Library semax
Require Import veric.base.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import veric.juicy_mem veric.juicy_mem_lemmas veric.juicy_mem_ops.
Require Import veric.res_predicates.
Require Import veric.seplog.
Require Import veric.assert_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_new.
Require Import veric.Clight_lemmas.
Require Import sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import sepcomp.step_lemmas.
Require Import veric.juicy_extspec.
Require Import veric.expr veric.expr_lemmas.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope pred.
Lemma or_pred_ext {A} `{agA : ageable A}: forall P Q P' Q',
(P <--> P') && (Q <--> Q') |-- (P || Q) <--> (P' || Q').
intros w [? ?].
split; intros w' ? [?|?].
left. destruct H; eauto.
right. destruct H0; eauto.
left. destruct H; eauto.
right. destruct H0; eauto.
Definition closed_wrt_modvars c (F: assert) : Prop :=
closed_wrt_vars (modifiedvars c) F.
Definition jsafeN {Z} (Hspec : juicy_ext_spec Z) :=
safeN (juicy_core_sem cl_core_sem) Hspec.
Program Definition assert_safe
(Espec : OracleKind)
(ge: genv) ve te (ctl: cont) : assert :=
fun rho w => forall ora (jm:juicy_mem),
rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te ->
m_phi jm = w ->
jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge (level w) ora (State ve te ctl) jm.
Next Obligation.
intro; intros.
destruct (oracle_unage _ _ H) as [jm0 [? ?]].
specialize (H0 ora jm0 (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _)).
forget (State ve te ctl) as c. clear H ve te ctl.
change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm).
change (level (m_phi jm0)) with (level jm0) in H0.
unfold jsafeN in *.
eapply age_safe; eauto.
Definition list2opt {T: Type} (vl: list T) : option T :=
match vl with nil => None | x::_ => Some x end.
Fixpoint assoc_list_get {A}{B}{EA: EqDec A}(l: list (A*B))(a: A) : option B :=
match l with
| nil => None
| (x,y)::rest => if eq_dec a x then Some y else assoc_list_get rest a
Definition guard_environ (Delta: tycontext) (f: option function) (rho: environ) : Prop :=
typecheck_environ Delta rho /\
match f with
| Some f' =>
(forall id, ve_of rho id <> None -> In id (map fst (fn_vars f')))
/\ ret_type Delta = fn_return f'
| None => True
Lemma guard_environ_e1:
forall Delta f rho, guard_environ Delta f rho ->
typecheck_environ Delta rho.
Proof. intros. destruct H; auto. Qed.
Definition guard (Espec : OracleKind)
(gx: genv) (Delta: tycontext) (P : assert) (ctl: cont) : pred nat :=
ALL tx : Clight.temp_env, ALL vx : env,
let rho := construct_rho (filter_genv gx) vx tx in
!! guard_environ Delta (current_function ctl) rho
&& P rho && funassert Delta rho
>=> assert_safe Espec gx vx tx ctl rho.
Definition zap_fn_return (f: function) : function :=
mkfunction Tvoid f.(fn_params) f.(fn_vars) f.(fn_temps) f.(fn_body).
Definition exit_cont (ek: exitkind) (vl: option val) (k: cont) : cont :=
match ek with
| EK_normal => k
| EK_break => break_cont k
| EK_continue => continue_cont k
| EK_return =>
match vl, call_cont k with
| Some v, Kcall (Some x) f ve te :: k' =>
Kseq (Sreturn None) :: Kcall None (zap_fn_return f) ve (PTree.set x v te) :: k'
| _,_ => Kseq (Sreturn None) :: call_cont k
Definition exit_tycon (c: statement) (Delta: tycontext) (ek: exitkind) : tycontext :=
match ek with
| EK_normal => update_tycon Delta c
| _ => Delta
Definition r_update_tenv (tx:Clight.temp_env) id vl :=
match vl, id with
| v::_, Some ret => PTree.set ret v tx
| _,_ => tx
Definition rguard (Espec : OracleKind)
(gx: genv) (Delta: exitkind -> tycontext) (R : ret_assert) (ctl: cont) : pred nat :=
ALL ek: exitkind, ALL vl: option val, ALL tx: Clight.temp_env, ALL vx : env,
let rho := construct_rho (filter_genv gx) vx tx in
!! guard_environ (Delta ek) (current_function ctl) rho &&
(R ek vl rho && funassert (Delta ek) rho) >=>
assert_safe Espec gx vx tx (exit_cont ek vl ctl) rho.
Record semaxArg :Type := SemaxArg {
sa_Delta: tycontext;
sa_P: assert;
sa_c: statement;
sa_R: ret_assert
Definition ext_spec_pre' (Espec: OracleKind) (ef: external_function)
(x': ext_spec_type OK_spec ef) (ts: list typ) (args: list val) (z: OK_ty) : pred juicy_mem :=
exist (hereditary age)
(ext_spec_pre OK_spec ef x' ts args z)
(JE_pre_hered _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Program Definition ext_spec_post' (Espec: OracleKind)
(ef: external_function) (x': ext_spec_type OK_spec ef)
(tret: option typ) (ret: option val) (z: OK_ty) : pred juicy_mem :=
exist (hereditary age)
(ext_spec_post OK_spec ef x' tret ret z)
(JE_post_hered _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Definition juicy_mem_pred (P : pred rmap) (jm: juicy_mem): pred nat :=
# diamond fashionM (exactly (m_phi jm) && P).
Fixpoint make_ext_args (n: positive) (vl: list val) :=
match vl with
| nil => any_environ
| v::vl' => env_set (make_ext_args (n+1)%positive vl') n v
Definition make_ext_rval (n: positive) (v: option val) :=
match v with
| Some v' => env_set any_environ n v'
| None => any_environ
Definition semax_external (Hspec: OracleKind)
ef (A: Type) (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap):
pred nat :=
ALL x: A,
|> ALL F: pred rmap, ALL ts: list typ, ALL args: list val,
juicy_mem_op (P x (make_ext_args 1%positive args) * F) >=>
EX x': ext_spec_type OK_spec ef,
ALL z:_, ext_spec_pre' Hspec ef x' ts args z &&
! ALL tret: option typ, ALL ret: option val, ALL z': OK_ty,
ext_spec_post' Hspec ef x' tret ret z' >=>
juicy_mem_op (|>(Q x (make_ext_rval 1 ret) * F)).
Fixpoint arglist (n: positive) (tl: typelist) : list (ident*type) :=
match tl with
| Tnil => nil
| Tcons t tl' => (n,t):: arglist (n+1)%positive tl'
Definition believe_external (Hspec: OracleKind) (gx: genv) (v: val) (fsig: funsig)
(A: Type) (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap) : pred nat :=
match Genv.find_funct gx v with
| Some (External ef sigargs sigret) =>
!! (fsig = (arglist 1%positive sigargs,sigret)) && semax_external Hspec ef A P Q
| _ => FF
Definition fn_funsig (f: function) : funsig := (fn_params f, fn_return f).
Definition func_tycontext' (func: function) (Delta: tycontext) : tycontext :=
(make_tycontext_t (fn_params func) (fn_temps func),
make_tycontext_v (fn_vars func) ,
fn_return func,
glob_types Delta).
Definition believe_internal_
(semax:semaxArg -> pred nat)
(gx: genv) (Delta: tycontext) v (fsig: funsig) A (P Q: A -> assert) : pred nat :=
(EX b: block, EX f: function,
prop (v = Vptr b /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr gx b = Some (Internal f)
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_params) ++ map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_temps))
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_vars))
/\ fsig = fn_funsig f)
&& ALL x : A, |> semax (SemaxArg (func_tycontext' f Delta)
(fun rho => (bind_args f.(fn_params) (P x) rho * stackframe_of f rho)
&& funassert (func_tycontext' f Delta) rho)
(frame_ret_assert (function_body_ret_assert (fn_return f) (Q x)) (stackframe_of f)))).
Definition empty_environ (ge: genv) := mkEnviron (filter_genv ge) (Map.empty _) (Map.empty _).
Definition claims (ge: genv) (Delta: tycontext) v fsig A P Q : Prop :=
exists id, (glob_types Delta)!id = Some (Global_func (mk_funspec fsig A P Q)) /\
exists b, Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some b /\ v = Vptr b
Definition believepred (Espec: OracleKind) (semax: semaxArg -> pred nat)
(Delta: tycontext) (gx: genv) (Delta': tycontext) : pred nat :=
ALL v:val, ALL fsig: funsig,
ALL A: Type, ALL P: A -> assert, ALL Q: A -> assert,
!! claims gx Delta' v fsig A P Q -->
(believe_external Espec gx v fsig A P Q
|| believe_internal_ semax gx Delta v fsig A P Q).
Definition semax_ (Espec: OracleKind)
(semax: semaxArg -> pred nat) (a: semaxArg) : pred nat :=
match a with SemaxArg Delta P c R =>
ALL gx: genv, ALL Delta': tycontext,
!! tycontext_sub Delta Delta' -->
(believepred Espec semax Delta' gx Delta') -->
ALL k: cont, ALL F: assert,
(!! (closed_wrt_modvars c F) &&
rguard Espec gx (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) -->
guard Espec gx Delta' (fun rho => F rho * P rho) (Kseq c :: k)
Definition semax' (Espec: OracleKind) Delta P c R : pred nat :=
HORec (semax_ Espec) (SemaxArg Delta P c R).
Definition believe_internal (Espec: OracleKind)
(gx: genv) (Delta: tycontext) v (fsig: funsig) A (P Q: A -> assert) : pred nat :=
(EX b: block, EX f: function,
prop (v = Vptr b /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr gx b = Some (Internal f)
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_params) ++ map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_temps))
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_vars))
/\ fsig = fn_funsig f)
&& ALL x : A, |> semax' Espec (func_tycontext' f Delta)
(fun rho => (bind_args f.(fn_params) (P x) rho * stackframe_of f rho)
&& funassert (func_tycontext' f Delta) rho)
(frame_ret_assert (function_body_ret_assert (fn_return f) (Q x)) (stackframe_of f))).
Definition believe (Espec:OracleKind)
(Delta: tycontext) (gx: genv) (Delta': tycontext): pred nat :=
ALL v:val, ALL fsig: funsig,
ALL A: Type, ALL P: A -> assert, ALL Q: A -> assert,
!! claims gx Delta' v fsig A P Q -->
(believe_external Espec gx v fsig A P Q
|| believe_internal Espec gx Delta v fsig A P Q).
Lemma semax_fold_unfold : forall (Espec : OracleKind),
semax' Espec = fun Delta P c R =>
ALL gx: genv, ALL Delta': tycontext,
!! tycontext_sub Delta Delta' -->
believe Espec Delta' gx Delta' -->
ALL k: cont, ALL F: assert,
(!! (closed_wrt_modvars c F) && rguard Espec gx (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) -->
guard Espec gx Delta' (fun rho => F rho * P rho) (Kseq c :: k).
intros ?.
extensionality G P. extensionality c R.
unfold semax'.
pattern (HORec (semax_ Espec)) at 1; rewrite HORec_fold_unfold.
apply prove_HOcontractive.
unfold semax_.
do 2 (apply subp_allp; intros).
apply subp_imp; [auto with contractive | ].
apply subp_imp; [ | auto 50 with contractive].
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_imp; intros; [ auto 50 with contractive | ].
apply subp_orp; [ auto 50 with contractive | ].
apply subp_exp; intros.
apply subp_exp; intros.
auto 50 with contractive.
Opaque semax'.
Definition semax (Espec: OracleKind) (Delta: tycontext) P c Q :=
forall n, semax' Espec Delta P c Q n.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import veric.juicy_mem veric.juicy_mem_lemmas veric.juicy_mem_ops.
Require Import veric.res_predicates.
Require Import veric.seplog.
Require Import veric.assert_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_new.
Require Import veric.Clight_lemmas.
Require Import sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import sepcomp.step_lemmas.
Require Import veric.juicy_extspec.
Require Import veric.expr veric.expr_lemmas.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope pred.
Lemma or_pred_ext {A} `{agA : ageable A}: forall P Q P' Q',
(P <--> P') && (Q <--> Q') |-- (P || Q) <--> (P' || Q').
intros w [? ?].
split; intros w' ? [?|?].
left. destruct H; eauto.
right. destruct H0; eauto.
left. destruct H; eauto.
right. destruct H0; eauto.
Definition closed_wrt_modvars c (F: assert) : Prop :=
closed_wrt_vars (modifiedvars c) F.
Definition jsafeN {Z} (Hspec : juicy_ext_spec Z) :=
safeN (juicy_core_sem cl_core_sem) Hspec.
Program Definition assert_safe
(Espec : OracleKind)
(ge: genv) ve te (ctl: cont) : assert :=
fun rho w => forall ora (jm:juicy_mem),
rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te ->
m_phi jm = w ->
jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge (level w) ora (State ve te ctl) jm.
Next Obligation.
intro; intros.
destruct (oracle_unage _ _ H) as [jm0 [? ?]].
specialize (H0 ora jm0 (eq_refl _) (eq_refl _)).
forget (State ve te ctl) as c. clear H ve te ctl.
change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm).
change (level (m_phi jm0)) with (level jm0) in H0.
unfold jsafeN in *.
eapply age_safe; eauto.
Definition list2opt {T: Type} (vl: list T) : option T :=
match vl with nil => None | x::_ => Some x end.
Fixpoint assoc_list_get {A}{B}{EA: EqDec A}(l: list (A*B))(a: A) : option B :=
match l with
| nil => None
| (x,y)::rest => if eq_dec a x then Some y else assoc_list_get rest a
Definition guard_environ (Delta: tycontext) (f: option function) (rho: environ) : Prop :=
typecheck_environ Delta rho /\
match f with
| Some f' =>
(forall id, ve_of rho id <> None -> In id (map fst (fn_vars f')))
/\ ret_type Delta = fn_return f'
| None => True
Lemma guard_environ_e1:
forall Delta f rho, guard_environ Delta f rho ->
typecheck_environ Delta rho.
Proof. intros. destruct H; auto. Qed.
Definition guard (Espec : OracleKind)
(gx: genv) (Delta: tycontext) (P : assert) (ctl: cont) : pred nat :=
ALL tx : Clight.temp_env, ALL vx : env,
let rho := construct_rho (filter_genv gx) vx tx in
!! guard_environ Delta (current_function ctl) rho
&& P rho && funassert Delta rho
>=> assert_safe Espec gx vx tx ctl rho.
Definition zap_fn_return (f: function) : function :=
mkfunction Tvoid f.(fn_params) f.(fn_vars) f.(fn_temps) f.(fn_body).
Definition exit_cont (ek: exitkind) (vl: option val) (k: cont) : cont :=
match ek with
| EK_normal => k
| EK_break => break_cont k
| EK_continue => continue_cont k
| EK_return =>
match vl, call_cont k with
| Some v, Kcall (Some x) f ve te :: k' =>
Kseq (Sreturn None) :: Kcall None (zap_fn_return f) ve (PTree.set x v te) :: k'
| _,_ => Kseq (Sreturn None) :: call_cont k
Definition exit_tycon (c: statement) (Delta: tycontext) (ek: exitkind) : tycontext :=
match ek with
| EK_normal => update_tycon Delta c
| _ => Delta
Definition r_update_tenv (tx:Clight.temp_env) id vl :=
match vl, id with
| v::_, Some ret => PTree.set ret v tx
| _,_ => tx
Definition rguard (Espec : OracleKind)
(gx: genv) (Delta: exitkind -> tycontext) (R : ret_assert) (ctl: cont) : pred nat :=
ALL ek: exitkind, ALL vl: option val, ALL tx: Clight.temp_env, ALL vx : env,
let rho := construct_rho (filter_genv gx) vx tx in
!! guard_environ (Delta ek) (current_function ctl) rho &&
(R ek vl rho && funassert (Delta ek) rho) >=>
assert_safe Espec gx vx tx (exit_cont ek vl ctl) rho.
Record semaxArg :Type := SemaxArg {
sa_Delta: tycontext;
sa_P: assert;
sa_c: statement;
sa_R: ret_assert
Definition ext_spec_pre' (Espec: OracleKind) (ef: external_function)
(x': ext_spec_type OK_spec ef) (ts: list typ) (args: list val) (z: OK_ty) : pred juicy_mem :=
exist (hereditary age)
(ext_spec_pre OK_spec ef x' ts args z)
(JE_pre_hered _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Program Definition ext_spec_post' (Espec: OracleKind)
(ef: external_function) (x': ext_spec_type OK_spec ef)
(tret: option typ) (ret: option val) (z: OK_ty) : pred juicy_mem :=
exist (hereditary age)
(ext_spec_post OK_spec ef x' tret ret z)
(JE_post_hered _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Definition juicy_mem_pred (P : pred rmap) (jm: juicy_mem): pred nat :=
# diamond fashionM (exactly (m_phi jm) && P).
Fixpoint make_ext_args (n: positive) (vl: list val) :=
match vl with
| nil => any_environ
| v::vl' => env_set (make_ext_args (n+1)%positive vl') n v
Definition make_ext_rval (n: positive) (v: option val) :=
match v with
| Some v' => env_set any_environ n v'
| None => any_environ
Definition semax_external (Hspec: OracleKind)
ef (A: Type) (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap):
pred nat :=
ALL x: A,
|> ALL F: pred rmap, ALL ts: list typ, ALL args: list val,
juicy_mem_op (P x (make_ext_args 1%positive args) * F) >=>
EX x': ext_spec_type OK_spec ef,
ALL z:_, ext_spec_pre' Hspec ef x' ts args z &&
! ALL tret: option typ, ALL ret: option val, ALL z': OK_ty,
ext_spec_post' Hspec ef x' tret ret z' >=>
juicy_mem_op (|>(Q x (make_ext_rval 1 ret) * F)).
Fixpoint arglist (n: positive) (tl: typelist) : list (ident*type) :=
match tl with
| Tnil => nil
| Tcons t tl' => (n,t):: arglist (n+1)%positive tl'
Definition believe_external (Hspec: OracleKind) (gx: genv) (v: val) (fsig: funsig)
(A: Type) (P Q: A -> environ -> pred rmap) : pred nat :=
match Genv.find_funct gx v with
| Some (External ef sigargs sigret) =>
!! (fsig = (arglist 1%positive sigargs,sigret)) && semax_external Hspec ef A P Q
| _ => FF
Definition fn_funsig (f: function) : funsig := (fn_params f, fn_return f).
Definition func_tycontext' (func: function) (Delta: tycontext) : tycontext :=
(make_tycontext_t (fn_params func) (fn_temps func),
make_tycontext_v (fn_vars func) ,
fn_return func,
glob_types Delta).
Definition believe_internal_
(semax:semaxArg -> pred nat)
(gx: genv) (Delta: tycontext) v (fsig: funsig) A (P Q: A -> assert) : pred nat :=
(EX b: block, EX f: function,
prop (v = Vptr b /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr gx b = Some (Internal f)
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_params) ++ map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_temps))
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_vars))
/\ fsig = fn_funsig f)
&& ALL x : A, |> semax (SemaxArg (func_tycontext' f Delta)
(fun rho => (bind_args f.(fn_params) (P x) rho * stackframe_of f rho)
&& funassert (func_tycontext' f Delta) rho)
(frame_ret_assert (function_body_ret_assert (fn_return f) (Q x)) (stackframe_of f)))).
Definition empty_environ (ge: genv) := mkEnviron (filter_genv ge) (Map.empty _) (Map.empty _).
Definition claims (ge: genv) (Delta: tycontext) v fsig A P Q : Prop :=
exists id, (glob_types Delta)!id = Some (Global_func (mk_funspec fsig A P Q)) /\
exists b, Genv.find_symbol ge id = Some b /\ v = Vptr b
Definition believepred (Espec: OracleKind) (semax: semaxArg -> pred nat)
(Delta: tycontext) (gx: genv) (Delta': tycontext) : pred nat :=
ALL v:val, ALL fsig: funsig,
ALL A: Type, ALL P: A -> assert, ALL Q: A -> assert,
!! claims gx Delta' v fsig A P Q -->
(believe_external Espec gx v fsig A P Q
|| believe_internal_ semax gx Delta v fsig A P Q).
Definition semax_ (Espec: OracleKind)
(semax: semaxArg -> pred nat) (a: semaxArg) : pred nat :=
match a with SemaxArg Delta P c R =>
ALL gx: genv, ALL Delta': tycontext,
!! tycontext_sub Delta Delta' -->
(believepred Espec semax Delta' gx Delta') -->
ALL k: cont, ALL F: assert,
(!! (closed_wrt_modvars c F) &&
rguard Espec gx (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) -->
guard Espec gx Delta' (fun rho => F rho * P rho) (Kseq c :: k)
Definition semax' (Espec: OracleKind) Delta P c R : pred nat :=
HORec (semax_ Espec) (SemaxArg Delta P c R).
Definition believe_internal (Espec: OracleKind)
(gx: genv) (Delta: tycontext) v (fsig: funsig) A (P Q: A -> assert) : pred nat :=
(EX b: block, EX f: function,
prop (v = Vptr b /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr gx b = Some (Internal f)
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_params) ++ map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_temps))
/\ list_norepet (map (@fst _ _) f.(fn_vars))
/\ fsig = fn_funsig f)
&& ALL x : A, |> semax' Espec (func_tycontext' f Delta)
(fun rho => (bind_args f.(fn_params) (P x) rho * stackframe_of f rho)
&& funassert (func_tycontext' f Delta) rho)
(frame_ret_assert (function_body_ret_assert (fn_return f) (Q x)) (stackframe_of f))).
Definition believe (Espec:OracleKind)
(Delta: tycontext) (gx: genv) (Delta': tycontext): pred nat :=
ALL v:val, ALL fsig: funsig,
ALL A: Type, ALL P: A -> assert, ALL Q: A -> assert,
!! claims gx Delta' v fsig A P Q -->
(believe_external Espec gx v fsig A P Q
|| believe_internal Espec gx Delta v fsig A P Q).
Lemma semax_fold_unfold : forall (Espec : OracleKind),
semax' Espec = fun Delta P c R =>
ALL gx: genv, ALL Delta': tycontext,
!! tycontext_sub Delta Delta' -->
believe Espec Delta' gx Delta' -->
ALL k: cont, ALL F: assert,
(!! (closed_wrt_modvars c F) && rguard Espec gx (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) -->
guard Espec gx Delta' (fun rho => F rho * P rho) (Kseq c :: k).
intros ?.
extensionality G P. extensionality c R.
unfold semax'.
pattern (HORec (semax_ Espec)) at 1; rewrite HORec_fold_unfold.
apply prove_HOcontractive.
unfold semax_.
do 2 (apply subp_allp; intros).
apply subp_imp; [auto with contractive | ].
apply subp_imp; [ | auto 50 with contractive].
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_allp; intros.
apply subp_imp; intros; [ auto 50 with contractive | ].
apply subp_orp; [ auto 50 with contractive | ].
apply subp_exp; intros.
apply subp_exp; intros.
auto 50 with contractive.
Opaque semax'.
Definition semax (Espec: OracleKind) (Delta: tycontext) P c Q :=
forall n, semax' Espec Delta P c Q n.