exists j', age1 j = Some j'.
intros j r H.
unfold age in H.
case_eq (age1_juicy_mem j); intros.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H0).
eexists; eauto.
apply age1_juicy_mem_None1 in H0.
rewrite H0 in H.
elimtype False; inversion H.

Lemma can_age_jm:
  forall jm, age1 (m_phi jm) <> None -> exists jm', age jm jm'.
 intro jm; case_eq (age1 (m_phi jm)); intros; try congruence.
 apply (can_age1_juicy_mem _ _ H).

Lemma age_jm_dry: forall {jm jm'}, age jm jm' -> m_dry jm = m_dry jm'.
Proof. intros; destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.

Lemma age_jm_phi: forall {jm jm'}, age jm jm' -> age (m_phi jm) (m_phi jm').
Proof. intros; destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.