Library rmaps
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import msl.Coqlib2.
Module Type ADR_VAL.
Parameter address : Type.
Parameter some_address:address.
Parameter kind: Type.
Parameter valid : (address -> option (pshare * kind)) -> Prop.
Parameter valid_empty: valid (fun _ => None).
Parameter valid_join: forall f g h : address -> option (pshare * kind),
@join _ (Join_fun address (option (pshare * kind))
(Join_lower (Join_prod pshare Join_pshare kind (Join_equiv kind))))
f g h ->
valid f -> valid g -> valid h.
Module Type ADR_VAL0.
Parameter address : Type.
Parameter some_address:address.
Parameter kind: Type.
Module SimpleAdrVal (AV0: ADR_VAL0) <:
ADR_VAL with Definition address := AV0.address
with Definition kind := AV0.kind.
Import AV0.
Definition address := address.
Definition some_address := some_address.
Definition kind := kind.
Definition valid (_: address -> option (pshare * kind)) := True.
Lemma valid_empty: valid (fun _ => None).
Proof. unfold valid; auto. Qed.
Lemma valid_join: forall f g h : address -> option (pshare * kind),
@join _ (Join_fun address (option (pshare * kind))
(Join_lower (Join_prod pshare Join_pshare kind (Join_equiv kind))))
f g h ->
valid f -> valid g -> valid h.
Proof. intros; unfold valid; auto. Qed.
End SimpleAdrVal.
Fixpoint listprod (ts: list Type) : Type :=
match ts with
| nil => unit
| t :: ts' => prod t (listprod ts')
Module Type STRAT_MODEL.
Declare Module AV : ADR_VAL.
Import AV.
Definition preds (PRED : Type) : Type :=
{ A: list Type & (listprod A -> PRED) }.
Definition f_preds : functor preds :=
f_sigma _ (fun _ => f_fun _ f_identity).
Existing Instance f_preds.
Inductive res (PRED : Type) : Type :=
| NO': Share.t -> res PRED
| YES': Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED
| PURE': kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED.
Definition res_fmap (A B:Type) (f:A->B) (x:res A) : res B :=
match x with
| NO' rsh => NO' B rsh
| YES' rsh sh k pds => YES' B rsh sh k (fmap f pds)
| PURE' k pds => PURE' B k (fmap f pds)
Axiom ff_res : functorFacts res res_fmap.
Definition f_res : functor res := Functor ff_res.
Existing Instance f_res.
Inductive res_join (PRED : Type) : res PRED -> res PRED -> res PRED -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (NO' PRED rsh2) (NO' PRED rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh k p) (NO' PRED rsh2 ) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t) (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join PRED (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p).
Axiom pa_rj : forall PRED, @Perm_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom sa_rj : forall PRED, @Sep_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom ca_rj : forall PRED, @Canc_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom da_rj : forall PRED, @Disj_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom paf_res : @pafunctor res f_res res_join.
Existing Instance paf_res.
Definition res_option (PRED : Type) (r: res PRED) :=
match r with
| NO' _ => None
| YES' _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE' _ _ => None
Definition valid' A (w: address -> res A) : Prop :=
AV.valid (fun l => res_option A (w l)).
Axiom valid'_res_map : forall A B f m, valid' A m -> valid' B (fmap f oo m).
Definition pre_rmap (A:Type) := { m:address -> res A | valid' A m }.
Definition f_pre_rmap : functor pre_rmap :=
f_subset (f_fun _ f_res) _ valid'_res_map.
Existing Instance f_pre_rmap.
Axiom valid'_res_map2 : forall A B f m, valid' B (res_fmap A B f oo m) -> valid' A m.
Instance Join_pre_rmap (A: Type) : Join (pre_rmap A) :=
Join_prop _ (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A)) (valid' A).
Parameter Perm_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Perm_alg (pre_rmap A).
Parameter Sep_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Sep_alg (pre_rmap A).
Parameter Canc_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Canc_alg (pre_rmap A).
Parameter Disj_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Disj_alg (pre_rmap A).
Instance paf_pre_rmap : pafunctor f_pre_rmap :=
saf_subset (paf_fun address paf_res) valid' valid'_res_map valid'_res_map2.
Module StratModel (AV' : ADR_VAL) : STRAT_MODEL with Module AV:=AV'.
Module AV := AV'.
Import AV.
Definition preds (PRED : Type) : Type :=
{ A: list Type & (listprod A -> PRED) }.
Definition f_preds : functor preds :=
f_sigma _ (fun _ => f_fun _ f_identity).
Existing Instance f_preds.
Instance Join_preds (A: Type) : Join (preds A) := Join_equiv _.
Inductive res (PRED : Type) : Type :=
| NO': Share.t -> res PRED
| YES': Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED
| PURE': kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED.
Definition res_fmap (A B:Type) (f:A->B) (x:res A) : res B :=
match x with
| NO' rsh => NO' B rsh
| YES' rsh sh k pds => YES' B rsh sh k (fmap f pds)
| PURE' k pds => PURE' B k (fmap f pds)
Lemma ff_res : functorFacts res res_fmap.
Proof with auto.
constructor; intros; extensionality rs; icase rs; unfold res_fmap.
rewrite fmap_id... rewrite fmap_id...
rewrite <- fmap_comp... rewrite <- fmap_comp...
Definition f_res : functor res := Functor ff_res.
Existing Instance f_res.
Inductive res_join (PRED : Type) : res PRED -> res PRED -> res PRED -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (NO' PRED rsh2) (NO' PRED rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh k p) (NO' PRED rsh2 ) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t) (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join PRED (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p).
Instance Join_res (PRED: Type) : Join (res PRED) := res_join PRED.
Instance pa_rj : forall PRED, @Perm_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. intros. constructor.
intros x y z z' H1 H2; inv H1; inv H2; repeat f_equal; eapply join_eq; eauto.
intros a b c d e H1 H2.
destruct d as [rd | rd sd kd pd | kd pd].
destruct a as [ra | | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [rb| | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO' _ rf); split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sc kc pc).
inv H2. split; constructor; auto.
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [ | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sd kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO' _ rf). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sb kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sc kc pc). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf se kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
assert (H5: join sa sb sd) by (inv H1; auto).
assert (H6: join sd sc se) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H5 H6) as [sf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sf kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
exists (PURE' _ kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor.
intros a b c H; inv H; econstructor; apply join_comm; auto.
intros; inv H; inv H0; auto; f_equal; eapply join_positivity; eauto.
Instance sa_rj : forall PRED, @Sep_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. intros.
apply mkSep with (fun x => match x with NO' _ => NO' _ | YES' _ _ _ _ => NO' _| PURE' k pds => PURE' _ k pds end).
intro. destruct t; constructor; try apply join_unit1; auto.
intros. inversion H; auto.
Instance ca_rj : forall PRED, @Canc_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. repeat intro. inv H; inv H0; auto.
f_equal. eapply join_canc; eauto.
f_equal. eapply join_canc; eauto.
apply no_units in H9; contradiction.
f_equal. eapply join_canc; eauto.
apply no_units in H2; contradiction.
f_equal; eapply join_canc; eauto.
Instance da_rj : forall PRED, @Disj_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. repeat intro.
inv H; f_equal; auto; apply join_self; auto.
Instance paf_res : @pafunctor res f_res res_join.
Proof. constructor; repeat intro.
inv H; simpl; constructor; trivial.
destruct z as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ].
destruct x' as [ rx' | rx' sx' kx' px' | kx' px' ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ rx'); exists (NO' _ ry); inv H; split; constructor; tauto.
destruct x' as [ rx' | rx' sx' kx' px' | kx' px' ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ rx'); exists (YES' _ ry sy kz pz); inv H; split; constructor; auto. simpl in *; f_equal; auto.
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (YES' _ rx' sx' kx' pz); exists (NO' _ ry); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
exists (YES' _ rx' sx' kx' pz); exists (YES' _ ry sy ky pz); inv H; split; constructor; auto; simpl; f_equal; auto.
exists (PURE' _ kz pz); exists (PURE' _ kz pz); simpl in *; inv H; split; [constructor | tauto].
destruct x as [ rx | rx sx kx px | kx px ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ ry); exists (NO' _ rz); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (YES' _ ry sy ky py); exists (YES' _ rz sy ky py); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ ry); exists (YES' _ rz sx kx px); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (YES' _ ry sy kx px); exists (YES' _ rz sz kx px); inv H; split; constructor; auto. simpl; f_equal; auto.
exists (PURE' _ kx px); exists (PURE' _ kx px); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
Definition res_option (PRED : Type) (r: res PRED) :=
match r with
| NO' _ => None
| YES' _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE' _ _ => None
Definition valid' A (w: address -> res A) : Prop :=
AV.valid (fun l => res_option A (w l)).
Lemma same_valid : forall f1 f2, (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) -> AV.valid f1 -> AV.valid f2.
intros; replace f2 with f1; trivial.
apply extensionality; auto.
Lemma valid'_res_map : forall A B f m,
valid' A m -> valid' B (fmap f oo m).
unfold valid'; intros A B f m.
apply same_valid; intro l.
unfold compose.
destruct (m l); simpl; auto.
Lemma valid'_res_map2 : forall A B f m,
valid' B (res_fmap A B f oo m) -> valid' A m.
unfold valid'; intros A B f m.
apply same_valid; intro l.
unfold compose.
destruct (m l); simpl; auto.
Definition pre_rmap (A:Type) := { m:address -> res A | valid' A m }.
Definition f_pre_rmap : functor pre_rmap :=
f_subset (f_fun _ f_res) _ valid'_res_map.
Existing Instance f_pre_rmap.
Instance Join_pre_rmap (A: Type) : Join (pre_rmap A) :=
Join_prop _ (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A)) (valid' A).
Instance paf_pre_rmap : pafunctor f_pre_rmap :=
saf_subset (paf_fun address paf_res) valid' valid'_res_map valid'_res_map2.
Lemma pre_rmap_sa_valid_core (A: Type):
forall x : address -> res A,
valid' A x ->
valid' A (@core (address -> res A) (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A))
(Sep_fun address (res A) (res_join A) (sa_rj A)) x).
intros. red. red.
replace (fun l => res_option A (core x l)) with (fun l : address => @None (pshare * kind)).
apply AV.valid_empty.
extensionality a. simpl. icase (x a).
Lemma pre_rmap_sa_valid_join : forall A (x y z : address -> res A),
@join _ (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A)) x y z ->
valid' A x -> valid' A y -> valid' A z.
simpl in H.
unfold valid' in *.
apply AV.valid_join with (fun l => res_option A (x l)) (fun l => res_option A (y l)); auto.
intro l. spec H l. inv H; try constructor. split; simpl; auto.
Definition Perm_pre_rmap (A: Type): Perm_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
Perm_prop _ _ (Perm_fun address _ _ _) _ (pre_rmap_sa_valid_join _).
Definition Sep_pre_rmap (A: Type): Sep_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
Sep_prop _ _ (Perm_fun address _ _ _) _ (pre_rmap_sa_valid_join _) _ (pre_rmap_sa_valid_core _).
Definition Canc_pre_rmap (A: Type): Canc_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
@Canc_prop _ _ _ (Canc_fun address _ _ _).
Definition Disj_pre_rmap (A: Type): Disj_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
@Disj_prop _ _ _ (Disj_fun address _ _ _).
End StratModel.
Open Local Scope nat_scope.
Module Type RMAPS.
Declare Module AV:ADR_VAL.
Import AV.
Parameter rmap : Type.
Axiom Join_rmap: Join rmap. Existing Instance Join_rmap.
Axiom Perm_rmap: Perm_alg rmap. Existing Instance Perm_rmap.
Axiom Sep_rmap: Sep_alg rmap. Existing Instance Sep_rmap.
Axiom Canc_rmap: Canc_alg rmap. Existing Instance Canc_rmap.
Axiom Disj_rmap: Disj_alg rmap. Existing Instance Disj_rmap.
Axiom ag_rmap: ageable rmap. Existing Instance ag_rmap.
Axiom Age_rmap: Age_alg rmap. Existing Instance Age_rmap.
Inductive preds : Type :=
SomeP : forall A : list Type, (listprod A -> pred rmap) -> preds.
Definition NoneP := SomeP ((Void:Type)::nil) (fun _ => FF).
Inductive resource : Type :=
| NO: Share.t -> resource
| YES: Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds -> resource
| PURE: kind -> preds -> resource.
Definition res_option (r:resource) :=
match r with
| NO _ => None
| YES _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE k _ => None
Inductive res_join : resource -> resource -> resource -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (NO rsh2) (NO rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (YES rsh1 sh k p) (NO rsh2) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (YES rsh2 sh k p) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join (YES rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join (PURE k p) (PURE k p) (PURE k p).
Instance Join_resource: Join resource := res_join.
Axiom Perm_resource: Perm_alg resource. Existing Instance Perm_resource.
Axiom Sep_resource: Sep_alg resource. Existing Instance Sep_resource.
Axiom Canc_resource: Canc_alg resource. Existing Instance Canc_resource.
Axiom Disj_resource: Disj_alg resource. Existing Instance Disj_resource.
Definition preds_fmap (f:pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:preds) : preds :=
match x with SomeP A Q => SomeP A (f oo Q)
Axiom preds_fmap_id : preds_fmap (id _) = id preds.
Axiom preds_fmap_comp : forall f g, preds_fmap g oo preds_fmap f = preds_fmap (g oo f).
Definition resource_fmap (f:pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:resource) : resource :=
match x with
| NO rsh => NO rsh
| YES rsh sh k p => YES rsh sh k (preds_fmap f p)
| PURE k p => PURE k (preds_fmap f p)
Axiom resource_fmap_id : resource_fmap (id _) = id resource.
Axiom resource_fmap_comp : forall f g, resource_fmap g oo resource_fmap f = resource_fmap (g oo f).
Definition valid (m: address -> resource) : Prop :=
AV.valid (res_option oo m).
Axiom valid_res_map : forall f m, valid m -> valid (resource_fmap f oo m).
Axiom rmapj_valid_join : forall (x y z : address -> resource),
join x y z -> valid x -> valid y -> valid z.
Axiom rmapj_valid_core: forall x: address -> resource, valid x -> valid (core x).
Definition rmap' := sig valid.
Definition rmap_fmap (f: pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:rmap') : rmap' :=
match x with exist m H => exist (fun m => valid m) (resource_fmap f oo m) (valid_res_map f m H) end.
Axiom rmap_fmap_id : rmap_fmap (id _) = id rmap'.
Axiom rmap_fmap_comp : forall f g, rmap_fmap g oo rmap_fmap f = rmap_fmap (g oo f).
Parameter squash : (nat * rmap') -> rmap.
Parameter unsquash : rmap -> (nat * rmap').
Axiom rmap_level_eq: @level rmap _ = fun x => fst (unsquash x).
Axiom rmap_age1_eq: @age1 _ _ =
fun k => match unsquash k with
| (O,_) => None
| (S n,x) => Some (squash (n,x))
Definition resource_at (phi:rmap) : address -> resource := proj1_sig (snd (unsquash phi)).
Infix "@" := resource_at (at level 50, no associativity).
Instance Join_nat_rmap': Join (nat * rmap') := Join_prod _ (Join_equiv nat) _ _.
Axiom join_unsquash : forall phi1 phi2 phi3,
join phi1 phi2 phi3 <->
join (unsquash phi1) (unsquash phi2) (unsquash phi3).
Definition rmap_unage (k:rmap) : rmap :=
match unsquash k with
| (n,x) => squash (S n, x)
Program Definition approx (n:nat) (p: pred rmap) : pred rmap :=
fun w => level w < n /\ p w.
Next Obligation.
destruct H0.
apply age_level in H. omega.
apply pred_hereditary with a; auto.
Axiom squash_unsquash : forall phi, squash (unsquash phi) = phi.
Axiom unsquash_squash : forall n rm, unsquash (squash (n,rm)) = (n,rmap_fmap (approx n) rm).
Module Rmaps (AV':ADR_VAL) : RMAPS with Module AV:=AV'.
Module AV:=AV'.
Import AV.
Module SM := StratModel(AV).
Import SM.
Module TyF. Definition F := pre_rmap.
Definition f_F := f_pre_rmap.
Definition other := unit.
End TyF.
Module TyFSA. Module TF := TyF.
Import TF.
Instance Join_F: forall A, Join (F A) := _.
Definition Perm_F : Perm_paf f_F Join_F := fun A _ _ => Perm_pre_rmap A.
Definition Sep_F : Sep_paf f_F Join_F := fun (A : Type) (JA : Join A) _ _ => Sep_pre_rmap A.
Definition Canc_F : Canc_paf f_F Join_F := fun (A : Type) (JA : Join A) _ _ => Canc_pre_rmap A.
Definition Disj_F : Disj_paf f_F Join_F := fun (A : Type) (JA : Join A) _ _ => Disj_pre_rmap A.
Definition paf_F := paf_pre_rmap.
End TyFSA.
Module K := KnotHered(TyF).
Module KL := KnotHered_Lemmas(K).
Module KSa := KnotHeredSa(TyFSA)(K).
Definition rmap := K.knot.
Instance Join_rmap: Join rmap := KSa.Join_knot.
Instance Perm_rmap : Perm_alg rmap:= KSa.Perm_knot.
Instance Sep_rmap : Sep_alg rmap:= KSa.Sep_knot Sep_pre_rmap.
Instance Canc_rmap : Canc_alg rmap:= KSa.Canc_knot Canc_pre_rmap.
Instance Disj_rmap : Disj_alg rmap:= KSa.Disj_knot Disj_pre_rmap.
Instance ag_rmap : ageable rmap := KSa.K.ag_knot.
Instance Age_rmap: Age_alg rmap := KSa.asa_knot.
Inductive preds : Type :=
SomeP : forall A : list Type, (listprod A -> pred rmap) -> preds.
Definition NoneP := SomeP ((Void:Type)::nil) (fun _ => FF).
Inductive resource : Type :=
| NO: Share.t -> resource
| YES: Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds -> resource
| PURE: kind -> preds -> resource.
Definition resource2res (r: resource): res (pred rmap) :=
match r with
| NO rsh => NO' (pred rmap) rsh
| YES rsh p k (SomeP A l) => YES' (pred rmap) rsh p k (existT _ A l)
| PURE k (SomeP A l) => PURE' (pred rmap) k (existT _ A l)
Definition res2resource (r: res (pred rmap)) : resource :=
match r with
| NO' rsh => NO rsh
| YES' rsh p k (existT A l) => YES rsh p k (SomeP A l)
| PURE' k (existT A l) => PURE k (SomeP A l)
Lemma res2resource2res: forall x, resource2res (res2resource x) = x.
Proof. unfold resource2res, res2resource; destruct x; try destruct p0; try destruct p; auto. Qed.
Lemma resource2res2resource: forall x, res2resource (resource2res x) = x.
Proof. unfold resource2res, res2resource; destruct x; try destruct p0; try destruct p; auto. Qed.
Definition res_option (r:resource) :=
match r with
| NO _ => None
| YES _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE _ _ => None
Lemma res_option_rewrite: res_option = SM.res_option (pred rmap) oo resource2res.
Proof. extensionality r; destruct r; auto. destruct p0; auto. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Definition valid (m: address -> resource) : Prop :=
AV.valid (res_option oo m).
Inductive res_join : resource -> resource -> resource -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (NO rsh2) (NO rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (YES rsh1 sh k p) (NO rsh2) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (YES rsh2 sh k p) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join (YES rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join (PURE k p) (PURE k p) (PURE k p).
Instance Join_resource: Join resource := res_join.
Instance Perm_resource: Perm_alg resource.
Proof. constructor.
intros x y z z' H1 H2; inv H1; inv H2; repeat f_equal; eapply join_eq; eauto.
intros a b c d e H1 H2.
destruct d as [rd | rd sd kd pd | kd pd].
destruct a as [ra | | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [rb| | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO rf); split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sc kc pc).
inv H2. split; constructor; auto.
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [ | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sd kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO rf). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sb kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sc kc pc). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf se kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
assert (H5: join sa sb sd) by (inv H1; auto).
assert (H6: join sd sc se) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H5 H6) as [sf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sf kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
exists (PURE kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor.
intros a b c H; inv H; econstructor; apply join_comm; auto.
intros; inv H; inv H0; auto; f_equal; eapply join_positivity; eauto.
Instance Sep_resource: Sep_alg resource.
apply mkSep with (fun x => match x with NO _ => NO | YES _ _ _ _ => NO | PURE k pds => PURE k pds end).
intros; destruct t; constructor; try apply join_unit1; auto.
intros; inv H; auto.
Instance Canc_resource: Canc_alg resource.
Proof. repeat intro.
inv H; inv H0; f_equal;
try solve [ elimtype False; eapply no_units; eassumption];
eapply join_canc; eassumption.
Instance Disj_resource: Disj_alg resource.
repeat intro. inv H; auto; f_equal; apply join_self; auto.
Lemma same_valid : forall f1 f2, (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) -> AV.valid f1 -> AV.valid f2.
intros; replace f2 with f1; trivial.
apply extensionality; auto.
Lemma rmapj_valid_core: forall x : address -> resource, valid x -> valid (core x).
unfold valid, compose; intros. red. red.
replace (fun x0 => res_option (core x x0)) with (fun _ : address => @None (pshare * kind)).
apply AV.valid_empty.
extensionality a. simpl. icase (x a).
Lemma rmapj_valid_join : forall (x y z : address -> resource),
join x y z ->
valid x -> valid y -> valid z.
simpl in H.
unfold valid, compose in *.
apply AV.valid_join with (fun l => res_option (x l)) (fun l => res_option (y l)); auto.
intro l. specialize (H l). inv H; eauto. constructor. constructor. constructor.
constructor. constructor. eauto. eauto.
Definition rmap' := sig valid.
Definition preds_fmap (f:(pred rmap)->(pred rmap)) (x:preds) : preds :=
match x with SomeP A ls => SomeP A (f oo ls) end.
Lemma preds_fmap_id : preds_fmap (id (pred rmap)) = id preds.
intros; apply extensionality; intro x; destruct x; simpl; auto;
replace (id (pred rmap) oo p) with p; auto;
rewrite id_unit2; auto.
Lemma preds_fmap_comp : forall f g, preds_fmap g oo preds_fmap f = preds_fmap (g oo f).
intros; apply extensionality; intro x; destruct x; simpl; auto.
Definition resource_fmap (f:pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:resource) : resource :=
match x with
| NO rsh => NO rsh
| YES rsh sh k p => YES rsh sh k (preds_fmap f p)
| PURE k p => PURE k (preds_fmap f p)
Lemma valid_res_map : forall f m, valid m -> valid (resource_fmap f oo m).
unfold valid, compose; intros.
replace (fun l : address => res_option (resource_fmap f (m l)))
with (fun l : address => res_option (m l)); auto.
extensionality l.
unfold res_option, resource_fmap.
case (m l); auto.
Lemma resource_fmap_id : resource_fmap (id (pred rmap)) = id resource.
intros; apply extensionality; intro x.
unfold resource_fmap.
destruct x; simpl; auto.
rewrite preds_fmap_id; auto.
rewrite preds_fmap_id; auto.
Lemma resource_fmap_comp : forall f g, resource_fmap g oo resource_fmap f = resource_fmap (g oo f).
intros f g.
apply extensionality; intro x; destruct x; simpl; auto.
unfold compose at 1; simpl.
rewrite <- preds_fmap_comp; auto.
rewrite <- preds_fmap_comp; auto.
Definition rmap_fmap (f:(pred rmap)->(pred rmap)) (x:rmap') : rmap' :=
match x with exist m H => exist (fun m => valid m) (resource_fmap f oo m) (valid_res_map f m H) end.
Lemma rmap_fmap_id : rmap_fmap (id (pred rmap)) = id rmap'.
intros; apply extensionality; intro x.
unfold rmap_fmap; destruct x.
unfold id at 3.
generalize (valid_res_map (id _) x v).
rewrite (resource_fmap_id).
rewrite (id_unit2 _ (resource) x).
intro v0. f_equal; auto.
Lemma rmap_fmap_comp : forall f g, rmap_fmap g oo rmap_fmap f = rmap_fmap (g oo f).
intros f g.
unfold rmap_fmap.
apply extensionality; intro x.
unfold compose at 1.
destruct x.
generalize (valid_res_map g (resource_fmap f oo x) (valid_res_map f x v)).
generalize (valid_res_map (g oo f) x v).
assert (resource_fmap g oo resource_fmap f oo x = resource_fmap (g oo f) oo x).
rewrite <- compose_assoc.
rewrite resource_fmap_comp; auto.
rewrite H.
intros; f_equal; proof_irr; auto.
Definition rmap'2pre_rmap (r: rmap') : pre_rmap (pred rmap).
destruct r as [f ?].
unfold pre_rmap.
assert (valid' _ (fun x: address => resource2res (f x))).
unfold valid'. unfold valid, compose in v.
eapply same_valid; try apply v.
intros. simpl.
destruct (f x); simpl; auto. destruct p0; simpl; auto. destruct p; simpl; auto.
Definition pre_rmap2rmap' (r: pre_rmap (pred rmap)) : rmap'.
destruct r as [f ?].
unfold rmap', valid' in *.
assert (valid (fun l: address => res2resource (f l))).
unfold valid, compose.
replace (fun l : address => res_option (res2resource (f l))) with (fun l : address => SM.res_option (pred rmap) (f l)); auto.
extensionality l. rewrite res_option_rewrite.
unfold compose; simpl. rewrite res2resource2res. auto.
Lemma rmap'2pre_rmap2rmap' :
forall x, rmap'2pre_rmap (pre_rmap2rmap' x) = x.
intro. destruct x as [f V]. unfold rmap'2pre_rmap, pre_rmap2rmap'. simpl.
match goal with |- exist _ _ ?p = _ => generalize p; intro p1 end.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality x; rewrite res2resource2res; auto.
Lemma pre_rmap2rmap'2pre_rmap :
forall x, pre_rmap2rmap' (rmap'2pre_rmap x) = x.
destruct x as [f V].
unfold rmap'2pre_rmap, pre_rmap2rmap'. simpl.
match goal with |- exist _ _ ?p = _ => generalize p; intro p1 end.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality x; rewrite resource2res2resource; auto.
Program Definition p2p (p:(pred rmap)) : K.predicate :=
fun phi_e => p (fst phi_e).
Next Obligation.
destruct a as [a b]; destruct a' as [a' b'].
unfold age, age1 in H. simpl in H. invSome. simpl in *.
eapply pred_hereditary; eauto.
Program Definition p2p' (p:K.predicate) : (pred rmap) :=
fun (v:rmap) => p (v, tt).
Next Obligation.
unfold age in H; simpl in H.
unfold rmap in *.
eapply pred_hereditary; eauto.
unfold age, age1; simpl.
unfold ag_rmap in H. rewrite H. auto.
Definition squash (n_rm:nat * rmap') : rmap :=
match n_rm with (n,rm) => K.squash (n, fmap p2p (rmap'2pre_rmap rm)) end.
Definition unsquash (phi:rmap) : (nat * rmap') :=
match K.unsquash phi with (n,rm) => (n, pre_rmap2rmap' (fmap p2p' rm)) end.
Definition rmap_level (phi:rmap) : nat := fst (unsquash phi).
Definition resource_at (phi:rmap) : address -> resource := proj1_sig (snd (unsquash phi)).
Infix "@" := resource_at (at level 50, no associativity).
Lemma pred_ext': forall {A} `{agA: ageable A} P Q,
(forall x, app_pred P x <-> app_pred Q x) -> P = Q.
Proof. intros; apply pred_ext; intro; apply H; auto. Qed.
Lemma squash_unsquash : forall phi, squash (unsquash phi) = phi.
unfold squash, unsquash; simpl.
case_eq (K.unsquash phi); simpl; intros.
rewrite rmap'2pre_rmap2rmap'.
match goal with [ |- K.squash (n,?X) = _ ] =>
change X with
((fmap p2p oo fmap p2p') f)
rewrite fmap_comp.
replace (p2p oo p2p') with (id K.predicate).
rewrite fmap_id.
unfold id.
unfold TyF.F in *.
rewrite <- H.
rewrite K.squash_unsquash; auto.
extensionality p.
apply pred_ext'. intro x.
destruct x as [k e].
unfold compose, p2p, p2p'; simpl.
unfold id.
destruct e; intuition.
Program Definition approx (n:nat) (p: (pred rmap)) : (pred rmap) :=
fun w => level w < n /\ p w.
Next Obligation.
destruct H0.
apply age_level in H.
simpl in *. omega.
apply pred_hereditary with a; auto.
Lemma unsquash_squash : forall n rm, (unsquash (squash (n,rm))) = (n,rmap_fmap (approx n) rm).
unfold unsquash, squash.
rewrite K.unsquash_squash; simpl.
match goal with [|- (_,?X) = (_,?Y) ] =>
replace Y with X; auto
match goal with [|- pre_rmap2rmap' ?X = _ ] =>
replace X with
(fmap (p2p' oo K.approx n oo p2p) (rmap'2pre_rmap rm))
2: repeat rewrite <- fmap_comp.
2: unfold compose; auto.
destruct rm; simpl.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality l.
unfold compose.
destruct (x l); simpl; auto.
destruct p0; simpl.
f_equal. f_equal.
extensionality a.
apply pred_ext'; intro w.
unfold p2p', p2p, approx, compose; simpl.
unfold app_pred at 1.
rewrite K.approx_spec.
unfold fidentity_fmap;
unfold rmap_level, unsquash; simpl;
repeat rewrite K.knot_level;
repeat rewrite setset, setget; intuition.
destruct p; simpl.
f_equal. f_equal.
extensionality a.
apply pred_ext'; intro w.
unfold p2p', p2p, approx, compose; simpl.
unfold app_pred at 1.
rewrite K.approx_spec.
unfold fidentity_fmap;
unfold rmap_level, unsquash; simpl;
repeat rewrite K.knot_level;
repeat rewrite setset, setget; intuition.
Instance Join_nat_rmap': Join (nat * rmap') := Join_prod _ (Join_equiv nat) _ _.
Lemma fmap_p2p'_inj:
forall p q,
@fmap SM.preds f_preds K.predicate (@pred rmap ag_rmap) p2p' p =
@fmap SM.preds f_preds K.predicate (@pred rmap ag_rmap) p2p' q ->
destruct p as [p Vp]. destruct q as [q Vq].
unfold fmap in *. unfold f_preds in *. simpl in *.
inv H.
apply inj_pair2 in H2. unfold ffun_fmap, f_identity in *.
unfold fmap, compose in H2.
extensionality w.
apply equal_f with w in H2. unfold fidentity_fmap in *.
unfold p2p' in *. inv H2.
unfold K.predicate in *.
apply pred_ext'. intros [k o]. destruct o.
apply equal_f with k in H0. rewrite H0; intuition.
Lemma join_unsquash : forall phi1 phi2 phi3,
join phi1 phi2 phi3 <->
join (unsquash phi1) (unsquash phi2) (unsquash phi3).
unfold unsquash.
rewrite KSa.join_unsquash.
destruct (K.unsquash phi1).
destruct (K.unsquash phi2).
destruct (K.unsquash phi3).
simpl; intuition.
destruct H; simpl in *; split; simpl; auto.
intro l; spec H0 l.
destruct f as [f ?].
destruct f0 as [f0 ?].
destruct f1 as [f1 ?].
simpl in *.
unfold compose.
inv H0; simpl.
constructor; auto.
destruct p. simpl in *. constructor; auto. destruct p. simpl in *. constructor; auto.
destruct p; simpl in *.
constructor; auto.
destruct p; simpl in *.
constructor; auto.
destruct H; simpl in *; split; simpl; auto.
destruct f as [f ?].
destruct f0 as [f0 ?].
destruct f1 as [f1 ?].
hnf in H0. simpl proj1_sig in H0.
intro l; spec H0 l.
simpl proj1_sig.
clear - H0.
forget (f l) as a; forget (f0 l) as b; forget (f1 l) as c.
clear - H0.
unfold res2resource in *. unfold res_fmap in *.
destruct a as [ra | ra sha ka pa| ka pa]; try (remember (fmap p2p' pa) as fa; destruct fa);
destruct b as [rb | rb shb kb pb|kb pb]; try (remember (fmap p2p' pb) as fb; destruct fb);
destruct c as [rc | rc shc kc pc|kc pc]; try (remember (fmap p2p' pc) as fc; destruct fc);
inv H0.
constructor; auto.
apply inj_pair2 in H10. subst p0.
replace pb with pc; [ constructor ;auto |].
rewrite Heqfb in Heqfc. clear - Heqfc.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj ; auto.
apply inj_pair2 in H10. subst p0. rewrite Heqfa in Heqfc; clear - Heqfc RJ.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfc. subst; constructor; auto.
subst x1. apply inj_pair2 in H14. subst p1. apply inj_pair2 in H9; subst p0.
rewrite Heqfa in Heqfc, Heqfb; clear Heqfa.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfc.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfb. subst. subst. constructor; auto.
subst x1. apply inj_pair2 in H8. subst p1. apply inj_pair2 in H5. subst p0.
rewrite Heqfa in Heqfc, Heqfb; clear Heqfa.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfc.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfb. subst. subst. constructor.
Definition rmap_age1 (k:rmap) : option rmap :=
match unsquash k with
| (O,_) => None
| (S n,x) => Some (squash (n,x))
Definition rmap_unage (k:rmap) : rmap :=
match unsquash k with
| (n,x) => squash (S n, x)
Lemma rmap_age1_knot_age1 :
rmap_age1 = @age1 _ K.ag_knot.
extensionality x.
unfold rmap_age1.
rewrite K.knot_age1.
unfold unsquash, squash.
case (K.unsquash x); simpl; intros.
destruct n; auto.
rewrite rmap'2pre_rmap2rmap'.
f_equal. f_equal. f_equal.
change ((fmap p2p oo fmap p2p') f = f).
rewrite fmap_comp.
replace (p2p oo p2p') with (id K.predicate).
rewrite fmap_id; auto.
extensionality p; apply pred_ext'; intro a; simpl.
destruct a; unfold id; simpl.
unfold compose.
unfold p2p. unfold p2p'. simpl.
unfold TyF.other in *. destruct o. intuition.
Lemma rmap_age1_eq: @age1 _ ag_rmap = rmap_age1.
unfold age1. unfold ag_rmap; simpl; auto.
rewrite rmap_age1_knot_age1; reflexivity.
Lemma rmap_level_eq: @level rmap ag_rmap = fun x => fst (unsquash x).
extensionality x. unfold level. unfold ag_rmap.
unfold KSa.K.ag_knot. unfold unsquash.
rewrite K.knot_level. destruct (K.unsquash x); simpl. auto.
Lemma unevolve_identity_rmap :
forall w w':rmap, necR w w' -> identity w' -> identity w.
induction H; eauto.
rewrite identity_unit_equiv in H0.
rewrite identity_unit_equiv.
red in H0. red.
rewrite join_unsquash in H0.
rewrite join_unsquash.
hnf in H. unfold rmap, ag_rmap in H. rewrite <- rmap_age1_knot_age1 in H.
unfold rmap_age1 in H.
destruct (unsquash x).
destruct n. inv H.
assert (y = squash (n,r)).
inv H; auto.
subst y.
rewrite unsquash_squash in H0.
destruct H0; split; simpl fst in *; simpl snd in *; try split; auto.
intro l; spec H1 l.
destruct r.
simpl in *.
unfold compose in *.
destruct (x0 l); simpl in *.
constructor; auto.
inv H1; auto.
inv H1. constructor; auto.
End Rmaps.
Local Close Scope nat_scope.
Require Import msl.Coqlib2.
Module Type ADR_VAL.
Parameter address : Type.
Parameter some_address:address.
Parameter kind: Type.
Parameter valid : (address -> option (pshare * kind)) -> Prop.
Parameter valid_empty: valid (fun _ => None).
Parameter valid_join: forall f g h : address -> option (pshare * kind),
@join _ (Join_fun address (option (pshare * kind))
(Join_lower (Join_prod pshare Join_pshare kind (Join_equiv kind))))
f g h ->
valid f -> valid g -> valid h.
Module Type ADR_VAL0.
Parameter address : Type.
Parameter some_address:address.
Parameter kind: Type.
Module SimpleAdrVal (AV0: ADR_VAL0) <:
ADR_VAL with Definition address := AV0.address
with Definition kind := AV0.kind.
Import AV0.
Definition address := address.
Definition some_address := some_address.
Definition kind := kind.
Definition valid (_: address -> option (pshare * kind)) := True.
Lemma valid_empty: valid (fun _ => None).
Proof. unfold valid; auto. Qed.
Lemma valid_join: forall f g h : address -> option (pshare * kind),
@join _ (Join_fun address (option (pshare * kind))
(Join_lower (Join_prod pshare Join_pshare kind (Join_equiv kind))))
f g h ->
valid f -> valid g -> valid h.
Proof. intros; unfold valid; auto. Qed.
End SimpleAdrVal.
Fixpoint listprod (ts: list Type) : Type :=
match ts with
| nil => unit
| t :: ts' => prod t (listprod ts')
Module Type STRAT_MODEL.
Declare Module AV : ADR_VAL.
Import AV.
Definition preds (PRED : Type) : Type :=
{ A: list Type & (listprod A -> PRED) }.
Definition f_preds : functor preds :=
f_sigma _ (fun _ => f_fun _ f_identity).
Existing Instance f_preds.
Inductive res (PRED : Type) : Type :=
| NO': Share.t -> res PRED
| YES': Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED
| PURE': kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED.
Definition res_fmap (A B:Type) (f:A->B) (x:res A) : res B :=
match x with
| NO' rsh => NO' B rsh
| YES' rsh sh k pds => YES' B rsh sh k (fmap f pds)
| PURE' k pds => PURE' B k (fmap f pds)
Axiom ff_res : functorFacts res res_fmap.
Definition f_res : functor res := Functor ff_res.
Existing Instance f_res.
Inductive res_join (PRED : Type) : res PRED -> res PRED -> res PRED -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (NO' PRED rsh2) (NO' PRED rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh k p) (NO' PRED rsh2 ) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t) (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join PRED (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p).
Axiom pa_rj : forall PRED, @Perm_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom sa_rj : forall PRED, @Sep_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom ca_rj : forall PRED, @Canc_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom da_rj : forall PRED, @Disj_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Axiom paf_res : @pafunctor res f_res res_join.
Existing Instance paf_res.
Definition res_option (PRED : Type) (r: res PRED) :=
match r with
| NO' _ => None
| YES' _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE' _ _ => None
Definition valid' A (w: address -> res A) : Prop :=
AV.valid (fun l => res_option A (w l)).
Axiom valid'_res_map : forall A B f m, valid' A m -> valid' B (fmap f oo m).
Definition pre_rmap (A:Type) := { m:address -> res A | valid' A m }.
Definition f_pre_rmap : functor pre_rmap :=
f_subset (f_fun _ f_res) _ valid'_res_map.
Existing Instance f_pre_rmap.
Axiom valid'_res_map2 : forall A B f m, valid' B (res_fmap A B f oo m) -> valid' A m.
Instance Join_pre_rmap (A: Type) : Join (pre_rmap A) :=
Join_prop _ (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A)) (valid' A).
Parameter Perm_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Perm_alg (pre_rmap A).
Parameter Sep_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Sep_alg (pre_rmap A).
Parameter Canc_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Canc_alg (pre_rmap A).
Parameter Disj_pre_rmap: forall (A: Type), Disj_alg (pre_rmap A).
Instance paf_pre_rmap : pafunctor f_pre_rmap :=
saf_subset (paf_fun address paf_res) valid' valid'_res_map valid'_res_map2.
Module StratModel (AV' : ADR_VAL) : STRAT_MODEL with Module AV:=AV'.
Module AV := AV'.
Import AV.
Definition preds (PRED : Type) : Type :=
{ A: list Type & (listprod A -> PRED) }.
Definition f_preds : functor preds :=
f_sigma _ (fun _ => f_fun _ f_identity).
Existing Instance f_preds.
Instance Join_preds (A: Type) : Join (preds A) := Join_equiv _.
Inductive res (PRED : Type) : Type :=
| NO': Share.t -> res PRED
| YES': Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED
| PURE': kind -> preds PRED -> res PRED.
Definition res_fmap (A B:Type) (f:A->B) (x:res A) : res B :=
match x with
| NO' rsh => NO' B rsh
| YES' rsh sh k pds => YES' B rsh sh k (fmap f pds)
| PURE' k pds => PURE' B k (fmap f pds)
Lemma ff_res : functorFacts res res_fmap.
Proof with auto.
constructor; intros; extensionality rs; icase rs; unfold res_fmap.
rewrite fmap_id... rewrite fmap_id...
rewrite <- fmap_comp... rewrite <- fmap_comp...
Definition f_res : functor res := Functor ff_res.
Existing Instance f_res.
Inductive res_join (PRED : Type) : res PRED -> res PRED -> res PRED -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (NO' PRED rsh2) (NO' PRED rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (NO' PRED rsh1) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh k p) (NO' PRED rsh2 ) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall (rsh1 rsh2 rsh3: Share.t) (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p,
join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 ->
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join PRED (YES' PRED rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES' PRED rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES' PRED rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join PRED (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p) (PURE' PRED k p).
Instance Join_res (PRED: Type) : Join (res PRED) := res_join PRED.
Instance pa_rj : forall PRED, @Perm_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. intros. constructor.
intros x y z z' H1 H2; inv H1; inv H2; repeat f_equal; eapply join_eq; eauto.
intros a b c d e H1 H2.
destruct d as [rd | rd sd kd pd | kd pd].
destruct a as [ra | | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [rb| | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO' _ rf); split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sc kc pc).
inv H2. split; constructor; auto.
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [ | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sd kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO' _ rf). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sb kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sc kc pc). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf se kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
assert (H5: join sa sb sd) by (inv H1; auto).
assert (H6: join sd sc se) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H5 H6) as [sf [? ?]].
exists (YES' _ rf sf kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
exists (PURE' _ kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor.
intros a b c H; inv H; econstructor; apply join_comm; auto.
intros; inv H; inv H0; auto; f_equal; eapply join_positivity; eauto.
Instance sa_rj : forall PRED, @Sep_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. intros.
apply mkSep with (fun x => match x with NO' _ => NO' _ | YES' _ _ _ _ => NO' _| PURE' k pds => PURE' _ k pds end).
intro. destruct t; constructor; try apply join_unit1; auto.
intros. inversion H; auto.
Instance ca_rj : forall PRED, @Canc_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. repeat intro. inv H; inv H0; auto.
f_equal. eapply join_canc; eauto.
f_equal. eapply join_canc; eauto.
apply no_units in H9; contradiction.
f_equal. eapply join_canc; eauto.
apply no_units in H2; contradiction.
f_equal; eapply join_canc; eauto.
Instance da_rj : forall PRED, @Disj_alg _ (res_join PRED).
Proof. repeat intro.
inv H; f_equal; auto; apply join_self; auto.
Instance paf_res : @pafunctor res f_res res_join.
Proof. constructor; repeat intro.
inv H; simpl; constructor; trivial.
destruct z as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ].
destruct x' as [ rx' | rx' sx' kx' px' | kx' px' ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ rx'); exists (NO' _ ry); inv H; split; constructor; tauto.
destruct x' as [ rx' | rx' sx' kx' px' | kx' px' ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ rx'); exists (YES' _ ry sy kz pz); inv H; split; constructor; auto. simpl in *; f_equal; auto.
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (YES' _ rx' sx' kx' pz); exists (NO' _ ry); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
exists (YES' _ rx' sx' kx' pz); exists (YES' _ ry sy ky pz); inv H; split; constructor; auto; simpl; f_equal; auto.
exists (PURE' _ kz pz); exists (PURE' _ kz pz); simpl in *; inv H; split; [constructor | tauto].
destruct x as [ rx | rx sx kx px | kx px ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ ry); exists (NO' _ rz); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (YES' _ ry sy ky py); exists (YES' _ rz sy ky py); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
destruct y as [ ry | ry sy ky py | ky py ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (NO' _ ry); exists (YES' _ rz sx kx px); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
destruct z' as [ rz | rz sz kz pz | kz pz ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H].
exists (YES' _ ry sy kx px); exists (YES' _ rz sz kx px); inv H; split; constructor; auto. simpl; f_equal; auto.
exists (PURE' _ kx px); exists (PURE' _ kx px); inv H; split; constructor; auto.
Definition res_option (PRED : Type) (r: res PRED) :=
match r with
| NO' _ => None
| YES' _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE' _ _ => None
Definition valid' A (w: address -> res A) : Prop :=
AV.valid (fun l => res_option A (w l)).
Lemma same_valid : forall f1 f2, (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) -> AV.valid f1 -> AV.valid f2.
intros; replace f2 with f1; trivial.
apply extensionality; auto.
Lemma valid'_res_map : forall A B f m,
valid' A m -> valid' B (fmap f oo m).
unfold valid'; intros A B f m.
apply same_valid; intro l.
unfold compose.
destruct (m l); simpl; auto.
Lemma valid'_res_map2 : forall A B f m,
valid' B (res_fmap A B f oo m) -> valid' A m.
unfold valid'; intros A B f m.
apply same_valid; intro l.
unfold compose.
destruct (m l); simpl; auto.
Definition pre_rmap (A:Type) := { m:address -> res A | valid' A m }.
Definition f_pre_rmap : functor pre_rmap :=
f_subset (f_fun _ f_res) _ valid'_res_map.
Existing Instance f_pre_rmap.
Instance Join_pre_rmap (A: Type) : Join (pre_rmap A) :=
Join_prop _ (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A)) (valid' A).
Instance paf_pre_rmap : pafunctor f_pre_rmap :=
saf_subset (paf_fun address paf_res) valid' valid'_res_map valid'_res_map2.
Lemma pre_rmap_sa_valid_core (A: Type):
forall x : address -> res A,
valid' A x ->
valid' A (@core (address -> res A) (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A))
(Sep_fun address (res A) (res_join A) (sa_rj A)) x).
intros. red. red.
replace (fun l => res_option A (core x l)) with (fun l : address => @None (pshare * kind)).
apply AV.valid_empty.
extensionality a. simpl. icase (x a).
Lemma pre_rmap_sa_valid_join : forall A (x y z : address -> res A),
@join _ (Join_fun address (res A) (res_join A)) x y z ->
valid' A x -> valid' A y -> valid' A z.
simpl in H.
unfold valid' in *.
apply AV.valid_join with (fun l => res_option A (x l)) (fun l => res_option A (y l)); auto.
intro l. spec H l. inv H; try constructor. split; simpl; auto.
Definition Perm_pre_rmap (A: Type): Perm_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
Perm_prop _ _ (Perm_fun address _ _ _) _ (pre_rmap_sa_valid_join _).
Definition Sep_pre_rmap (A: Type): Sep_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
Sep_prop _ _ (Perm_fun address _ _ _) _ (pre_rmap_sa_valid_join _) _ (pre_rmap_sa_valid_core _).
Definition Canc_pre_rmap (A: Type): Canc_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
@Canc_prop _ _ _ (Canc_fun address _ _ _).
Definition Disj_pre_rmap (A: Type): Disj_alg (pre_rmap A) :=
@Disj_prop _ _ _ (Disj_fun address _ _ _).
End StratModel.
Open Local Scope nat_scope.
Module Type RMAPS.
Declare Module AV:ADR_VAL.
Import AV.
Parameter rmap : Type.
Axiom Join_rmap: Join rmap. Existing Instance Join_rmap.
Axiom Perm_rmap: Perm_alg rmap. Existing Instance Perm_rmap.
Axiom Sep_rmap: Sep_alg rmap. Existing Instance Sep_rmap.
Axiom Canc_rmap: Canc_alg rmap. Existing Instance Canc_rmap.
Axiom Disj_rmap: Disj_alg rmap. Existing Instance Disj_rmap.
Axiom ag_rmap: ageable rmap. Existing Instance ag_rmap.
Axiom Age_rmap: Age_alg rmap. Existing Instance Age_rmap.
Inductive preds : Type :=
SomeP : forall A : list Type, (listprod A -> pred rmap) -> preds.
Definition NoneP := SomeP ((Void:Type)::nil) (fun _ => FF).
Inductive resource : Type :=
| NO: Share.t -> resource
| YES: Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds -> resource
| PURE: kind -> preds -> resource.
Definition res_option (r:resource) :=
match r with
| NO _ => None
| YES _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE k _ => None
Inductive res_join : resource -> resource -> resource -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (NO rsh2) (NO rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (YES rsh1 sh k p) (NO rsh2) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (YES rsh2 sh k p) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join (YES rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join (PURE k p) (PURE k p) (PURE k p).
Instance Join_resource: Join resource := res_join.
Axiom Perm_resource: Perm_alg resource. Existing Instance Perm_resource.
Axiom Sep_resource: Sep_alg resource. Existing Instance Sep_resource.
Axiom Canc_resource: Canc_alg resource. Existing Instance Canc_resource.
Axiom Disj_resource: Disj_alg resource. Existing Instance Disj_resource.
Definition preds_fmap (f:pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:preds) : preds :=
match x with SomeP A Q => SomeP A (f oo Q)
Axiom preds_fmap_id : preds_fmap (id _) = id preds.
Axiom preds_fmap_comp : forall f g, preds_fmap g oo preds_fmap f = preds_fmap (g oo f).
Definition resource_fmap (f:pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:resource) : resource :=
match x with
| NO rsh => NO rsh
| YES rsh sh k p => YES rsh sh k (preds_fmap f p)
| PURE k p => PURE k (preds_fmap f p)
Axiom resource_fmap_id : resource_fmap (id _) = id resource.
Axiom resource_fmap_comp : forall f g, resource_fmap g oo resource_fmap f = resource_fmap (g oo f).
Definition valid (m: address -> resource) : Prop :=
AV.valid (res_option oo m).
Axiom valid_res_map : forall f m, valid m -> valid (resource_fmap f oo m).
Axiom rmapj_valid_join : forall (x y z : address -> resource),
join x y z -> valid x -> valid y -> valid z.
Axiom rmapj_valid_core: forall x: address -> resource, valid x -> valid (core x).
Definition rmap' := sig valid.
Definition rmap_fmap (f: pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:rmap') : rmap' :=
match x with exist m H => exist (fun m => valid m) (resource_fmap f oo m) (valid_res_map f m H) end.
Axiom rmap_fmap_id : rmap_fmap (id _) = id rmap'.
Axiom rmap_fmap_comp : forall f g, rmap_fmap g oo rmap_fmap f = rmap_fmap (g oo f).
Parameter squash : (nat * rmap') -> rmap.
Parameter unsquash : rmap -> (nat * rmap').
Axiom rmap_level_eq: @level rmap _ = fun x => fst (unsquash x).
Axiom rmap_age1_eq: @age1 _ _ =
fun k => match unsquash k with
| (O,_) => None
| (S n,x) => Some (squash (n,x))
Definition resource_at (phi:rmap) : address -> resource := proj1_sig (snd (unsquash phi)).
Infix "@" := resource_at (at level 50, no associativity).
Instance Join_nat_rmap': Join (nat * rmap') := Join_prod _ (Join_equiv nat) _ _.
Axiom join_unsquash : forall phi1 phi2 phi3,
join phi1 phi2 phi3 <->
join (unsquash phi1) (unsquash phi2) (unsquash phi3).
Definition rmap_unage (k:rmap) : rmap :=
match unsquash k with
| (n,x) => squash (S n, x)
Program Definition approx (n:nat) (p: pred rmap) : pred rmap :=
fun w => level w < n /\ p w.
Next Obligation.
destruct H0.
apply age_level in H. omega.
apply pred_hereditary with a; auto.
Axiom squash_unsquash : forall phi, squash (unsquash phi) = phi.
Axiom unsquash_squash : forall n rm, unsquash (squash (n,rm)) = (n,rmap_fmap (approx n) rm).
Module Rmaps (AV':ADR_VAL) : RMAPS with Module AV:=AV'.
Module AV:=AV'.
Import AV.
Module SM := StratModel(AV).
Import SM.
Module TyF. Definition F := pre_rmap.
Definition f_F := f_pre_rmap.
Definition other := unit.
End TyF.
Module TyFSA. Module TF := TyF.
Import TF.
Instance Join_F: forall A, Join (F A) := _.
Definition Perm_F : Perm_paf f_F Join_F := fun A _ _ => Perm_pre_rmap A.
Definition Sep_F : Sep_paf f_F Join_F := fun (A : Type) (JA : Join A) _ _ => Sep_pre_rmap A.
Definition Canc_F : Canc_paf f_F Join_F := fun (A : Type) (JA : Join A) _ _ => Canc_pre_rmap A.
Definition Disj_F : Disj_paf f_F Join_F := fun (A : Type) (JA : Join A) _ _ => Disj_pre_rmap A.
Definition paf_F := paf_pre_rmap.
End TyFSA.
Module K := KnotHered(TyF).
Module KL := KnotHered_Lemmas(K).
Module KSa := KnotHeredSa(TyFSA)(K).
Definition rmap := K.knot.
Instance Join_rmap: Join rmap := KSa.Join_knot.
Instance Perm_rmap : Perm_alg rmap:= KSa.Perm_knot.
Instance Sep_rmap : Sep_alg rmap:= KSa.Sep_knot Sep_pre_rmap.
Instance Canc_rmap : Canc_alg rmap:= KSa.Canc_knot Canc_pre_rmap.
Instance Disj_rmap : Disj_alg rmap:= KSa.Disj_knot Disj_pre_rmap.
Instance ag_rmap : ageable rmap := KSa.K.ag_knot.
Instance Age_rmap: Age_alg rmap := KSa.asa_knot.
Inductive preds : Type :=
SomeP : forall A : list Type, (listprod A -> pred rmap) -> preds.
Definition NoneP := SomeP ((Void:Type)::nil) (fun _ => FF).
Inductive resource : Type :=
| NO: Share.t -> resource
| YES: Share.t -> pshare -> kind -> preds -> resource
| PURE: kind -> preds -> resource.
Definition resource2res (r: resource): res (pred rmap) :=
match r with
| NO rsh => NO' (pred rmap) rsh
| YES rsh p k (SomeP A l) => YES' (pred rmap) rsh p k (existT _ A l)
| PURE k (SomeP A l) => PURE' (pred rmap) k (existT _ A l)
Definition res2resource (r: res (pred rmap)) : resource :=
match r with
| NO' rsh => NO rsh
| YES' rsh p k (existT A l) => YES rsh p k (SomeP A l)
| PURE' k (existT A l) => PURE k (SomeP A l)
Lemma res2resource2res: forall x, resource2res (res2resource x) = x.
Proof. unfold resource2res, res2resource; destruct x; try destruct p0; try destruct p; auto. Qed.
Lemma resource2res2resource: forall x, res2resource (resource2res x) = x.
Proof. unfold resource2res, res2resource; destruct x; try destruct p0; try destruct p; auto. Qed.
Definition res_option (r:resource) :=
match r with
| NO _ => None
| YES _ sh k _ => Some (sh,k)
| PURE _ _ => None
Lemma res_option_rewrite: res_option = SM.res_option (pred rmap) oo resource2res.
Proof. extensionality r; destruct r; auto. destruct p0; auto. destruct p; auto. Qed.
Definition valid (m: address -> resource) : Prop :=
AV.valid (res_option oo m).
Inductive res_join : resource -> resource -> resource -> Prop :=
| res_join_NO1 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (NO rsh2) (NO rsh3)
| res_join_NO2 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (YES rsh1 sh k p) (NO rsh2) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_NO3 : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 sh k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
res_join (NO rsh1) (YES rsh2 sh k p) (YES rsh3 sh k p)
| res_join_YES : forall rsh1 rsh2 rsh3 (sh1 sh2 sh3:pshare) k p
(RJ: join rsh1 rsh2 rsh3),
join sh1 sh2 sh3 ->
res_join (YES rsh1 sh1 k p) (YES rsh2 sh2 k p) (YES rsh3 sh3 k p)
| res_join_PURE : forall k p, res_join (PURE k p) (PURE k p) (PURE k p).
Instance Join_resource: Join resource := res_join.
Instance Perm_resource: Perm_alg resource.
Proof. constructor.
intros x y z z' H1 H2; inv H1; inv H2; repeat f_equal; eapply join_eq; eauto.
intros a b c d e H1 H2.
destruct d as [rd | rd sd kd pd | kd pd].
destruct a as [ra | | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [rb| | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO rf); split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sc kc pc).
inv H2. split; constructor; auto.
destruct c as [rc | rc sc kc pc | kc pc]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct b as [ | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sd kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (NO rf). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sb kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct e as [re | re se ke pe | ke pe]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H2].
assert (H0: join rd rc re) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct b as [ rb | rb sb kb pb | ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sc kc pc). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor; auto.
destruct a as [ra | ra sa ka pa | ka pa ]; try solve [elimtype False; inv H1].
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf se kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
assert (H: join ra rb rd) by (inv H1; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H H0) as [rf [? ?]].
assert (H5: join sa sb sd) by (inv H1; auto).
assert (H6: join sd sc se) by (inv H2; auto).
destruct (join_assoc H5 H6) as [sf [? ?]].
exists (YES rf sf kb pb). inv H1; inv H2; split; try constructor; auto.
exists (PURE kd pd). inv H1; inv H2; split; constructor.
intros a b c H; inv H; econstructor; apply join_comm; auto.
intros; inv H; inv H0; auto; f_equal; eapply join_positivity; eauto.
Instance Sep_resource: Sep_alg resource.
apply mkSep with (fun x => match x with NO _ => NO | YES _ _ _ _ => NO | PURE k pds => PURE k pds end).
intros; destruct t; constructor; try apply join_unit1; auto.
intros; inv H; auto.
Instance Canc_resource: Canc_alg resource.
Proof. repeat intro.
inv H; inv H0; f_equal;
try solve [ elimtype False; eapply no_units; eassumption];
eapply join_canc; eassumption.
Instance Disj_resource: Disj_alg resource.
repeat intro. inv H; auto; f_equal; apply join_self; auto.
Lemma same_valid : forall f1 f2, (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) -> AV.valid f1 -> AV.valid f2.
intros; replace f2 with f1; trivial.
apply extensionality; auto.
Lemma rmapj_valid_core: forall x : address -> resource, valid x -> valid (core x).
unfold valid, compose; intros. red. red.
replace (fun x0 => res_option (core x x0)) with (fun _ : address => @None (pshare * kind)).
apply AV.valid_empty.
extensionality a. simpl. icase (x a).
Lemma rmapj_valid_join : forall (x y z : address -> resource),
join x y z ->
valid x -> valid y -> valid z.
simpl in H.
unfold valid, compose in *.
apply AV.valid_join with (fun l => res_option (x l)) (fun l => res_option (y l)); auto.
intro l. specialize (H l). inv H; eauto. constructor. constructor. constructor.
constructor. constructor. eauto. eauto.
Definition rmap' := sig valid.
Definition preds_fmap (f:(pred rmap)->(pred rmap)) (x:preds) : preds :=
match x with SomeP A ls => SomeP A (f oo ls) end.
Lemma preds_fmap_id : preds_fmap (id (pred rmap)) = id preds.
intros; apply extensionality; intro x; destruct x; simpl; auto;
replace (id (pred rmap) oo p) with p; auto;
rewrite id_unit2; auto.
Lemma preds_fmap_comp : forall f g, preds_fmap g oo preds_fmap f = preds_fmap (g oo f).
intros; apply extensionality; intro x; destruct x; simpl; auto.
Definition resource_fmap (f:pred rmap -> pred rmap) (x:resource) : resource :=
match x with
| NO rsh => NO rsh
| YES rsh sh k p => YES rsh sh k (preds_fmap f p)
| PURE k p => PURE k (preds_fmap f p)
Lemma valid_res_map : forall f m, valid m -> valid (resource_fmap f oo m).
unfold valid, compose; intros.
replace (fun l : address => res_option (resource_fmap f (m l)))
with (fun l : address => res_option (m l)); auto.
extensionality l.
unfold res_option, resource_fmap.
case (m l); auto.
Lemma resource_fmap_id : resource_fmap (id (pred rmap)) = id resource.
intros; apply extensionality; intro x.
unfold resource_fmap.
destruct x; simpl; auto.
rewrite preds_fmap_id; auto.
rewrite preds_fmap_id; auto.
Lemma resource_fmap_comp : forall f g, resource_fmap g oo resource_fmap f = resource_fmap (g oo f).
intros f g.
apply extensionality; intro x; destruct x; simpl; auto.
unfold compose at 1; simpl.
rewrite <- preds_fmap_comp; auto.
rewrite <- preds_fmap_comp; auto.
Definition rmap_fmap (f:(pred rmap)->(pred rmap)) (x:rmap') : rmap' :=
match x with exist m H => exist (fun m => valid m) (resource_fmap f oo m) (valid_res_map f m H) end.
Lemma rmap_fmap_id : rmap_fmap (id (pred rmap)) = id rmap'.
intros; apply extensionality; intro x.
unfold rmap_fmap; destruct x.
unfold id at 3.
generalize (valid_res_map (id _) x v).
rewrite (resource_fmap_id).
rewrite (id_unit2 _ (resource) x).
intro v0. f_equal; auto.
Lemma rmap_fmap_comp : forall f g, rmap_fmap g oo rmap_fmap f = rmap_fmap (g oo f).
intros f g.
unfold rmap_fmap.
apply extensionality; intro x.
unfold compose at 1.
destruct x.
generalize (valid_res_map g (resource_fmap f oo x) (valid_res_map f x v)).
generalize (valid_res_map (g oo f) x v).
assert (resource_fmap g oo resource_fmap f oo x = resource_fmap (g oo f) oo x).
rewrite <- compose_assoc.
rewrite resource_fmap_comp; auto.
rewrite H.
intros; f_equal; proof_irr; auto.
Definition rmap'2pre_rmap (r: rmap') : pre_rmap (pred rmap).
destruct r as [f ?].
unfold pre_rmap.
assert (valid' _ (fun x: address => resource2res (f x))).
unfold valid'. unfold valid, compose in v.
eapply same_valid; try apply v.
intros. simpl.
destruct (f x); simpl; auto. destruct p0; simpl; auto. destruct p; simpl; auto.
Definition pre_rmap2rmap' (r: pre_rmap (pred rmap)) : rmap'.
destruct r as [f ?].
unfold rmap', valid' in *.
assert (valid (fun l: address => res2resource (f l))).
unfold valid, compose.
replace (fun l : address => res_option (res2resource (f l))) with (fun l : address => SM.res_option (pred rmap) (f l)); auto.
extensionality l. rewrite res_option_rewrite.
unfold compose; simpl. rewrite res2resource2res. auto.
Lemma rmap'2pre_rmap2rmap' :
forall x, rmap'2pre_rmap (pre_rmap2rmap' x) = x.
intro. destruct x as [f V]. unfold rmap'2pre_rmap, pre_rmap2rmap'. simpl.
match goal with |- exist _ _ ?p = _ => generalize p; intro p1 end.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality x; rewrite res2resource2res; auto.
Lemma pre_rmap2rmap'2pre_rmap :
forall x, pre_rmap2rmap' (rmap'2pre_rmap x) = x.
destruct x as [f V].
unfold rmap'2pre_rmap, pre_rmap2rmap'. simpl.
match goal with |- exist _ _ ?p = _ => generalize p; intro p1 end.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality x; rewrite resource2res2resource; auto.
Program Definition p2p (p:(pred rmap)) : K.predicate :=
fun phi_e => p (fst phi_e).
Next Obligation.
destruct a as [a b]; destruct a' as [a' b'].
unfold age, age1 in H. simpl in H. invSome. simpl in *.
eapply pred_hereditary; eauto.
Program Definition p2p' (p:K.predicate) : (pred rmap) :=
fun (v:rmap) => p (v, tt).
Next Obligation.
unfold age in H; simpl in H.
unfold rmap in *.
eapply pred_hereditary; eauto.
unfold age, age1; simpl.
unfold ag_rmap in H. rewrite H. auto.
Definition squash (n_rm:nat * rmap') : rmap :=
match n_rm with (n,rm) => K.squash (n, fmap p2p (rmap'2pre_rmap rm)) end.
Definition unsquash (phi:rmap) : (nat * rmap') :=
match K.unsquash phi with (n,rm) => (n, pre_rmap2rmap' (fmap p2p' rm)) end.
Definition rmap_level (phi:rmap) : nat := fst (unsquash phi).
Definition resource_at (phi:rmap) : address -> resource := proj1_sig (snd (unsquash phi)).
Infix "@" := resource_at (at level 50, no associativity).
Lemma pred_ext': forall {A} `{agA: ageable A} P Q,
(forall x, app_pred P x <-> app_pred Q x) -> P = Q.
Proof. intros; apply pred_ext; intro; apply H; auto. Qed.
Lemma squash_unsquash : forall phi, squash (unsquash phi) = phi.
unfold squash, unsquash; simpl.
case_eq (K.unsquash phi); simpl; intros.
rewrite rmap'2pre_rmap2rmap'.
match goal with [ |- K.squash (n,?X) = _ ] =>
change X with
((fmap p2p oo fmap p2p') f)
rewrite fmap_comp.
replace (p2p oo p2p') with (id K.predicate).
rewrite fmap_id.
unfold id.
unfold TyF.F in *.
rewrite <- H.
rewrite K.squash_unsquash; auto.
extensionality p.
apply pred_ext'. intro x.
destruct x as [k e].
unfold compose, p2p, p2p'; simpl.
unfold id.
destruct e; intuition.
Program Definition approx (n:nat) (p: (pred rmap)) : (pred rmap) :=
fun w => level w < n /\ p w.
Next Obligation.
destruct H0.
apply age_level in H.
simpl in *. omega.
apply pred_hereditary with a; auto.
Lemma unsquash_squash : forall n rm, (unsquash (squash (n,rm))) = (n,rmap_fmap (approx n) rm).
unfold unsquash, squash.
rewrite K.unsquash_squash; simpl.
match goal with [|- (_,?X) = (_,?Y) ] =>
replace Y with X; auto
match goal with [|- pre_rmap2rmap' ?X = _ ] =>
replace X with
(fmap (p2p' oo K.approx n oo p2p) (rmap'2pre_rmap rm))
2: repeat rewrite <- fmap_comp.
2: unfold compose; auto.
destruct rm; simpl.
apply exist_ext.
extensionality l.
unfold compose.
destruct (x l); simpl; auto.
destruct p0; simpl.
f_equal. f_equal.
extensionality a.
apply pred_ext'; intro w.
unfold p2p', p2p, approx, compose; simpl.
unfold app_pred at 1.
rewrite K.approx_spec.
unfold fidentity_fmap;
unfold rmap_level, unsquash; simpl;
repeat rewrite K.knot_level;
repeat rewrite setset, setget; intuition.
destruct p; simpl.
f_equal. f_equal.
extensionality a.
apply pred_ext'; intro w.
unfold p2p', p2p, approx, compose; simpl.
unfold app_pred at 1.
rewrite K.approx_spec.
unfold fidentity_fmap;
unfold rmap_level, unsquash; simpl;
repeat rewrite K.knot_level;
repeat rewrite setset, setget; intuition.
Instance Join_nat_rmap': Join (nat * rmap') := Join_prod _ (Join_equiv nat) _ _.
Lemma fmap_p2p'_inj:
forall p q,
@fmap SM.preds f_preds K.predicate (@pred rmap ag_rmap) p2p' p =
@fmap SM.preds f_preds K.predicate (@pred rmap ag_rmap) p2p' q ->
destruct p as [p Vp]. destruct q as [q Vq].
unfold fmap in *. unfold f_preds in *. simpl in *.
inv H.
apply inj_pair2 in H2. unfold ffun_fmap, f_identity in *.
unfold fmap, compose in H2.
extensionality w.
apply equal_f with w in H2. unfold fidentity_fmap in *.
unfold p2p' in *. inv H2.
unfold K.predicate in *.
apply pred_ext'. intros [k o]. destruct o.
apply equal_f with k in H0. rewrite H0; intuition.
Lemma join_unsquash : forall phi1 phi2 phi3,
join phi1 phi2 phi3 <->
join (unsquash phi1) (unsquash phi2) (unsquash phi3).
unfold unsquash.
rewrite KSa.join_unsquash.
destruct (K.unsquash phi1).
destruct (K.unsquash phi2).
destruct (K.unsquash phi3).
simpl; intuition.
destruct H; simpl in *; split; simpl; auto.
intro l; spec H0 l.
destruct f as [f ?].
destruct f0 as [f0 ?].
destruct f1 as [f1 ?].
simpl in *.
unfold compose.
inv H0; simpl.
constructor; auto.
destruct p. simpl in *. constructor; auto. destruct p. simpl in *. constructor; auto.
destruct p; simpl in *.
constructor; auto.
destruct p; simpl in *.
constructor; auto.
destruct H; simpl in *; split; simpl; auto.
destruct f as [f ?].
destruct f0 as [f0 ?].
destruct f1 as [f1 ?].
hnf in H0. simpl proj1_sig in H0.
intro l; spec H0 l.
simpl proj1_sig.
clear - H0.
forget (f l) as a; forget (f0 l) as b; forget (f1 l) as c.
clear - H0.
unfold res2resource in *. unfold res_fmap in *.
destruct a as [ra | ra sha ka pa| ka pa]; try (remember (fmap p2p' pa) as fa; destruct fa);
destruct b as [rb | rb shb kb pb|kb pb]; try (remember (fmap p2p' pb) as fb; destruct fb);
destruct c as [rc | rc shc kc pc|kc pc]; try (remember (fmap p2p' pc) as fc; destruct fc);
inv H0.
constructor; auto.
apply inj_pair2 in H10. subst p0.
replace pb with pc; [ constructor ;auto |].
rewrite Heqfb in Heqfc. clear - Heqfc.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj ; auto.
apply inj_pair2 in H10. subst p0. rewrite Heqfa in Heqfc; clear - Heqfc RJ.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfc. subst; constructor; auto.
subst x1. apply inj_pair2 in H14. subst p1. apply inj_pair2 in H9; subst p0.
rewrite Heqfa in Heqfc, Heqfb; clear Heqfa.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfc.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfb. subst. subst. constructor; auto.
subst x1. apply inj_pair2 in H8. subst p1. apply inj_pair2 in H5. subst p0.
rewrite Heqfa in Heqfc, Heqfb; clear Heqfa.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfc.
apply fmap_p2p'_inj in Heqfb. subst. subst. constructor.
Definition rmap_age1 (k:rmap) : option rmap :=
match unsquash k with
| (O,_) => None
| (S n,x) => Some (squash (n,x))
Definition rmap_unage (k:rmap) : rmap :=
match unsquash k with
| (n,x) => squash (S n, x)
Lemma rmap_age1_knot_age1 :
rmap_age1 = @age1 _ K.ag_knot.
extensionality x.
unfold rmap_age1.
rewrite K.knot_age1.
unfold unsquash, squash.
case (K.unsquash x); simpl; intros.
destruct n; auto.
rewrite rmap'2pre_rmap2rmap'.
f_equal. f_equal. f_equal.
change ((fmap p2p oo fmap p2p') f = f).
rewrite fmap_comp.
replace (p2p oo p2p') with (id K.predicate).
rewrite fmap_id; auto.
extensionality p; apply pred_ext'; intro a; simpl.
destruct a; unfold id; simpl.
unfold compose.
unfold p2p. unfold p2p'. simpl.
unfold TyF.other in *. destruct o. intuition.
Lemma rmap_age1_eq: @age1 _ ag_rmap = rmap_age1.
unfold age1. unfold ag_rmap; simpl; auto.
rewrite rmap_age1_knot_age1; reflexivity.
Lemma rmap_level_eq: @level rmap ag_rmap = fun x => fst (unsquash x).
extensionality x. unfold level. unfold ag_rmap.
unfold KSa.K.ag_knot. unfold unsquash.
rewrite K.knot_level. destruct (K.unsquash x); simpl. auto.
Lemma unevolve_identity_rmap :
forall w w':rmap, necR w w' -> identity w' -> identity w.
induction H; eauto.
rewrite identity_unit_equiv in H0.
rewrite identity_unit_equiv.
red in H0. red.
rewrite join_unsquash in H0.
rewrite join_unsquash.
hnf in H. unfold rmap, ag_rmap in H. rewrite <- rmap_age1_knot_age1 in H.
unfold rmap_age1 in H.
destruct (unsquash x).
destruct n. inv H.
assert (y = squash (n,r)).
inv H; auto.
subst y.
rewrite unsquash_squash in H0.
destruct H0; split; simpl fst in *; simpl snd in *; try split; auto.
intro l; spec H1 l.
destruct r.
simpl in *.
unfold compose in *.
destruct (x0 l); simpl in *.
constructor; auto.
inv H1; auto.
inv H1. constructor; auto.
End Rmaps.
Local Close Scope nat_scope.