Library res_predicates

Require Export veric.base.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Require Import veric.slice.
Require Import veric.expr.

Import RML. Import R.
Open Local Scope pred.

Lemma empty_rmap_valid:
  forall ephi,
   identity ephi ->
    R.valid (resource_at ephi).
unfold R.valid.
replace (res_option oo resource_at ephi) with
            (fun l : address => @None (pshare * kind)).
apply CompCert_AV.valid_empty.
extensionality l.
unfold compose; simpl.
destruct (resource_at_empty H l) as [?|[? [? ?]]]; rewrite H0; simpl; auto.

Program Definition kind_at (k: kind) (l: address) : pred rmap :=
   fun m => exists rsh, exists sh, exists pp, m @ l = YES rsh sh k pp.
 Next Obligation.
   try intro; intros.
   destruct H0 as [rsh [sh [pp ?]]].
   generalize (eq_sym (resource_at_approx a l)); intro.
   generalize (age1_resource_at a a' H l (a@l) H1); intro.
   rewrite H0 in H2. simpl in H2. eauto.

Definition spec : Type := forall (rsh: Share.t) (sh: Share.t) (l: AV.address), pred rmap.

Program Definition yesat_raw (pp: preds) (k: kind)
                           (rsh: share) (sh: pshare) (l: address) : pred rmap :=
   fun phi => phi @ l = YES rsh sh k (preds_fmap (approx (level phi)) pp).
  Next Obligation.
   try intro; intros.
   apply (age1_resource_at a a' H l (YES rsh sh k pp) H0).

Obligation Tactic := idtac.

Program Definition yesat (pp: preds) (k: kind) : spec :=
 fun rsh (sh: Share.t) (l: AV.address) (m: rmap) =>
  exists p, yesat_raw pp k rsh (mk_lifted sh p) l m.
  Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
    destruct H0 as [p ?]; exists p.
    apply pred_hereditary with a; auto.

Program Definition pureat (pp: preds) (k: kind) (l: AV.address): pred rmap :=
       fun phi => phi @ l = PURE k (preds_fmap (approx (level phi)) pp).
  Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
   apply (age1_resource_at a a' H l (PURE k pp) H0).

Ltac do_map_arg :=
match goal with |- ?a = ?b =>
  match a with context [map ?x _] =>
    match b with context [map ?y _] => replace y with x; auto end end end.

Lemma yesat_raw_eq_aux:
  forall pp k rsh sh l,
    hereditary age
    (fun phi : rmap =>
     resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) (phi @ l) =
     resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) (YES rsh sh k pp)).
  intro; intros.
  generalize (resource_at_approx a l); intro.
  generalize (resource_at_approx a' l); intro.
  rewrite H2.
  rewrite H1 in H0.
  apply (age1_resource_at a a' H); auto.

Lemma yesat_raw_eq: yesat_raw =
  fun pp k rsh sh l =>
  ((exist (hereditary age)
   (fun phi =>
   resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) (phi @ l) =
   resource_fmap (approx (level phi)) (YES rsh sh k pp))
   (yesat_raw_eq_aux pp k rsh sh l)) : pred rmap).
unfold yesat_raw.
extensionality pp k; extensionality rsh sh l.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality phi.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
rewrite H.
rewrite preds_fmap_fmap.
rewrite approx_oo_approx.
simpl in H.
revert H; case_eq (phi @ l); simpl; intros; inv H0.
revert H5; destruct p0; destruct pp; simpl; intros; auto; inv H5.
clear - H.
repeat f_equal.
revert H; unfold resource_at. rewrite rmap_level_eq.
case_eq (unsquash phi); simpl; intros.
destruct r as [f v]; simpl in *.
assert (R.valid (fun l' => if eq_dec l' l
       then YES rsh sh k (SomeP A0 (approx n oo p)) else f l')).
clear - v H0.
unfold R.valid, compose, CompCert_AV.valid.
intros b ofs.
destruct l as [bl zl].
case (eq_dec (b,ofs) (bl,zl)); simpl; intros; auto.
symmetry in e; inv e.
generalize (v b ofs); unfold compose; intros. rewrite H0 in H. simpl in H.
destruct k; auto.
intros; rewrite if_false; auto.
intro. inversion H2. omega.
destruct H as [n' [? ?]]; exists n'; split; auto.
rewrite if_false. auto. intro. inversion H2; omega.
generalize (v b ofs); unfold compose; intros.
destruct (f (b,ofs)); simpl in *; auto.
destruct k0; simpl in *; auto.
intros. spec H i H1.
case (eq_dec (b,ofs+i) (bl,zl)); intros.
simpl. rewrite e in H; rewrite H0 in H; inv H; auto.
destruct H as [n' [? ?]]; exists n'; split; auto.
case (eq_dec (b,ofs-z) (bl,zl)); intros; auto.
rewrite e in H1; rewrite H0 in H1; auto.
end of R.valid proof
set (phi' := ((exist (fun m : AV.address -> resource => R.valid m) _ H1): rmap')).
assert (phi = squash (n,phi')).
apply unsquash_inj.
replace (unsquash phi) with (unsquash (squash (unsquash phi))).
2: rewrite squash_unsquash; auto.
rewrite H.
do 2 rewrite unsquash_squash.
unfold phi'.
clear - H0.
apply exist_ext.
unfold compose.
extensionality x.
if_tac; auto.
rewrite H0.
do 2 apply f_equal.
transitivity ((approx n oo approx n) oo p).
rewrite approx_oo_approx; auto.
subst phi.
unfold phi' in H.
rewrite unsquash_squash in H.
injection H; clear H; intros.
generalize (equal_f H l); intro.
rewrite H0 in H2.
clear - H2.
unfold compose in H2. rewrite if_true in H2; auto.
simpl in H2.
assert (p = approx n oo (fun x => approx n (p x))).
injection H2; clear H2; intro.
apply inj_pair2 in H. auto.
transitivity ((approx n oo approx n) oo p).
apply H.
rewrite approx_oo_approx. auto.

Lemma yesat_eq_aux:
  forall pp k rsh sh l,
    hereditary age
    (fun m : rmap =>
      exists p,
     resource_fmap (approx (level m)) (m @ l) =
     resource_fmap (approx (level m)) (YES rsh (mk_lifted sh p) k pp)).
  intro; intros.
  destruct H0 as [p ?]; exists p.
  rewrite resource_at_approx.
  rewrite resource_at_approx in H0.
  apply (age1_resource_at a a' H); auto.

Lemma yesat_eq: yesat = fun pp k rsh sh l =>
 exist (hereditary age)
  (fun m =>
  exists p,
   resource_fmap (approx (level m)) (m @ l) =
   resource_fmap (approx (level m)) (YES rsh (mk_lifted sh p) k pp))
   (yesat_eq_aux pp k rsh sh l).
unfold yesat.
extensionality pp k; extensionality rsh sh l.
apply exist_ext. extensionality w.
apply exists_ext; intro p.
rewrite yesat_raw_eq.

Lemma map_compose_approx_succ_e:
  forall A n pp pp',
       map (compose (A:=A) (approx (S n))) pp =
    map (compose (A:=A) (approx (S n))) pp' ->
  map (compose (A:=A) (approx n)) pp = map (compose (A:=A) (approx n)) pp'.
induction pp; intros.
destruct pp'; inv H; auto.
destruct pp'; inv H; auto.
rewrite <- (IHpp pp'); auto.
replace (approx n oo a) with (approx n oo p); auto.
clear - H1.
extensionality x.
apply pred_ext'. extensionality w.
generalize (equal_f H1 x); clear H1; intro.
unfold compose in *.
assert (approx (S n) (a x) w <-> approx (S n) (p x) w).
rewrite H; intuition.
apply and_ext'; auto; intros.
apply prop_ext.
destruct H3; auto.
split; auto.
destruct H2; auto.
split; auto.

Program Definition noat (l: AV.address) : pred rmap :=
    fun m => identity (m @ l).
 Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
    apply (age1_resource_at_identity _ _ l H); auto.

Definition ct_count (k: kind) : Z :=
  match k with LK n => n-1 | _ => 0 end.

Program Definition jam {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{agA: ageable A}{AgeA: Age_alg A} {B: Type} {S': B -> Prop} (S: forall l, {S' l}+{~ S' l}) (P Q: B -> pred A) : B -> pred A :=
  fun (l: B) m => if S l then P l m else Q l m.
 Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
  if_tac; try (eapply pred_hereditary; eauto).

Lemma jam_true: forall A JA PA agA AgeA B (S': B -> Prop) S P Q loc, S' loc -> @jam A JA PA agA AgeA B S' S P Q loc = P loc.
apply pred_ext'.
extensionality m; unfold jam.
simpl. rewrite if_true; auto.

Lemma jam_false: forall A JA PA agA AgeA B (S': B -> Prop) S P Q loc, ~ S' loc -> @jam A JA PA agA AgeA B S' S P Q loc = Q loc.
apply pred_ext'.
extensionality m; unfold jam.
simpl; rewrite if_false; auto.

Lemma boxy_jam: forall (m: modality) A (S': A -> Prop) S P Q,
      (forall (x: A), boxy m (P x)) ->
      (forall x, boxy m (Q x)) ->
      forall x, boxy m (@jam rmap _ _ _ _ A S' S P Q x).
   unfold boxy in *.
   apply pred_ext; intros w ?.
   unfold jam in *.
   simpl in *; if_tac. rewrite <- H . simpl. apply H1.
   rewrite <- H0; simpl; apply H1.
   simpl in *; if_tac.
    rewrite <- H in H1; auto.
   rewrite <- H0 in H1; auto.

Definition extensible_jam: forall A (S': A -> Prop) S (P Q: A -> pred rmap),
      (forall (x: A), boxy extendM (P x)) ->
      (forall x, boxy extendM (Q x)) ->
      forall x, boxy extendM (@jam _ _ _ _ _ _ S' S P Q x).
  apply boxy_jam; auto.

Definition jam_vacuous:
  forall A JA PA agA AgeA B S S' P Q, (forall x:B, ~ S x) -> @jam A JA PA agA AgeA B S S' P Q = Q.
extensionality l; apply pred_ext'; extensionality w.
unfold jam.
simpl; rewrite if_false; auto.
Implicit Arguments jam_vacuous.

Lemma yesat_join_diff:
  forall pp pp' k k' rsh rsh' sh sh' l w, k <> k' ->
                  yesat pp k rsh sh l w -> yesat pp' k' rsh' sh' l w -> False.
unfold yesat, yesat_raw; intros.
destruct H0 as [p ?]. destruct H1 as [p' ?].
simpl in *; inversion2 H0 H1.
contradiction H; auto.

Lemma yesat_raw_join:
  forall pp k (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t) (sh1 sh2 sh3: pshare) l phi1 phi2 phi3,
   join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
   join (proj1_sig sh1) (proj1_sig sh2) (proj1_sig sh3) ->
   yesat_raw pp k rsh1 sh1 l phi1 ->
   yesat_raw pp k rsh2 sh2 l phi2 ->
   join phi1 phi2 phi3 ->
   yesat_raw pp k rsh3 sh3 l phi3.
unfold yesat_raw;
intros until 1; rename H into HR; intros.
simpl in H0,H1|-*.
assert (level phi2 = level phi3) by (apply join_level in H2; intuition).
rewrite H3 in *; clear H3.
assert (level phi1 = level phi3) by (apply join_level in H2; intuition).
rewrite H3 in *; clear H3.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l H2); clear H2.
revert H0 H1.
case_eq (phi1 @ l); intros.
inv H1.
revert H2 H3; case_eq (phi2 @ l); intros.
inv H3.
generalize H.
inv H4. inv H1. inv H3. intro. f_equal.
eapply join_eq; eauto.
eapply join_eq; eauto.
 inv H4.
inv H1.

Lemma nonunit_join: forall A {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{SA: Sep_alg A}{CA: Canc_alg A} (x y z: A),
  nonunit x -> join x y z -> nonunit z.
intro; intro.
apply unit_identity in H1.
apply split_identity in H0; auto.
apply nonunit_nonidentity in H.

Lemma yesat_join:
  forall pp k rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh1 sh2 sh3 l m1 m2 m3,
   join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
   join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
   yesat pp k rsh1 sh1 l m1 ->
   yesat pp k rsh2 sh2 l m2 ->
   join m1 m2 m3 ->
   yesat pp k rsh3 sh3 l m3.
destruct H1 as [p1 ?].
destruct H2 as [p2 ?].
assert (p3: nonunit sh3).
apply nonunit_join in H0; eauto with typeclass_instances.
exists p3.
eapply yesat_raw_join with (phi1 := m1); eauto.

Definition spec_parametric (Q: address -> spec) : Prop :=
   forall l l', exists pp, exists ok,
             forall rsh sh m,
           Q l rsh sh l' m =
            (exists p, exists k, ok k /\ m @ l' =
                 YES rsh (mk_lifted sh p) k (preds_fmap (approx (level m)) pp)).

Lemma jam_noat_splittable_aux:
  forall S' S Q (PARAMETRIC: spec_parametric Q)
           (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t)
           (sh1 sh2 sh3: pshare) l
           (HR: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3)
           (H: join (proj1_sig sh1) (proj1_sig sh2) (proj1_sig sh3))
           w (H0: allp (@jam _ _ _ _ _ _ (S' l) (S l) (Q l rsh3 (pshare_sh sh3)) noat) w)
           f (Hf: resource_at f = fun loc => slice_resource (if S l loc then rsh1 else sh1 (w @ loc))
           g (Hg: resource_at g = fun loc => slice_resource (if S l loc then rsh2 else sh2 (w @ loc))
           (H1: join f g w),
           allp (jam (S l) (Q l rsh1 (pshare_sh sh1)) noat) f.
intro l'.
spec H0 l'.
unfold jam in H0 |- *.
simpl in H0|-*.
destruct (PARAMETRIC l l') as [pp [ok ?]]; clear PARAMETRIC.
rewrite H3 in H0 |- *; clear H3.
destruct H0 as [p3 [k [? ?]]].
exists (proj2_sig sh1); exists k; split; auto.
destruct sh3 as [sh3 p3']. proof_irr.
clear H0.
case_eq (w @ l'); intros.
inversion2 H0 H3.
destruct p0.
inversion2 H0 H3.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l' H1); intro.
generalize (f_equal (resource_at f) (refl_equal l')); intro.
pattern f at 1 in H4; rewrite Hf in H4.
rewrite H0 in H4.
replace (@mk_lifted Share.t _ (pshare_sh sh1) (proj2_sig sh1)) with sh1.
replace (level f) with (level w).
rewrite H4.
rewrite H8.
rewrite if_true in H4|-* by auto.
apply join_level in H1; intuition.
destruct sh1; auto.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l' H1); intro.
apply split_identity in H3; auto.

Definition splittable {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{agA: ageable A}{AgeA: Age_alg A} (Q: Share.t -> Share.t -> pred A) :=
  forall (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t) (sh1 sh2 sh3: pshare),
     join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
    join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
    Q rsh1 (pshare_sh sh1) * Q rsh2 (pshare_sh sh2) = Q rsh3 (pshare_sh sh3).

Lemma jam_noat_splittable:
  forall (S': address -> address -> Prop) S
           (Q: address -> spec)
     (PARAMETRIC: spec_parametric Q),
    forall l, splittable (fun rsh sh => allp (@jam _ _ _ _ _ _ (S' l) (S l) (Q l rsh sh) noat)).
unfold splittable; intros. rename H into HR; rename H0 into H.
apply pred_ext; intro w; simpl.
intros [w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]].
intro l'. spec H1 l'; spec H2 l'.
unfold jam in *.
revert H1 H2.
specialize (PARAMETRIC l l').
destruct PARAMETRIC as [pp [ok ?]].
rewrite H4 in H2. destruct H2 as [p2 [k2 [G2 H2]]].
rewrite H4 in H3; destruct H3 as [p3 [k3 [G3 H3]]].
rewrite H4.
destruct sh3.
simpl in H2, H3.
exists n.
exists k2.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l' H0); rewrite H2; rewrite H3; intro Hx.
generalize H; clear H.
inv Hx.
split; auto.
replace (level w1) with (level w) by (apply join_level in H0; intuition).
destruct sh4.
do 3 red in H.
generalize (join_eq H H5); intro.
simpl in H6.
subst x0.
generalize (join_eq HR RJ); intro; subst rsh5.
f_equal; auto.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l' H0); intro.
apply H2 in H4. rewrite H4 in H3; auto.
pose (rslice (rsh : Share.t) (loc: address) := if S l loc then rsh else
pose (f loc := slice_resource (rslice rsh1 loc) sh1 (w @ loc)).
assert (Vf: CompCert_AV.valid (res_option oo f)) by apply slice_resource_valid.
destruct (make_rmap _ Vf (level w)) as [phi [Gf Hf]].
extensionality loc; unfold compose, f.
specialize (PARAMETRIC l loc).
destruct PARAMETRIC as [pp [ok Jf]].
spec H0 loc.
destruct (S l loc).
rewrite Jf in H0.
destruct H0 as [p3 [k3 [G0 H0]]].
generalize (resource_at_approx w loc); intro.
rewrite H0 in H1.
inversion H1; clear H1; auto.
rewrite H0.
simpl. f_equal. auto.
apply identity_resource in H0.
revert H0; case_eq (w @ loc); intros; try contradiction; simpl; f_equal; auto.
generalize (resource_at_approx w loc); intro.
rewrite H0 in H2. unfold resource_fmap in H2.
change compcert_rmaps.R.PURE with PURE in H2.
destruct p. apply PURE_inj in H2. simpl. f_equal. destruct H2. auto.
pose (g loc := slice_resource (rslice rsh2 loc) sh2 (w @ loc)).
assert (Vg: CompCert_AV.valid (res_option oo g)) by apply slice_resource_valid.
destruct (make_rmap _ Vg (level w)) as [phi' [Gg Hg]].
extensionality loc; unfold compose, g.
specialize (PARAMETRIC l loc).
destruct PARAMETRIC as [pp [k Jg]].
spec H0 loc.
unfold jam in H0.
rewrite Jg in H0.
destruct (S l loc).
destruct H0 as [p3 [k3 [G0 H0]]].
generalize (resource_at_approx w loc); intro.
rewrite H0 in H1.
inversion H1; clear H1; auto.
rewrite H0.
simpl. f_equal. auto.
apply identity_resource in H0.
revert H0; case_eq (w @ loc); intros; try contradiction; simpl; f_equal; auto.
generalize (resource_at_approx w loc); intro.
rewrite H0 in H2. unfold resource_fmap in H2.
change compcert_rmaps.R.PURE with PURE in H2.
destruct p. apply PURE_inj in H2. simpl. f_equal. destruct H2. auto.
unfold f,g in *; clear f g.
rename phi into f; rename phi' into g.
assert (join f g w).
apply resource_at_join2; auto.
rewrite Hf; rewrite Hg.
spec H0 loc.
unfold jam in H0.
if_tac in H0.
destruct (PARAMETRIC l loc) as [pp [ok ?]]; clear PARAMETRIC.
rewrite H2 in H0.
destruct H0 as [? [? [? ?]]].
rewrite H3.
generalize (preds_fmap (approx (level w)) pp); intro.
constructor; auto.
unfold rslice. repeat rewrite if_true by auto.
destruct sh3 as [sh3 p3]; auto.
unfold rslice. repeat rewrite if_false by auto.
apply identity_resource in H0.
revert H0; case_eq (w @ loc); intros; try contradiction; constructor.
apply identity_share_bot in H2. subst.
apply join_unit1; auto.
econstructor; econstructor; split; [apply H1|].
eapply jam_noat_splittable_aux; eauto.
simpl; auto.
eapply jam_noat_splittable_aux.
auto. eapply join_comm; apply HR. eauto. 2: eauto. 2: eauto.
simpl; eauto. apply join_comm; auto.

Definition VALspec : spec :=
       fun (rsh sh: Share.t) (l: address) =>
          allp (jam (eq_dec l)
                                  (fun l' => EX v: memval,
                                                yesat NoneP (VAL v) rsh sh l')

Definition VALspec_range (n: Z) : spec :=
     fun (rsh sh: Share.t) (l: address) =>
          allp (jam (adr_range_dec l n)
                                  (fun l' => EX v: memval,
                                                yesat NoneP (VAL v) rsh sh l')

Definition nthbyte (n: Z) (l: list memval) : memval :=
     nth (nat_of_Z n) l Undef.

Definition address_mapsto_old (ch: memory_chunk) (v: val) : spec :=
        fun (rsh sh: Share.t) (l: AV.address) =>
             allp (jam (adr_range_dec l (size_chunk ch))
                              (fun l' => yesat NoneP (VAL (nthbyte (snd l' - snd l) (encode_val ch v))) rsh sh l')

Definition address_mapsto (ch: memory_chunk) (v: val) : spec :=
        fun (rsh sh: Share.t) (l: AV.address) =>
           EX bl: list memval,
               !! (length bl = size_chunk_nat ch /\ decode_val ch bl = v /\ (align_chunk ch | snd l)) &&
                allp (jam (adr_range_dec l (size_chunk ch))
                                    (fun loc => yesat NoneP (VAL (nth (nat_of_Z (snd loc - snd l)) bl Undef)) rsh sh loc)

Definition address_mapsto' ch v rsh sh loc bl :=
  !!(length bl = size_chunk_nat ch /\ decode_val ch bl = v /\ (align_chunk ch | snd loc)) &&
  (jam (adr_range_dec loc (size_chunk ch))
    (fun loc' : address =>
      yesat NoneP
      (VAL (nth (nat_of_Z (snd loc' - snd loc)) bl Undef)) rsh sh loc') noat).

Lemma address_mapsto'_mapsto: forall ch v rsh sh loc bl phi,
  address_mapsto' ch v rsh sh loc bl phi -> address_mapsto ch v rsh sh loc phi.
intros until phi; intro H.
unfold address_mapsto' in H; unfold address_mapsto.
exists bl; auto.

Lemma nat_of_Z_eq: forall i, nat_of_Z (Z_of_nat i) = i.
apply inj_eq_rev.
rewrite nat_of_Z_eq; auto.

Lemma nth_error_length:
  forall {A} i (l: list A), nth_error l i = None <-> (i >= length l)%nat.
induction i; destruct l; simpl; intuition.
inv H.
rewrite IHi in H. omega.
rewrite IHi. omega.

Lemma address_mapsto_fun:
  forall ch rsh sh rsh' sh' l v v',
          (address_mapsto ch v rsh sh l * TT) && (address_mapsto ch v' rsh' sh' l * TT) |-- !!(v=v').
intros m [? ?]. unfold prop.
destruct H as [m1 [m2 [J [[bl [[Hlen [? _]] ?]] _]]]].
destruct H0 as [m1' [m2' [J' [[bl' [[Hlen' [? _]] ?]] _]]]].
assert (forall i, nth_error bl i = nth_error bl' i).
intro i; spec H1 (fst l, snd l + Z_of_nat i); spec H2 (fst l, snd l + Z_of_nat i).
unfold jam in *.
destruct l as [b z].
simpl in *.
if_tac in H1.
destruct H as [_ ?].
replace (z + Z_of_nat i - z) with (Z_of_nat i) in * by omega.
assert ((i < length bl)%nat).
rewrite Hlen.
rewrite size_chunk_conv in H.
rewrite <- Hlen' in Hlen.
rewrite nat_of_Z_eq in *.
destruct H1; destruct H2.
unfold yesat_raw in *.
repeat rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP in *.
assert (H5: nth i bl Undef = nth i bl' Undef).
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ (b,z + Z_of_nat i)) in J.
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ (b,z + Z_of_nat i)) in J'.
rewrite H1 in J; rewrite H2 in J'; clear H1 H2.
inv J; inv J'; try congruence.
clear - Hlen H0 H5.
revert bl bl' Hlen H0 H5; induction i; destruct bl; destruct bl'; simpl; intros; auto; try omegaContradiction.
apply IHi; auto.
assert (~ (i < length bl)%nat).
contradict H.
split; auto.
rewrite Hlen in H.
rewrite size_chunk_conv.
assert (i >= length bl)%nat by omega.
destruct (nth_error_length i bl).
rewrite H5; auto.
destruct (nth_error_length i bl').
rewrite H7; auto.
clear - H.
assert (bl=bl'); [| subst; auto].
revert bl' H; induction bl; destruct bl'; intros; auto.
specialize (H 0%nat); simpl in H. inv H.
specialize (H 0%nat); simpl in H. inv H.
specialize (H 0%nat); simpl in H. inv H. auto.
apply IHbl.
spec H (S i).
simpl in H.
simpl; auto.

Definition lock_size : Z := 4.

Program Definition CTat (base: address) (rsh sh: Share.t) (l: address) : pred rmap :=
 fun m => exists p, m @ l = YES rsh (mk_lifted sh p) (CT (snd l - snd base)) NoneP.
 Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
    destruct H0 as [p ?]; exists p.
    apply (age1_YES a a'); auto.

Definition LKspec (R: pred rmap) : spec :=
   fun (rsh sh: Share.t) (l: AV.address) =>
    allp (jam (adr_range_dec l lock_size)
                         (jam (eq_dec l)
                            (yesat (SomeP nil (fun _ => R)) (LK lock_size) rsh sh)
                            (CTat l rsh sh))

Definition boolT : Type := bool.
Definition unitT : Type := unit.

Definition packPQ {A: Type} (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap) :=
  (fun xy : (A*(boolT*(environ * unitT))) =>
    if fst (snd xy) then P (fst xy) (fst (snd (snd xy))) else Q (fst xy) (fst (snd (snd xy)))).

Definition TTat (l: address) : pred rmap := TT.

Definition FUNspec (fml: funsig) (A: Type) (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap)(l: address): pred rmap :=
          allp (jam (eq_dec l) (pureat (SomeP (A::boolT::environ::nil) (packPQ P Q)) (FUN fml)) TTat).

Lemma address_mapsto_old_parametric: forall ch v,
   spec_parametric (fun l rsh sh l' => yesat NoneP (VAL (nthbyte (snd l' - snd l) (encode_val ch v))) rsh sh l').
exists NoneP. exists (fun k => k= VAL (nthbyte (snd l' - snd l) (encode_val ch v))).
unfold yesat.
apply exists_ext; intro p.
unfold yesat_raw.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
econstructor; split; [reflexivity | ].
rewrite H; f_equal.

destruct H as [k [? ?]].
subst; auto.

Lemma VALspec_parametric:
  spec_parametric (fun l rsh sh l' => EX v: memval, yesat NoneP (VAL v) rsh sh l').
exists NoneP.
exists (fun k => exists v, k=VAL v).
unfold yesat.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
destruct H as [v [p ?]].
exists p.
exists (VAL v).
split; eauto.
destruct H as [p [k [[v ?] ?]]].
exists v.
exists p.

Lemma LKspec_parametric: forall R,
  spec_parametric (fun l rsh sh => jam (eq_dec l)
                            (yesat (SomeP nil (fun _ => R)) (LK lock_size) rsh sh)
                            (CTat l rsh sh)).
unfold jam.
intro; intros.
destruct (eq_dec l l').
unfold yesat, yesat_raw.
exists (SomeP nil (fun _ : unit => R)).
exists (fun k => k = LK lock_size).
apply exists_ext; intro p.
unfold yesat_raw.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
econstructor; eauto.
destruct H as [k [? ?]].
subst; auto.
exists NoneP.
exists (fun k => k = CT (snd l' - snd l)).
apply exists_ext; intro p.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP.
rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP in H.
destruct H as [k [? ?]].
simpl in *.
subst; auto.

Lemma FUNspec_parametric: forall fml A P Q,
   spec_parametric (fun l sh => yesat (SomeP (A::boolT::environ::nil) (packPQ P Q)) (FUN fml) sh).
exists (SomeP (A::boolT::environ::nil) (packPQ P Q)).
exists (fun k => k=FUN fml).
apply exists_ext; intro p.
unfold yesat_raw.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
econstructor; eauto.
destruct H as [k [? ?]].
subst; auto.

Lemma address_mapsto_splittable:
      forall ch v l, splittable (fun rsh sh => address_mapsto ch v rsh sh l).
unfold splittable.
intros until 1; rename H into HR; intros.
apply pred_ext; intros ? ?.
destruct H0 as [m1 [m2 [? [? ?]]]].
unfold address_mapsto in *.
destruct H1 as [bl1 [[LEN1 DECODE1] ?]]; destruct H2 as [bl2 [[LEN2 DECODE2] ?]].
exists bl1; split; auto.
simpl; auto.
intro loc; spec H1 loc; spec H2 loc.
unfold jam in *.
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ loc) in H0.
hnf in H1, H2|-*.
destruct sh1 as [sh1 p1]; destruct sh2 as [sh2 p2]; destruct sh3 as [sh3 p3].
hnf in H1,H2.
destruct H1; destruct H2.
exists p3.
unfold yesat_raw in *.
hnf in H1,H2|-*.
rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP in *.
repeat proof_irr.
rewrite H1 in H0; rewrite H2 in H0; clear H1 H2.
unfold yesat_raw.
inv H0.
eapply join_eq; eauto.
eapply join_eq; eauto.
apply H1 in H0. do 3 red in H2|-*. rewrite <- H0; auto.
rename a into m.
hnf in H0|-*.
destruct H0 as [bl [[? [? Halign]] ?]].
pose (rslice (rsh : Share.t) (loc: address) := if adr_range_dec l (size_chunk ch) loc then rsh else
exists (slice_rmap (rslice rsh1) sh1 m); exists (slice_rmap (rslice rsh2) sh2 m).
pattern m at 3; replace m with (slice_rmap (rslice rsh3) sh3 m).
apply slice_rmap_join; auto.
unfold rslice.
intro loc. if_tac; auto.
apply rmap_ext.
apply slice_rmap_level.
intro loc.
rewrite resource_at_slice.
unfold rslice, slice_resource.
specialize (H2 loc).
hnf in H2.
if_tac. destruct H2. rewrite H2. f_equal. destruct sh3; simpl. apply exist_ext; auto.
do 3 red in H2.
apply identity_resource in H2.
revert H2;
case_eq (m @ loc); intros; auto; try contradiction.
apply identity_share_bot in H4; subst; auto.
exists bl; repeat split; auto.
intro loc; spec H2 loc; unfold jam in *; hnf in H2|-*; if_tac; auto.
destruct H2; exists (proj2_sig sh1).
unfold yesat_raw in *.
rewrite resource_at_slice.
rewrite H2.
repeat rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP.
unfold rslice; rewrite if_true by auto.
apply lifted_eq; simpl; auto.
do 3 red in H2|-*.
rewrite resource_at_slice.
unfold rslice; rewrite if_false by auto.
apply identity_resource in H2; destruct (m @ loc); try contradiction; simpl; auto.
apply NO_identity. apply PURE_identity.
exists bl; repeat split; auto.
intro loc; spec H2 loc; unfold jam in *; hnf in H2|-*; if_tac; auto.
destruct H2; exists (proj2_sig sh2).
unfold yesat_raw in *.
hnf; rewrite resource_at_slice.
rewrite H2.
repeat rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP.
unfold rslice; rewrite if_true by auto.
apply lifted_eq; simpl; auto.
do 3 red in H2|-*.
rewrite resource_at_slice.
unfold rslice; rewrite if_false by auto.
apply identity_resource in H2; destruct (m @ loc); try contradiction; simpl; auto.
apply NO_identity. apply PURE_identity.

Lemma VALspec_splittable: forall l, splittable (fun rsh sh => VALspec rsh sh l).
apply jam_noat_splittable.
apply VALspec_parametric.

Lemma LKspec_splittable: forall R l, splittable (fun rsh sh => LKspec R rsh sh l).
apply jam_noat_splittable.
apply LKspec_parametric.

Definition val2address (v: val) : option AV.address :=
  match v with Vptr b ofs => Some (b, Int.signed ofs) | _ => None end.

Definition fun_assert (fml: funsig) (A: Type) (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap) (v: val) : pred rmap :=
 (EX b : block, EX i:int, !! (v = Vptr b i) && FUNspec fml A P Q (b, Int.unsigned i))%pred.

Definition LK_at l w := exists n, kind_at (LK n) l w.

Lemma VALspec_readable:
  forall l rsh sh w, (VALspec rsh sh l * TT) %pred w -> readable l w.
unfold VALspec, readable;
destruct H as [w1 [w2 [? [? _]]]].
spec H0 l.
unfold jam in H0.
hnf in H0|-*; rewrite if_true in H0 by auto.
destruct H0 as [v [p ?]].
unfold yesat_raw in H0.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l H); rewrite H0; intro Hx.
inv Hx; auto.

Lemma range_dec: forall a b c: Z, {a <= b < c}+{~(a <= b < c)}.
Proof. intros. destruct (zle a b). destruct (zlt b c). left; split; auto.
  right; omega. right; omega.

Lemma address_mapsto_VALspec:
  forall ch v rsh sh l i, 0 <= i < size_chunk ch ->
        address_mapsto ch v rsh sh l |-- VALspec rsh sh (adr_add l i) * TT.
intros. intros w ?.
pose (f l' := if eq_dec (adr_add l i) l' then w @ l'
                   else if adr_range_dec l (size_chunk ch) l' then NO else w @ l').
pose (g l' := if eq_dec (adr_add l i) l' then NO else w @ l').
exploit (deallocate (w) f g); intros.
unfold f; clear - H0 H; intro; intros.
unfold compose in *.
destruct (eq_dec (adr_add l i) (b,ofs)); try inv H1.
destruct H0 as [bl [H0' ?]].
spec H0 (b,ofs).
unfold jam in H0.
hnf in H0; if_tac in H0.
destruct H0.
unfold yesat_raw in H0.
rewrite H0. simpl; auto.
do 3 red in H0. apply identity_resource in H0.
revert H0; case_eq (w @ (b,ofs)); intros; try contradiction; auto.
apply identity_share_bot in H2; subst t.
simpl. auto.
if_tac. simpl; auto.
destruct H0 as [d [? ?]]. specialize (H2 (b,ofs)). rewrite jam_false in H2; auto.
do 3 red in H2. apply identity_resource in H2; destruct (w @ (b,ofs)); try contradiction; simpl; auto.
unfold g; clear - H0 H; intro; intros.
unfold compose in *.
destruct (eq_dec (adr_add l i) (b,ofs)); simpl; auto.
destruct H0 as [bl [H0' ?]].
spec H0 (b,ofs).
unfold jam in H0.
hnf in H0; if_tac in H0.
destruct H0.
unfold yesat_raw in H0.
rewrite H0; simpl; auto.
do 3 red in H0. apply identity_resource in H0.
revert H0; case_eq (w @ (b,ofs)); intros; try contradiction; auto.
apply identity_share_bot in H2; subst t.
simpl; auto.
unfold f,g; clear f g.
destruct H0 as [b [? ?]]. specialize (H1 l0). hnf in H1.
if_tac in H1. destruct H1. hnf in H1. if_tac; rewrite H1; constructor.
apply join_unit2; auto.
apply join_unit1; auto.
contradiction H2. unfold adr_add in H3; destruct l; destruct l0; simpl in H3. inv H3.
split; auto. omega.
do 3 red in H1. apply identity_unit_equiv in H1. auto.
destruct H1 as [phi1 [phi2 [? ?]]].
destruct (join_ex_identities w) as [e [? ?]].
exists phi1; exists phi2.
split; auto.
split; auto.
unfold VALspec.
intro l'.
unfold jam in *.
destruct H0 as [bl [H0' ?]].
spec H0 l'.
unfold jam in H0.
hnf in H0|-*; if_tac.
subst l'.
rewrite if_true in H0.
destruct H0.
unfold yesat_raw in H0.
generalize (refl_equal (phi1 @ adr_add l i));
pattern phi1 at 1; rewrite H2; unfold f; intro.
rewrite if_true in H5.
rewrite H0 in H5.
exists (nth (nat_of_Z (snd (adr_add l i) - snd l)) bl Undef).
exists x.
unfold yesat_raw.
hnf in H0|-*.
repeat rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP in *.
destruct l; unfold adr_range, adr_add. split; auto.
destruct l; unfold adr_range, adr_add. split; auto.
simpl; omega.
do 3 red.
rewrite H2. unfold f.
rewrite if_false; auto.
if_tac. apply NO_identity. apply H0.

Lemma address_mapsto_exists:
  forall ch v rsh (sh: pshare) loc w0
      (RESERVE: forall l', adr_range loc (size_chunk ch) l' -> w0 @ l' = NO,
      (align_chunk ch | snd loc) ->
      exists w, address_mapsto ch (decode_val ch (encode_val ch v)) rsh (pshare_sh sh) loc w
                    /\ core w = core w0.
intros. rename H into Halign.
unfold address_mapsto.
pose (f l' := if adr_range_dec loc (size_chunk ch) l'
                     then YES rsh sh (VAL (nthbyte (snd l' - snd loc) (encode_val ch v))) NoneP
                     else core w0 @ l').
assert (CompCert_AV.valid (res_option oo f)).
apply VAL_valid.
unfold compose, f; intros.
if_tac in H.
simpl in H.
injection H;intros; subst k; auto.
rewrite <- core_resource_at in H.
generalize (core_identity (w0 @ l)); intro.
rewrite core_resource_at in *.
apply identity_resource in H1.
revert H H1; destruct (core w0 @ l); intros; try contradiction; inv H.
destruct (make_rmap f H (level w0)) as [phi [? ?]].
extensionality l; unfold f, compose; simpl.
if_tac; simpl; auto.
unfold NoneP. f_equal. unfold compose. extensionality x.
apply pred_ext; unfold approx, FF, prop; intros ? ?; simpl; intuition.
rewrite <- level_core.
apply resource_at_approx.
exists phi.
Focus 2.
apply rmap_ext. do 2 rewrite level_core. auto.
intro l; specialize (RESERVE l).
rewrite <- core_resource_at. rewrite H1. unfold f.
 rewrite core_YES.
 rewrite <- core_resource_at. rewrite RESERVE; auto.
 rewrite core_NO; auto.
 rewrite <- core_resource_at; rewrite core_idem; auto.
exists (encode_val ch v).
split; auto.
apply encode_val_length.
intro l'.
unfold jam.
unfold yesat, yesat_raw, noat.
unfold app_pred, proj1_sig. rewrite H1; clear H H1.
unfold f; clear f.
destruct sh; simpl in *.
exists n.
unfold NoneP; f_equal.
extensionality xx. apply pred_ext; intros ? ?.
contradiction H1.
simpl in H1. intuition.
rewrite <- core_resource_at.
apply core_identity.

Lemma VALspec_range_splittable: forall n l, splittable (fun rsh sh => VALspec_range n rsh sh l).
apply jam_noat_splittable.
apply VALspec_parametric.

Lemma VALspec1: VALspec_range 1 = VALspec.
unfold VALspec, VALspec_range.
extensionality rsh sh l.
unfold jam.
extensionality l'.
apply exist_ext; extensionality m.
 subst l'. rewrite if_true; auto.
destruct l; split; auto; omega.
rewrite if_false; auto.
destruct l; destruct l'; unfold block in *; intros [? ?]; try omega.
contradict H. f_equal; omega.

Definition share_oblivious (P: pred rmap) :=
  forall w w',
   (forall l, match w' @ l , w @ l with
                 | NO _, NO _ => True
                 | YES _ sh1 k1 p1 , YES _ sh2 k2 p2 => k1=k2 /\ p1=p2
                 | PURE k1 p1, PURE k2 p2 => k1=k2 /\ p1=p2
                 | _ , _ => False
                 end) ->
     P w' -> P w.

Lemma intersection_splittable:
    forall (S': address -> address -> Prop) S P Q,
         spec_parametric P ->
         (forall l, share_oblivious (Q l)) ->
    forall l, splittable (fun rsh sh => allp (@jam _ _ _ _ _ _ (S' l) (S l) (P l rsh sh) noat) && Q l).
intro; intros. rename H1 into HR; rename H2 into H1.
generalize (jam_noat_splittable S' S _ H); intro.
rewrite <- (H2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HR H1).
apply pred_ext; intros w ?.
destruct H3 as [w1 [w2 [? [[? ?] [? ?]]]]].
exists w1; exists w2; auto.
eapply H0; eauto.
generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l0 H3).
case_eq (w2 @ l0); case_eq (w @ l0); intros; auto; try solve [inv H10].
case_eq (w1 @ l0); intros.
rewrite H11 in H10; inv H10.
rewrite H11 in H10; inv H10.
specialize (H4 l0).
specialize (H6 l0).
hnf in H4,H6.
if_tac in H4; auto.
specialize (H l l0).
destruct H as [pp [ok ?]].
rewrite H in H4; rewrite H in H6.
destruct H4 as [? [? [? ?]]].
destruct H6 as [? [? [? ?]]].
inversion2 H11 H12.
inversion2 H9 H13.
do 3 red in H4. rewrite H11 in H4.
contradiction (YES_not_identity _ _ _ _ H4).
rewrite H11 in H10; inv H10.
destruct (w1 @ l0); inv H10; auto.
inv H10; auto.
destruct H3 as [[w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]] ?].
exists w1; exists w2.
split; auto.
split; split; auto.
apply (H0 l w1 w).
intro l0; generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l0 H3).
case_eq (w @ l0); case_eq (w1 @ l0); intros; auto; try solve [inv H9].
case_eq (w2 @ l0); intros.
rewrite H10 in H9; inv H9.
rewrite H10 in H9; inv H9.
specialize (H l l0).
destruct H as [pp [ok ?]].
specialize (H4 l0).
specialize (H5 l0).
hnf in H4,H5.
if_tac in H4.
rewrite H in H4,H5.
destruct H4 as [? [? [? ?]]].
destruct H5 as [? [? [? ?]]].
do 3 red in H5. rewrite H10 in H5.
contradiction (YES_not_identity _ _ _ _ H5).
rewrite H10 in H9; inv H9.
inv H9; auto.
inv H9; auto.
apply (H0 l w2 w ).
intro l0; generalize (resource_at_join _ _ _ l0 H3).
case_eq (w @ l0); case_eq (w2 @ l0); intros; auto; try solve [inv H9].
inv H9.
specialize (H l l0).
destruct H as [pp [ok ?]].
specialize (H4 l0).
specialize (H5 l0).
hnf in H4,H5.
if_tac in H4.
rewrite H in H4,H5.
destruct H4 as [? [? [? ?]]].
destruct H5 as [? [? [? ?]]].
do 3 red in H4. rewrite <- H11 in H4.
contradiction (YES_not_identity _ _ _ _ H4).
inv H9; auto. inv H9; auto.

Lemma address_mapsto_VALspec_range:
  forall ch v rsh sh l,
        address_mapsto ch v rsh sh l |-- VALspec_range (size_chunk ch) rsh sh l.
intros w ?. unfold VALspec_range.
destruct H as [bl [Hbl ?]].
intro l'.
spec H l'.
unfold jam in *.
hnf in H|-*. if_tac; auto.
exists (nth (nat_of_Z (snd l' - snd l)) bl Undef).
destruct H as [p ?].
exists p.

Lemma approx_eq_i:
  forall (P Q: pred rmap) (w: rmap),
      (|> ! (P <=> Q)) w -> approx (level w) P = approx (level w) Q.
apply pred_ext'; extensionality m'.
unfold approx.
apply and_ext'; auto; intros.
destruct (level_later_fash _ _ H0) as [m1 [? ?]].
specialize (H _ H1).
specialize (H m').
spec H.
rewrite H2; auto.
destruct H; apply prop_ext. intuition.

Lemma level_later {A} `{H : ageable A}: forall {w: A} {n': nat},
         laterR (level w) n' ->
       exists w', laterR w w' /\ n' = level w'.
remember (level w) as n.
revert w Heqn; induction H0; intros; subst.
case_eq (age1 w); intros.
exists a; split. constructor; auto.
symmetry; unfold age in H0; simpl in H0.
  unfold natAge1 in H0; simpl in H0. revert H0; case_eq (level w); intros; inv H2.
  apply age_level in H1. congruence. rewrite age1_level0 in H1.
   rewrite H1 in H0. inv H0.
 specialize (IHclos_trans1 _ (refl_equal _)).
  destruct IHclos_trans1 as [w2 [? ?]].
  specialize (IHclos_trans2 _ (refl_equal _)).
  destruct IHclos_trans2 as [w3 [? ?]].
  exists w3; split; auto. econstructor 2; eauto.

Lemma fun_assert_contractive:
   forall fml A (P Q: pred rmap -> A -> environ -> pred rmap) v,
       (forall x vl, nonexpansive (fun R => P R x vl)) ->
      (forall x vl, nonexpansive (fun R => Q R x vl)) ->
      contractive (fun R : pred rmap => fun_assert fml A (P R) (Q R) v).
assert (H': forall xvl: A * environ, nonexpansive (fun R => P R (fst xvl) (snd xvl)))
  by auto; clear H; rename H' into H.
assert (H': forall xvl: A * environ, nonexpansive (fun R => Q R (fst xvl) (snd xvl)))
  by auto; clear H0; rename H' into H0.
intro; intros.
rename H0 into H'.
intro; intros.
intro; intros; split; intros ? ? H7; simpl in H1.
assert (a >= level a')%nat.
 apply necR_level in H2. clear - H1 H2. apply le_trans with (level y); auto.
 clear y H1 H2. rename H3 into H2.
destruct H7 as [loc [i H7]].
hnf in H7. destruct H7 as [H1 H3]. hnf in H1.
exists loc, i.
apply prop_andp_i; auto.
split; auto.
hnf in H3|-*.
intro; spec H3 b.
hnf in H3|-*.
if_tac; auto.
subst b.
hnf in H3|-*.
rewrite H3; clear H3.
extensionality xy.
unfold compose.
destruct xy as [x [y [vl [ ] ]]].
unfold packPQ.
spec H (x,vl) P0 Q0.
apply approx_eq_i.
apply (later_derives (unfash_derives H)); clear H.
rewrite later_unfash.
unfold unfash.
red. red.
apply pred_nec_hereditary with a; auto.
apply nec_nat; auto.
clear H; rename H' into H.
spec H (x,vl) P0 Q0.
apply approx_eq_i.
apply (later_derives (unfash_derives H)); clear H.
rewrite later_unfash.
red. red. red.
apply pred_nec_hereditary with a; auto.
apply nec_nat; auto.
assert (a >= level a')%nat.
 apply necR_level in H2. clear - H1 H2. apply le_trans with (level y); auto.
 clear y H1 H2. rename H3 into H2.
unfold fun_assert.
destruct H7 as [loc [i H7]].
hnf in H7. destruct H7 as [H1 H3]. hnf in H1.
exists loc, i.
apply prop_andp_i; auto.
split; auto.
spec H3 b.
hnf in H3|-*.
if_tac; auto.
subst b.
hnf in H3|-*.
unfold yesat_raw in *.
rewrite H3; clear H3.
unfold compose.
extensionality xy; destruct xy as [x [y [vl [ ] ]]].
unfold packPQ.
spec H (x,vl) P0 Q0.
apply approx_eq_i.
apply (later_derives (unfash_derives H)); clear H.
rewrite later_unfash.
red. red. red.
apply pred_nec_hereditary with a; auto.
apply nec_nat; auto.
clear H; rename H' into H.
spec H (x,vl) P0 Q0.
apply approx_eq_i.
apply (later_derives (unfash_derives H)); clear H.
rewrite later_unfash.
red. red. red.
apply pred_nec_hereditary with a; auto.
apply nec_nat; auto.

Lemma VALspec_range_bytes_readable:
  forall n rsh sh loc m, VALspec_range n rsh sh loc m -> bytes_readable loc n m.
intros; intro; intros.
unfold VALspec_range in H.
spec H (adr_add loc i).
hnf in H.
rewrite if_true in H.
destruct H as [v [p ?]].
hnf in H.
red. red. red.
rewrite H; auto.
destruct loc; split; unfold adr_add; auto.
simpl. omega.

Lemma VALspec_range_bytes_writable:
  forall n rsh loc m, VALspec_range n rsh loc m -> bytes_writable loc n m.
intros; intro; intros.
unfold VALspec_range in H.
spec H (adr_add loc i).
hnf in H.
rewrite if_true in H.
destruct H as [v [p ?]].
hnf in H.
do 3 red.
rewrite H; auto.
destruct loc; split; unfold adr_add; auto.
simpl. omega.

Lemma yesat_join_sub:
  forall pp k l rsh sh m m',
          join_sub m m' ->
          yesat pp k rsh sh l m ->
         exists rsh', exists sh', yesat pp k rsh' sh' l m'.
destruct H0.
unfold yesat_raw in H0.
generalize (resource_at_join_sub _ _ l H); rewrite H0; intro.
assert (level m = level m').
destruct H; apply join_level in H; intuition.
destruct H1.
destruct x0; case_eq (m' @ l); intros; rewrite H3 in H1; inv H1.
do 3 econstructor. unfold yesat_raw. simpl. rewrite <- H2. eapply H3.
destruct p1.
exists t0,x0.
unfold yesat. exists n.
unfold yesat_raw. simpl. rewrite <- H2. rewrite H3.
subst; f_equal; auto.

Lemma VALspec_range_precise: forall n rsh sh l, precise (VALspec_range n rsh sh l).
intro; intros.
apply rmap_ext; auto.
destruct H1,H2; apply join_level in H1; apply join_level in H2; intuition.
specialize (H l0); specialize (H0 l0).
unfold jam in *.
hnf in H, H0. if_tac in H.
destruct H as [v [p ?]].
destruct H0 as [v' [p' ?]].
unfold yesat_raw in *.
generalize (resource_at_join_sub _ _ l0 H1); rewrite H; clear H1; intro.
generalize (resource_at_join_sub _ _ l0 H2); rewrite H0; clear H2; intro.
f_equal. auto.
clear - H1 H2.
destruct H1; destruct H2.
simpl in *.
inv H0; inv H; congruence.
repeat rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP; auto.
do 3 red in H,H0.
destruct H1.
destruct H2.
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ l0) in H1.
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ l0) in H2.
assert (x0 @ l0 = x @ l0).
apply H in H1.
apply H0 in H2.
rewrite H4 in *. eapply join_canc; eauto.

Lemma address_mapsto_precise: forall ch v rsh sh l, precise (address_mapsto ch v rsh sh l).
apply (derives_precise _ _ (address_mapsto_VALspec_range ch v rsh sh l)).
apply VALspec_range_precise.

Program Definition core_load (ch: memory_chunk) (l: address) (v: val): pred rmap :=
  EX bl: list memval,
  !!(length bl = size_chunk_nat ch /\ decode_val ch bl = v /\ (align_chunk ch | snd l)) &&
    allp (jam (adr_range_dec l (size_chunk ch))
      (fun l' phi => exists rsh, exists sh, exists p, phi @ l'
        = YES rsh (mk_lifted sh p) (VAL (nth (nat_of_Z (snd l' - snd l)) bl Undef)) NoneP)
      (fun _ _ => True)).
 Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
  destruct H0 as [rsh [sh [p ?]]]; exists rsh, sh, p.
    apply (age1_YES a a'); auto.
  Next Obligation. intros; intro; intros. auto.

Program Definition core_load' (ch: memory_chunk) (l: address) (v: val) (bl: list memval)
  : pred rmap :=
  !!(length bl = size_chunk_nat ch /\ decode_val ch bl = v /\ (align_chunk ch | snd l)) &&
    allp (jam (adr_range_dec l (size_chunk ch))
      (fun l' phi => exists rsh, exists sh, exists p, phi @ l'
        = YES rsh (mk_lifted sh p) (VAL (nth (nat_of_Z (snd l' - snd l)) bl Undef)) NoneP)
      (fun _ _ => True)).
 Next Obligation.
    intros; intro; intros.
  destruct H0 as [rsh [sh [p ?]]]; exists rsh, sh; exists p.
    apply (age1_YES a a'); auto.
  Next Obligation. intros; intro; intros. auto.

Lemma VALspec_range_0: forall rsh sh loc, VALspec_range 0 rsh sh loc = emp.
   apply pred_ext.
   intros ? ?. simpl in H.
   do 3 red.
   apply all_resource_at_identity.
   intro l. specialize (H l).
   rewrite if_false in H; auto.
   destruct loc, l; intros [? ?]; simpl in *; omega.
   intros ? ?. intro b. rewrite jam_false.
   do 3 red. apply resource_at_identity; auto.
   destruct loc, b; intros [? ?]; simpl in *; omega.
Hint Resolve VALspec_range_0: normalize.

Lemma VALspec_range_split2:
  forall (n m r: Z) (rsh sh: Share.t) (b: block) (ofs: Z),
    r = n + m -> n >= 0 -> m >= 0 ->
    VALspec_range r rsh sh (b, ofs) =
    VALspec_range n rsh sh (b, ofs) * VALspec_range m rsh sh (b, ofs + n).
 assert (r=0 \/ r>0) by omega.
 destruct H2.
 rewrite H2.
  assert (n=0) by omega.
    assert (m=0) by omega.
  repeat rewrite VALspec_range_0. rewrite emp_sepcon. auto.
 unfold VALspec_range.
 apply pred_ext.
 intros w ?.
 assert (AV.valid (res_option oo
               (fun l => if adr_range_dec (b,ofs) n l then w @ l else core (w @ l)))).
 intros b' z'; specialize (H3 (b',z')).
 unfold compose.
 rewrite jam_true in H3.
destruct H3 as [v ?].
 destruct H3. hnf in H3. rewrite H3. simpl. auto.
 destruct H4; split; auto; omega.
 destruct (w @ (b',z')). rewrite core_NO; simpl; auto. rewrite core_YES; simpl; auto.
 rewrite core_PURE; simpl; auto.
 destruct (remake_rmap _ H4 (level w)) as [w1 [? ?]].
 specialize (H3 l). do 3 red in H3.
 if_tac. rewrite if_true in H3.
 destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]. rewrite H3. right; hnf; auto.
 apply preds_fmap_NoneP.
 destruct l; destruct H5; split; auto. omega.
 if_tac in H3.
 destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]. rewrite H3. right; hnf; auto.
 rewrite core_YES; auto.
 left; exists w; split; auto.
 symmetry; apply unit_core.
 apply identity_unit_equiv; try apply H3.
 clear H4.
 assert (AV.valid (res_option oo
          (fun l => if adr_range_dec (b,ofs+n) m l then w @ l else core (w @ l)))).
 intros b' z'; specialize (H3 (b',z')).
 unfold compose.
 rewrite jam_true in H3.
destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]. hnf in H3. rewrite H3. simpl. auto.
 destruct H4; split; auto; omega.
 destruct (w @ (b',z')). rewrite core_NO; simpl; auto. rewrite core_YES; simpl; auto.
 rewrite core_PURE; simpl; auto.
 destruct (remake_rmap _ H4 (level w)) as [w2 [? ?]].
 intros [b' z']; specialize (H3 (b',z')).
 hnf in H3.
 if_tac. rewrite if_true in H3.
 destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]. rewrite H3; right; hnf.
 apply preds_fmap_NoneP.
 destruct H7; split; auto; omega.
 if_tac in H3.
 destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]. rewrite H3; right; hnf.
 rewrite core_YES; auto.
 left; exists w; split; auto.
 symmetry; apply unit_core; apply identity_unit_equiv; apply H3.
 clear H4.

 exists w1; exists w2; split3; auto.
 apply resource_at_join2; auto.
 intro loc; rewrite H6; rewrite H8.
 specialize (H3 loc).
 if_tac. rewrite if_false. rewrite jam_true in H3. destruct H3 as [v [p ?]].
 rewrite H3. rewrite core_YES; constructor. apply join_unit2; auto.
 destruct loc; destruct H4; split; auto; omega.
 destruct loc; intros [? ?]. subst b0. destruct H4. omega.
 rewrite jam_true in H3. destruct H3 as [v [p ?]].
 rewrite H3. rewrite core_YES; constructor. apply join_unit1; auto.
 destruct loc; destruct H9; split; auto. subst.
 rewrite jam_false in H3.
 do 3 red in H3.
 apply identity_unit_equiv in H3.
 apply unit_core in H3.
 rewrite <- H3 at 2. apply core_unit.
 destruct loc; intros [? ?].
 subst b0.
 destruct (zlt z (ofs+n)).
 apply H4; split; auto; omega.
 apply H9; split; auto; omega.
 intro loc; specialize (H3 loc); hnf in H3|-*; if_tac.
 rewrite if_true in H3. destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]; exists v,p.
 hnf in H3|-*; rewrite H6; rewrite if_true; auto.
 rewrite H5; auto.
destruct loc; destruct H4; split; auto; omega.
 do 3 red; rewrite H6; rewrite if_false. apply core_identity.
 intro loc; specialize (H3 loc); hnf in H3|-*; if_tac.
 rewrite if_true in H3. destruct H3 as [v [p ?]]; exists v,p.
 hnf in H3|-*; rewrite H8; rewrite if_true; auto.
 rewrite H7; auto.
destruct loc; destruct H4; split; auto; omega.
 do 3 red; rewrite H8; rewrite if_false. apply core_identity.
 intros w ?.
 destruct H3 as [w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]].
 intros [b' z']; specialize (H4 (b',z')); specialize (H5 (b',z')).
 destruct (join_level _ _ _ H3).
 apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ (b',z')) in H3.
 hnf in H4,H5|-*.
 if_tac in H4.
 destruct H4 as [v [p ?]].
 rewrite if_false in H5.
 do 3 red in H5. apply join_comm in H3; apply H5 in H3. exists v,p.
 hnf in H4|-*.
 change R.rmap with rmap; change R.ag_rmap with ag_rmap;
rewrite <- H6; rewrite <- H3; auto.
 intros [? ?]; destruct H9; subst. omega.
 rewrite if_true in H5.
 destruct H5 as [v [p ?]]; exists v,p.
 do 3 red in H4; hnf in H5|-*.
 apply H4 in H3.
 change R.rmap with rmap; change R.ag_rmap with ag_rmap;
rewrite <- H7; rewrite <- H3; auto.
 destruct H8; split; auto.
 destruct (zlt z' (ofs+n)).
 contradiction H9; split; auto; omega.
 rewrite if_false in H4. rewrite if_false in H5.
 do 3 red in H4,H5|-*.
 apply H4 in H3. rewrite <- H3; auto.
 contradict H8. destruct H8; split; auto; omega.
 contradict H8. destruct H8; split; auto; omega.

Lemma VALspec_range_VALspec:
  forall (n : Z) (v : val) (rsh sh : Share.t) (l : address) (i : Z),
       0 <= i < n ->
       VALspec_range n rsh sh l
       |-- VALspec rsh sh (adr_add l i) * TT.
  destruct l as [b ofs].
  rewrite (VALspec_range_split2 i (n-i) n rsh sh b ofs); try omega.
  rewrite (VALspec_range_split2 1 (n-i-1) (n-i) rsh sh b (ofs+i)); try omega.
  change (VALspec_range 1) with (VALspec_range 1).
  rewrite VALspec1.
  rewrite <- sepcon_assoc.
  rewrite (sepcon_comm (VALspec_range i rsh sh (b, ofs))).
  rewrite sepcon_assoc.
  apply sepcon_derives; auto.

Lemma address_mapsto_overlap:
  forall rsh sh ch1 v1 ch2 v2 a1 a2,
     adr_range a1 (size_chunk ch1) a2 ->
     address_mapsto ch1 v1 rsh sh a1 * address_mapsto ch2 v2 rsh sh a2 |-- FF.
intros w [w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]].
hnf in H1, H2.
destruct H1 as [bl [_ ?]].
destruct H2 as [bl' [_ ?]].
spec H1 a2.
spec H2 a2.
rewrite jam_true in H1.
rewrite jam_true in H2.
destruct H1; destruct H2. hnf in H1,H2.
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ a2) in H0.
rewrite H1 in H0; rewrite H2 in H0.
clear - H0; simpl in H0.
inv H0.
do 3 red in H1. simpl in H1.
generalize (join_self H1); intro.
rewrite <- H in H1.
apply x in H1. contradiction.
generalize (size_chunk_pos ch2); intro;
destruct a2; split; auto; omega.