Library semax_lemmas

Require Import veric.base.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import veric.juicy_mem veric.juicy_mem_lemmas veric.juicy_mem_ops.
Require Import veric.res_predicates.
Require Import veric.seplog.
Require Import veric.assert_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_new.
Require Import sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import sepcomp.step_lemmas.
Require Import veric.expr veric.expr_lemmas.
Require Import veric.juicy_extspec.
Require Import veric.semax.
Require Import veric.Clight_lemmas.

Open Local Scope pred.

Hint Resolve @now_later @andp_derives @sepcon_derives.

Lemma no_dups_swap:
  forall F V a b c, @no_dups F V (a++b) c -> @no_dups F V (b++a) c.
unfold no_dups; intros.
rewrite map_app in *.
forget (map (@fst _ _) b) as bb.
forget (map (@fst _ _) a) as aa.
forget (map (var_name V) c) as cc.
clear - H.
destruct (list_norepet_append_inv _ _ _ H) as [? [? ?]].
apply list_norepet_append; auto.
apply list_norepet_append_commut; auto.
clear - H2.
unfold Coqlib.list_disjoint in *.
intros; apply H2; auto.
clear - H.
rewrite in_app in *.

Lemma join_sub_share_top: forall sh, join_sub sh -> sh =
generalize (top_correct' sh); intro.
apply join_sub_antisym; auto.

Lemma opt2list2opt: forall {A:Type} (l: option A), list2opt (opt2list l) = l.
destruct l; auto.

Lemma nat_of_Z_minus_le : forall z a b,
  b <= a ->
  (nat_of_Z (z - a) <= nat_of_Z (z - b))%nat.
  apply inj_le_rev.
  do 2 rewrite nat_of_Z_max.
  rewrite Zmax_spec.
  destruct (zlt 0 (z-a)).
  rewrite Zmax_spec.
  destruct (zlt 0 (z-b)).
  rewrite Zmax_spec.
  destruct (zlt 0 (z-b)); omega.

Section SemaxContext.
Context (Espec: OracleKind).

Lemma universal_imp_unfold {A} {agA: ageable A}:
   forall B (P Q: B -> pred A) w,
     (ALL psi : B, P psi --> Q psi) w = (forall psi : B, (P psi --> Q psi) w).
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
eapply H; eauto.
intro b; apply H.

Lemma guard_environ_put_te':
 forall ge te ve Delta id v k,
 guard_environ Delta k (mkEnviron ge ve te) ->
    (forall t : type * bool,
        (temp_types Delta) ! id = Some t -> typecheck_val v (fst t) = true) ->
 guard_environ (initialized id Delta) k (mkEnviron ge ve (Map.set id v te)).
 destruct H; split.
 apply typecheck_environ_put_te'; auto.
 destruct k; auto.
 destruct H1; split.
 intros. apply H1. apply H3.
 unfold initialized. destruct ((temp_types Delta) ! id); try destruct p; auto.

Lemma prop_imp_derives {A}{agA: ageable A}:
  forall (P: Prop) (Q Q': pred A), (P -> Q |-- Q') -> !!P --> Q |-- !!P --> Q'.
 repeat intro.
 apply H; auto.

Lemma tycontext_sub_update_c:
 forall c (Delta Delta' : tycontext),
    tycontext_sub Delta Delta' -> tycontext_sub (update_tycon Delta c) (update_tycon Delta' c)
with tycontext_sub_update_l:
  forall l (Delta Delta' : tycontext),
    tycontext_sub Delta Delta' -> tycontext_sub (join_tycon_labeled l Delta) (join_tycon_labeled l Delta').
clear tycontext_sub_update_c.
induction c; intros; simpl; auto.
apply initialized_sub; auto.
destruct o; auto.
apply initialized_sub; auto.
specialize (IHc1 _ _ H).
specialize (IHc2 _ _ H).
apply tycontext_sub_join; auto.
clear tycontext_sub_update_l.
induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
apply tycontext_sub_join; auto.

Lemma exit_tycon_sub:
  forall Delta Delta' c ek, tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
      tycontext_sub (exit_tycon c Delta ek)
                        (exit_tycon c Delta' ek).
revert Delta Delta' H;
destruct ek; simpl; auto.
apply tycontext_sub_update_c.

Lemma typecheck_environ_sub:
  forall Delta Delta', tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
   forall rho,
   typecheck_environ Delta' rho -> typecheck_environ Delta rho.

Lemma semax'_post:
 forall (R': ret_assert) Delta (R: ret_assert) P c,
   (forall ek vl rho, !!(typecheck_environ (exit_tycon c Delta ek) rho ) && R' ek vl rho |-- R ek vl rho) ->
   semax' Espec Delta P c R' |-- semax' Espec Delta P c R.
rewrite semax_fold_unfold.
apply allp_derives; intro psi.
apply allp_derives; intro Delta'.
apply prop_imp_derives; intro TS.
apply imp_derives; auto.
apply allp_derives; intro k.
apply allp_derives; intro F.
apply imp_derives; auto.
unfold rguard, guard.
apply andp_derives; auto.
apply allp_derives; intro ek.
apply allp_derives; intro vl.
apply allp_derives; intro te.
apply allp_derives; intro ve.
intros ? ?.
intros ? ? ? ? ?.
specialize (H0 _ H1 _ H2).
apply H0.
destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
split; auto.
split; auto.
specialize (H ek vl (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) ve te)).
destruct H4 as [w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]].
exists w1; exists w2; split3; auto.
apply H; split; auto.
destruct H3 as [H3 _].
do 3 red.
eapply typecheck_environ_sub; eauto.
apply exit_tycon_sub.

Lemma semax'_pre:
 forall P' Delta R P c,
  (forall rho, typecheck_environ Delta rho -> P rho |-- P' rho)
   -> semax' Espec Delta P' c R |-- semax' Espec Delta P c R.
repeat rewrite semax_fold_unfold.
apply allp_derives; intro psi.
apply allp_derives; intro Delta'.
apply prop_imp_derives; intro TS.
apply imp_derives; auto.
apply allp_derives; intro k.
apply allp_derives; intro F.
apply imp_derives; auto.
unfold guard.
apply allp_derives; intro te.
apply allp_derives; intro ve.
intros ? ?.
intros ? ? ? ? ?.
eapply H0; eauto.
destruct H3 as [[? ?] ?].
split; auto.
split; auto.
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H; auto.
destruct H3.
eapply typecheck_environ_sub; eauto.

Lemma semax'_pre_post:
      P' (R': ret_assert) Delta (R: ret_assert) P c,
   (forall rho, typecheck_environ Delta rho -> P rho |-- P' rho) ->
   (forall ek vl rho, !!(typecheck_environ (exit_tycon c Delta ek) rho) && R ek vl rho |-- R' ek vl rho) ->
   semax' Espec Delta P' c R |-- semax' Espec Delta P c R'.
eapply derives_trans.
apply semax'_pre; eauto.
apply semax'_post; auto.

Lemma cl_corestep_fun': corestep_fun cl_core_sem.
Proof. intro; intros. eapply cl_corestep_fun; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve cl_corestep_fun'.

Lemma derives_skip:
  forall p Delta (R: ret_assert),
      (forall rho, p rho |-- R EK_normal None rho) ->
        semax Espec Delta p Clight.Sskip R.
intros ? ? ? ?; intros.
intros n.
rewrite semax_fold_unfold.
intros psi Delta'.
apply prop_imp_i; intro.
clear H0 Delta. rename Delta' into Delta.
intros ?w _ _. clear n.
intros k F.
intros ?w _ ?.
clear w. rename w0 into n.
intros te ve w ?.
destruct H0 as [H0' H0].
specialize (H0 EK_normal None te ve w H1).
simpl exit_cont in H0.
simpl in H0'. clear n H1. remember ((construct_rho (filter_genv psi) ve te)) as rho.
revert w H0.
apply imp_derives; auto.
rewrite andp_assoc.
apply andp_derives; auto.
repeat intro. simpl exit_tycon.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
eapply andp_derives; try apply H0; auto.
repeat intro.
specialize (H0 ora jm H1 H2).
destruct (@level rmap _ a).
simpl; auto.
apply convergent_controls_safe with (State ve te k); auto.

destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
split3; auto.

econstructor; eauto.

Lemma semax_extract_prop:
  forall Delta (PP: Prop) P c Q,
           (PP -> semax Espec Delta P c Q) ->
           semax Espec Delta (fun rho => !!PP && P rho) c Q.
intro w.
rewrite semax_fold_unfold.
intros gx Delta'.
apply prop_imp_i; intro TS.
intros w' ? ? k F w'' ? ?.
intros te ve w''' ? w4 ? [[? ?] ?].
rewrite sepcon_andp_prop in H7.
destruct H7.
specialize (H H7); clear PP H7.
hnf in H. rewrite semax_fold_unfold in H.
eapply H; try apply TS.
apply necR_refl.
apply H0. auto. apply H2. apply H3. apply H4. auto.
split; auto. split; auto.

Lemma semax_unfold:
  semax Espec = fun Delta P c R =>
    forall (psi: Clight.genv) Delta' (w: nat)
          (TS: tycontext_sub Delta Delta')
           (Prog_OK: believe Espec Delta' psi Delta' w) (k: cont) (F: assert),
        closed_wrt_modvars c F ->
       rguard Espec psi (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k w ->
       guard Espec psi Delta' (fun rho => F rho * P rho) (Kseq c :: k) w.
unfold semax; rewrite semax_fold_unfold.
extensionality Delta P; extensionality c R.
apply prop_ext; split; intros.
eapply (H w); eauto.
split; auto.
intros psi Delta'.
apply prop_imp_i; intro.
intros w' ? ? k F w'' ? [? ?].
eapply H; eauto.
eapply pred_nec_hereditary; eauto.

Lemma semax_post:
 forall (R': ret_assert) Delta (R: ret_assert) P c,
   (forall ek vl rho, !!(typecheck_environ (exit_tycon c Delta ek) rho) && R' ek vl rho
                        |-- R ek vl rho) ->
   semax Espec Delta P c R' -> semax Espec Delta P c R.
unfold semax.
spec H0 n. revert n H0.
apply semax'_post.

Lemma semax_pre:
 forall P' Delta P c R,
   (forall rho, !!(typecheck_environ Delta rho) && P rho |-- P' rho )%pred ->
     semax Espec Delta P' c R -> semax Espec Delta P c R.
unfold semax.
spec H0 n.
revert n H0.
apply semax'_pre.
repeat intro. apply (H rho a). split; auto.

Lemma semax_pre_post:
 forall P' (R': ret_assert) Delta P c (R: ret_assert) ,
   (forall rho, !!(typecheck_environ Delta rho) && P rho |-- P' rho )%pred ->
   (forall ek vl rho , !!(typecheck_environ (exit_tycon c Delta ek) rho) && R' ek vl rho |-- R ek vl rho) ->
   semax Espec Delta P' c R' -> semax Espec Delta P c R.
eapply semax_pre; eauto.
eapply semax_post; eauto.

Lemma semax_skip:
   forall Delta P, semax Espec Delta P Sskip (normal_ret_assert P).
apply derives_skip.
unfold normal_ret_assert.
rewrite prop_true_andp by auto.
rewrite prop_true_andp by auto.

Fixpoint list_drop (A: Type) (n: nat) (l: list A) {struct n} : list A :=
  match n with O => l | S i => match l with nil => nil | _ :: l' => list_drop A i l' end end.
Implicit Arguments list_drop.

Definition straightline (c: Clight.statement) :=
 forall ge ve te k m ve' te' k' m',
        cl_step ge (State ve te (Kseq c :: k)) m (State ve' te' k') m' -> k=k'.

Lemma straightline_assign: forall e0 e, straightline (Clight.Sassign e0 e).
unfold straightline; intros.
inv H; auto.

Lemma extract_exists:
  forall (A : Type) (P : A -> assert) c Delta (R: A -> ret_assert),
  (forall x, semax Espec Delta (P x) c (R x)) ->
   semax Espec Delta (fun rho => exp (fun x => P x rho)) c (existential_ret_assert R).
rewrite semax_unfold in *.
intros te ve ?w ? ?w ? ?.
rewrite exp_sepcon2 in H4.
destruct H4 as [[TC [x H5]] ?].
specialize (H x).
specialize (H psi Delta' w TS Prog_OK k F H0).
spec H.
clear - H1.
unfold rguard in *.
intros ek vl tx vx. specialize (H1 ek vl tx vx).
red in H1.
eapply subp_trans'; [| apply H1 ].
apply derives_subp.
apply andp_derives; auto.
apply andp_derives; auto.
apply sepcon_derives; auto.
intros ? ?.
exists x; auto.
eapply H; eauto.
split; auto.
split; auto.

Lemma extract_exists_pre:
        (A : Type) (P : A -> assert) (c : Clight.statement)
         Delta (R : ret_assert),
       (forall x : A, semax Espec Delta (P x) c R) ->
       semax Espec Delta (fun rho => exp (fun x => P x rho)) c R.
apply semax_post with (existential_ret_assert (fun _:A => R)).
intros ek vl rho w ?.
simpl in H0. destruct H0. destruct H1; auto.
apply extract_exists; auto.

Definition G0: funspecs := nil.

Definition empty_genv : Clight.genv :=
  Genv.globalenv (AST.mkprogram (F:=Clight.fundef)(V:=type) nil ( 1%positive)).

Lemma empty_program_ok: forall Delta ge w,
    glob_types Delta = PTree.empty _ ->
    believe Espec Delta ge Delta w.
intros Delta ge w ?.
intro b.
intros fsig A P Q.
intros ?n ? ?.
destruct H1 as [id [? [b0 [? ?]]]].
rewrite H in H1. rewrite PTree.gempty in H1.
inv H1.

Definition all_assertions_computable :=
  forall psi tx vx (Q: assert), exists k, assert_safe Espec psi tx vx k = Q.

Lemma ewand_TT_emp {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{SA: Sep_alg A}{CA: Canc_alg A}:
    ewand TT emp = emp.
apply pred_ext; intros w ?.
destruct H as [w1 [w3 [? [? ?]]]].
hnf; eapply split_identity.
eapply join_comm; eauto.
exists w; exists w; split; auto.
change (identity w) in H.
rewrite identity_unit_equiv in H; auto.

Lemma subp_derives' {A}{agA: ageable A}:
  forall P Q: pred A, (forall n, (P >=> Q) n) -> P |-- Q.
intros n ?. eapply H; eauto.

Lemma loeb {A} `{ageable A} : forall (P:pred A),
     |>P |-- P -> TT |-- P.
  intros. apply goedel_loeb.
  apply andp_left2. auto.

Lemma func_tycontext'_eqv:
  forall f Delta Delta', tycontext_eqv Delta Delta' ->
        tycontext_eqv (func_tycontext' f Delta) (func_tycontext' f Delta').
unfold func_tycontext'.
split; auto. split; auto. split; auto.
simpl. destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]]; auto.

Lemma same_glob_funassert:
  forall Delta1 Delta2,
     (forall id, (glob_types Delta1) ! id = (glob_types Delta2) ! id) ->
              funassert Delta1 = funassert Delta2.
assert (forall Delta Delta' rho,
             (forall id, (glob_types Delta) ! id = (glob_types Delta') ! id) ->
             funassert Delta rho |-- funassert Delta' rho).
unfold funassert.
intros w [? ?]; split.
clear H1; intro id. rewrite <- (H id); auto.
intros loc fs w' Hw' H4; destruct (H1 loc fs w' Hw' H4) as [id H3].
exists id; rewrite <- (H id); auto.
extensionality rho.
apply pred_ext; apply H; intros; auto.

Lemma initialized_tycontext_eqv:
  forall i Delta Delta',
    tycontext_eqv Delta Delta' ->
    tycontext_eqv (initialized i Delta) (initialized i Delta').
intros. unfold tycontext_eqv, initialized in *.
destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]].
rewrite (H i).
destruct ((temp_types Delta') ! i); auto.
destruct p.
repeat split; intros; auto.
unfold temp_types at 1 3. simpl. destruct (eq_dec id i).
subst; repeat rewrite PTree.gss; auto.
repeat rewrite PTree.gso by auto; auto.

Lemma join_tycontext_eqv:
  forall Delta1 Delta1' Delta2 Delta2',
     tycontext_eqv Delta1 Delta1' ->
     tycontext_eqv Delta2 Delta2' ->
    tycontext_eqv (join_tycon Delta1 Delta2) (join_tycon Delta1' Delta2').
destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]].
destruct H0 as [? [? [? ?]]].
destruct Delta1 as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
destruct Delta2 as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
destruct Delta1' as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
destruct Delta2' as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
unfold join_tycon; simpl in *; repeat split; auto.
unfold temp_types in *; simpl in *.
clear - H H0.
intro id.
unfold join_te.
repeat rewrite PTree.fold_spec.
replace (PTree.elements t7) with (PTree.elements t) by (apply PTree.elements_extensional; auto).
repeat rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
induction (rev (PTree.elements t)); simpl; intros; auto.
unfold join_te' at 1 3. destruct a. simpl.
destruct p0.
rewrite <- (H0 p).
destruct (t3 ! p); auto.
destruct p0.
destruct (eq_dec p id). subst. repeat rewrite PTree.gss; auto.
repeat rewrite (PTree.gso); auto.

Lemma update_tycontext_eqv:
  forall c Delta Delta',
    tycontext_eqv Delta Delta' ->
    tycontext_eqv (update_tycon Delta c) (update_tycon Delta' c)
with join_tycon_labeled_eqv:
  forall l Delta Delta',
    tycontext_eqv Delta Delta' ->
  tycontext_eqv (join_tycon_labeled l Delta) (join_tycon_labeled l Delta').
induction c; simpl; intros; auto.
apply initialized_tycontext_eqv; auto.
destruct o; auto; apply initialized_tycontext_eqv; auto.
apply join_tycontext_eqv; auto.

induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
apply join_tycontext_eqv; auto.

Lemma exit_tycontext_eqv: forall c Delta Delta' b,
    tycontext_eqv Delta Delta' ->
    tycontext_eqv (exit_tycon c Delta b) (exit_tycon c Delta' b).
 unfold exit_tycon; induction c; simpl; intros; destruct b; auto.
 apply initialized_tycontext_eqv; auto.
 destruct o; auto; apply initialized_tycontext_eqv; auto.
 repeat apply update_tycontext_eqv; auto.
 apply join_tycontext_eqv; apply update_tycontext_eqv; auto.
 apply join_tycon_labeled_eqv; auto.

Lemma guard_environ_eqv:
  forall Delta Delta' f rho,
  tycontext_eqv Delta Delta' ->
  guard_environ Delta f rho -> guard_environ Delta' f rho.
unfold guard_environ; intros.
 destruct H0; split.
 clear H1.
 unfold typecheck_environ in *.
unfold tycontext_eqv in *.
destruct H0 as [? [? [? ?]]].
 destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]].
intuition; auto. unfold typecheck_temp_environ in *.
rewrite <- H in *. eauto.
unfold typecheck_var_environ in *. intros. rewrite <- H4 in *; eauto.
unfold typecheck_glob_environ in *. intros. rewrite <- H6 in *; eauto.
unfold same_env in *. intros. rewrite <- H6 in *. edestruct H3; eauto.
destruct H8. right. exists x. rewrite <- H4. auto.
 destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]].
rewrite H3 in *. auto.

Lemma tycontext_sub_trans:
 forall Delta1 Delta2 Delta3,
  tycontext_sub Delta1 Delta2 -> tycontext_sub Delta2 Delta3 ->
  tycontext_sub Delta1 Delta3.
Lemma semax_extensionality0:
       TT |--
      ALL Delta:tycontext, ALL Delta':tycontext,
      ALL P:assert, ALL P':assert,
      ALL c: statement, ALL R:ret_assert, ALL R':ret_assert,
       ((!! tycontext_sub Delta Delta'
       && (ALL ek: exitkind, ALL vl : option val, ALL rho: environ, (R ek vl rho >=> R' ek vl rho))
      && (ALL rho:environ, P' rho >=> P rho) && semax' Espec Delta P c R) >=> semax' Espec Delta' P' c R').
apply loeb.
intros w ? Delta Delta' P P' c R R'.
intros w1 ? w2 ? [[[? ?] ?] ?].
do 3 red in H2.
rewrite semax_fold_unfold; rewrite semax_fold_unfold in H5.
intros gx Delta''.
apply prop_imp_i; intro TS.
intros w3 ? ?.
specialize (H5 gx Delta'' _ (necR_refl _) (tycontext_sub_trans _ _ _ H2 TS)
                  _ H6 H7).

intros k F w4 Hw4 [? ?].
specialize (H5 k F w4 Hw4).
assert ((rguard Espec gx (exit_tycon c Delta'') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) w4).
do 9 intro.
apply (H9 b b0 b1 b2 y H10 a' H11).
destruct H12; split; auto.
destruct H13; split; auto.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H13|-*.
clear H12 H14.
revert a' H11 H13.
apply sepcon_subp' with (level w2).
apply H3.
apply necR_level in H6.
apply necR_level in Hw4.
eapply le_trans; try eassumption.
eapply le_trans; try eassumption.

specialize (H5 (conj H8 H10)). clear H8 H9 H10.
do 7 intro.
apply (H5 b b0 y H8 _ H9).
destruct H10; split; auto.
destruct H10; split; auto.
clear H10 H11.
revert a' H9 H12.
apply sepcon_subp' with (level w2); auto.
apply necR_level in H6.
apply necR_level in Hw4.
eapply le_trans; try eassumption.
eapply le_trans; try eassumption.

Lemma semax_extensionality1:
  forall Delta Delta' (P P': assert) c (R R': ret_assert) ,
       tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
       ((ALL ek: exitkind, ALL vl : option val, ALL rho: environ, (R ek vl rho >=> R' ek vl rho))
      && (ALL rho:environ, P' rho >=> P rho) && (semax' Espec Delta P c R) |-- semax' Espec Delta' P' c R').
intros n ?.
apply (semax_extensionality0 n I Delta Delta' P P' c R R' _ (le_refl _) _ (necR_refl _)).
destruct H0;
split; auto.
destruct H0;
split; auto.
split; auto.

Lemma semax_frame: forall Delta P s R F,
   closed_wrt_modvars s F ->
  semax Espec Delta P s R ->
    semax Espec Delta (fun rho => P rho * F rho) s (frame_ret_assert R F).
intros until F. intros CL H.
rewrite semax_unfold.
rewrite semax_unfold in H.
pose (F0F := fun rho => F0 rho * F rho).
specialize (H psi Delta' w TS Prog_OK k F0F).
spec H.
unfold F0F.
clear - H0 CL.
hnf in *; intros; simpl in *.
rewrite <- CL. rewrite <- H0. auto.
replace (fun rho : environ => F0 rho * (P rho * F rho))
  with (fun rho : environ => F0F rho * P rho).
apply H.
unfold F0F; clear - H1.
intros ek vl tx vx; specialize (H1 ek vl tx vx).
red in H1.
remember ((construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx)) as rho.
unfold frame_ret_assert in *.
rewrite (sepcon_comm (F0 rho)).
rewrite <- sepcon_assoc; auto.
unfold F0F.
extensionality rho.
rewrite sepcon_assoc.
f_equal. apply sepcon_comm.

Lemma assert_safe_last:
  forall ge ve te st rho w,
   (forall w', age w w' -> assert_safe Espec ge ve te st rho w) ->
    assert_safe Espec ge ve te st rho w.
case_eq (age1 w). auto.
clear H.
repeat intro.
rewrite (af_level1 age_facts) in H.
rewrite H. simpl.
hnf. auto.

Lemma age_laterR {A} `{ageable A}: forall {x y}, age x y -> laterR x y.
intros. constructor 1; auto.
Hint Resolve @age_laterR.

Lemma pred_sub_later' {A} `{H: ageable A}:
  forall (P Q: pred A),
           (|> P >=> |> Q) |-- (|> (P >=> Q)).
rewrite later_fash; auto.
rewrite later_imp.

Lemma later_strengthen_safe1:
  forall (P: pred rmap) ge ve te k rho,
              ((|> P) >=> assert_safe Espec ge ve te k rho) |-- |> (P >=> assert_safe Espec ge ve te k rho).
intros w ?.
apply (@pred_sub_later' _ _ P (assert_safe Espec ge ve te k rho)); auto.
eapply subp_trans'; try apply H.
apply derives_subp; clear.
intros w0 ?.
intros w' ?.
simpl in H0.
revert H; induction H0; intros.
simpl in *; intros.
subst y. change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm).
generalize (oracle_unage _ _ H); intros [jm0 [? ?]]. subst x.
eapply age_safe; try eassumption.
specialize (H0 ora jm0 H1 (eq_refl _)).
apply H0.
apply IHclos_trans2.
eapply pred_nec_hereditary; eauto.

End SemaxContext.

Hint Resolve @age_laterR.

Fixpoint filter_seq (k: cont) : cont :=
 match k with
  | Kseq s :: k1 => filter_seq k1
  | _ => k

Lemma cons_app: forall A (x: A) (y: list A), x::y = (x::nil)++y.
Proof. auto. Qed.

Lemma cons_app': forall A (x:A) y z,
      x::y++z = (x::y)++z.
Proof. auto. Qed.

Lemma cat_prefix_empty:
   forall {A} prefix (ctl: list A), ctl = prefix ++ ctl -> prefix = nil.
do 3 intro.
destruct prefix; auto; intro; elimtype False.
assert (length ctl = length ((a::prefix) ++ ctl)).
f_equal; auto.
simpl in H0.
rewrite app_length in H0.

Definition true_expr : Clight.expr := Clight.Econst_int (Tint I32 Signed noattr).

Lemma dec_skip: forall s, {s=Sskip}+{s<>Sskip}.
 destruct s; try (left; congruence); right; congruence.

Lemma strip_step:
  forall ge ve te k m st' m',
     cl_step ge (State ve te (strip_skip k)) m st' m' =
    cl_step ge (State ve te k) m st' m'.
 apply prop_ext.
 induction k; intros; split; simpl; intros; try destruct IHk; auto.
 destruct a; try destruct s; auto.
  constructor; auto.
 destruct a; try destruct s; auto.
 inv H. auto.

 Lemma strip_skip_app:
  forall k k', strip_skip k = nil -> strip_skip (k++k') = strip_skip k'.
Proof. induction k; intros; auto. destruct a; inv H. destruct s; inv H1; auto.
  simpl. apply IHk. auto.

Lemma strip_strip: forall k, strip_skip (strip_skip k) = strip_skip k.
induction k; simpl.
destruct a; simpl; auto.
destruct (dec_skip s).
subst; auto.
destruct s; auto.

Lemma strip_skip_app_cons:
 forall {k c l}, strip_skip k = c::l -> forall k', strip_skip (k++k') = c::l++k'.
Proof. intros. revert k H; induction k; intros. inv H.
  destruct a; try solve [simpl in *; auto];
  try solve [simpl in *; rewrite cons_app'; rewrite H; auto].
 destruct (dec_skip s). subst. simpl in *; auto.
 destruct s; inv H; simpl; auto.

Lemma filter_seq_current_function:
  forall ctl1 ctl2, filter_seq ctl1 = filter_seq ctl2 ->
       current_function ctl1 = current_function ctl2.
  intros ? ? H0. revert ctl2 H0; induction ctl1; simpl; intros.
  revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence; auto.
  destruct a; auto; revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence; auto.

Lemma filter_seq_call_cont:
  forall ctl1 ctl2, filter_seq ctl1 = filter_seq ctl2 -> call_cont ctl1 = call_cont ctl2.
  intros ? ? H0. revert ctl2 H0; induction ctl1; simpl; intros.
  revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence; auto.
  destruct a; auto; revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence; auto.

Lemma call_cont_app_nil:
  forall l k, call_cont l = nil -> call_cont (l++k) = call_cont k.
 intros l k; revert k; induction l; simpl; intros;
   try destruct a; simpl in *; try congruence; auto.
Lemma call_cont_app_cons:
  forall l c l', call_cont l = c::l' -> forall k, call_cont (l++k) = c::l' ++ k.
  intros; revert c l' k H; induction l; simpl; intros;
   try destruct a; simpl in *; try congruence; auto.

Lemma and_FF : forall {A} `{ageable A} (P:pred A),
  P && FF = FF.
  intros. rewrite andp_comm. apply FF_and.

Lemma sepcon_FF : forall {A}{JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{AG: ageable A}{XA: Age_alg A} (P:pred A),
  (P * FF = FF)%pred.
  intros. rewrite sepcon_comm. apply FF_sepcon.

Section extensions.

Context (Espec : OracleKind).

Lemma age1_resource_decay:
  forall jm jm', age jm jm' -> resource_decay (nextblock (m_dry jm)) (m_phi jm) (m_phi jm').
 intros. split.
 apply age_level in H.
 change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm).
 change (level (m_phi jm')) with (level jm').
 intro l. split. apply juicy_mem_alloc_cohere. left.
 symmetry; apply age1_resource_at with (m_phi jm); eauto.
  destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.
 symmetry; apply resource_at_approx.

Lemma safe_loop_skip:
    ge ora ve te k m,
    jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge (level m) ora (State ve te (Kseq (Sloop Clight.Sskip Clight.Sskip) :: k)) m.
  remember (level m)%nat as N.
  destruct N; simpl; auto.
  case_eq (age1 m); [intros m' ? | intro; apply age1_level0 in H; omegaContradiction].
  exists (State ve te (Kseq Sskip :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 Sskip Sskip :: k)), m'.
  repeat constructor.
  replace (m_dry m') with (m_dry m) by (destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto).
  repeat econstructor.
 apply age1_resource_decay; auto. apply age_level; auto.
  assert (N = level m')%nat.
  apply age_level in H; omega.
  clear HeqN m H. rename m' into m.
  revert m H0; induction N; intros; simpl; auto.
  case_eq (age1 m); [intros m' ? | intro; apply age1_level0 in H; omegaContradiction].
  exists (State ve te (Kseq Sskip :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 Sskip Sskip :: k)), m'.
  replace (m_dry m') with (m_dry m) by (destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto).
  repeat constructor.
 apply age1_resource_decay; auto. apply age_level; auto.
  eapply IHN; eauto.
  apply age_level in H. omega.

Lemma safe_step_forward:
  forall psi n ora st m,
   cl_at_external st = None ->
   j_safely_halted cl_core_sem st = None ->
   jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) psi (S n) ora st m ->
 exists st', exists m',
   jstep cl_core_sem psi st m st' m' /\
   jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) psi n ora st' m'.
 intros. simpl in H1. rewrite H in H1.
 destruct H1 as [c' [m' [? ?]]].
 exists c'; exists m'; split; auto.

Lemma safeN_strip:
  forall ge n ora ve te k m,
     jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge n ora (State ve te (strip_skip k)) m =
     jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge n ora (State ve te k) m.
 destruct n. apply prop_ext; simpl; intuition.
 apply exists_ext; intro c'.
 apply exists_ext; intro m'.
 induction k; simpl; auto.
 destruct a; simpl; auto.
 destruct (dec_skip s).
 subst. rewrite IHk.
 clear IHk.
 apply prop_ext; split; intros [? [? ?]]; split3; auto.
 constructor; auto.
  inv H; auto.
 destruct s; simpl; auto.

Open Local Scope nat_scope.

Definition control_as_safe ge n ctl1 ctl2 :=
 forall (ora : OK_ty) (ve : env) (te : temp_env) (m : juicy_mem) (n' : nat),
     n' <= n ->
     jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge n' ora (State ve te ctl1) m ->
     jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge n' ora (State ve te ctl2) m.

Fixpoint prebreak_cont (k: cont) : cont :=
  match k with
  | Kloop1 s e3 :: k' => k
  | Kseq s :: k' => prebreak_cont k'
  | Kloop2 s e3 :: _ => nil
  | Kswitch :: k' => k
  | _ => nil

Lemma prebreak_cont_is: forall k,
  match (prebreak_cont k) with
  | Kloop1 _ _ :: _ => True
  | Kswitch :: _ => True
  | nil => True
  | _ => False
induction k; simpl; auto.
destruct (prebreak_cont k); try contradiction; destruct a; auto.

Lemma find_label_prefix:
  forall lbl s ctl k, find_label lbl s ctl = Some k -> exists j, k = j++ctl
  forall lbl s ctl k, find_label_ls lbl s ctl = Some k -> exists j, k = j++ctl.
  clear find_label_prefix.
  revert ctl k H; induction s; simpl; intros; try congruence.
  revert H; case_eq (find_label lbl s1 (Kseq s2 :: ctl)); intros; [inv H0 | auto ].
  destruct (IHs1 _ _ H) as [j ?]. exists (j++ (Kseq s2::nil)); rewrite app_ass; auto.
  revert H; case_eq (find_label lbl s1 ctl); intros; [inv H0 | auto ]; auto.
  revert H; case_eq (find_label lbl s1 (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: ctl)); intros; [inv H0 | auto ].
  destruct (IHs1 _ _ H) as [j ?]. exists (j++ (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2::nil)); rewrite app_ass; auto.
  destruct (IHs2 _ _ H0) as [j ?]. exists (j++ (Kloop2 s1 s2::nil)); rewrite app_ass; auto.
  destruct (find_label_ls_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j ?]. exists (j++(Kswitch :: nil)); rewrite app_ass; auto.
  if_tac in H. subst l. inv H.
  exists (Kseq s :: nil); auto.
  apply IHs; auto.

 induction s; simpl; intros.
 destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j ?]. exists j; auto.
 revert H; case_eq (find_label lbl s (Kseq (seq_of_labeled_statement s0) :: ctl)); intros.
 inv H0.
 destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j ?]; exists (j++Kseq (seq_of_labeled_statement s0) ::nil); rewrite app_ass; auto.

Lemma find_label_None:
  forall lbl s ctl, find_label lbl s ctl = None -> forall ctl', find_label lbl s ctl' = None
  forall lbl s ctl, find_label_ls lbl s ctl = None -> forall ctl', find_label_ls lbl s ctl' = None.
clear find_label_None; induction s; simpl; intros; try congruence;
 try match type of H with match ?A with Some _ => _| None => _ end = _
                => revert H; case_eq A; intros; [inv H0 | ]
 try (rewrite (IHs1 _ H); eauto).
 destruct (ident_eq lbl l). inv H. eapply IHs; eauto.

clear find_label_ls_None; induction s; simpl; intros; try congruence;
 try match type of H with match ?A with Some _ => _| None => _ end = _
                => revert H; case_eq A; intros; [inv H0 | ]
 try (rewrite (IHs1 _ H); eauto).
 rewrite (find_label_None _ _ _ H). eauto.

Lemma find_label_prefix2':
 forall lbl s k1 pre, find_label lbl s k1 = Some (pre++k1) ->
               forall k2, find_label lbl s k2 = Some (pre++k2)
with find_label_ls_prefix2':
 forall lbl s k1 pre, find_label_ls lbl s k1 = Some (pre++k1) ->
               forall k2, find_label_ls lbl s k2 = Some (pre++k2) .
intros. clear find_label_prefix2'.
revert pre k1 H k2; induction s; simpl; intros; try congruence;
 try match type of H with match ?A with Some _ => _| None => _ end = _
                => revert H; case_eq A; intros; [inv H0 | ]
 (destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j Hj];
 rewrite cons_app in Hj; rewrite <- app_ass in Hj; apply app_inv_tail in Hj; subst pre;
  erewrite app_ass in H; simpl in H;
  rewrite (IHs1 _ _ H); rewrite app_ass; reflexivity);
 try solve [erewrite (find_label_None); eauto].
 rewrite (IHs1 _ _ H); auto.
 change (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: k1) with ((Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: nil) ++ k1)
   in H.
 change (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: k2) with ((Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: nil) ++ k2).
destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j Hj];
 rewrite cons_app in Hj; rewrite <- app_ass in Hj; apply app_inv_tail in Hj; subst pre.
  erewrite app_ass in H; simpl in H;
  rewrite (IHs1 _ _ H); rewrite app_ass; reflexivity.
 change (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: k1) with ((Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: nil) ++ k1)
   in H.
 change (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: k2) with ((Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: nil) ++ k2).
 erewrite (find_label_None); eauto.
 destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H0) as [j Hj];
  rewrite cons_app in Hj; rewrite <- app_ass in Hj; apply app_inv_tail in Hj; subst pre.
  erewrite app_ass in H0; simpl in H0;
  rewrite (IHs2 _ _ H0); rewrite app_ass; reflexivity.
destruct (find_label_ls_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j Hj];
 rewrite cons_app in Hj; rewrite <- app_ass in Hj; apply app_inv_tail in Hj; subst pre.
  erewrite app_ass in H; simpl in H.
  rewrite (find_label_ls_prefix2' _ _ _ _ H); rewrite app_ass; reflexivity.
  if_tac. inv H. rewrite cons_app in H2. apply app_inv_tail in H2; subst. reflexivity.

intros. clear find_label_ls_prefix2'.
revert pre k1 H k2; induction s; simpl; intros; try congruence;
 try match type of H with match ?A with Some _ => _| None => _ end = _
                => revert H; case_eq A; intros; [inv H0 | ]
 (destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H) as [j Hj];
 rewrite cons_app in Hj; rewrite <- app_ass in Hj; apply app_inv_tail in Hj; subst pre;
  erewrite app_ass in H; simpl in H).
  rewrite (find_label_prefix2' _ _ _ _ H); rewrite app_ass; reflexivity;
 try solve [erewrite (find_label_ls_None); eauto].
  erewrite (find_label_None); eauto.

Lemma find_label_prefix2:
  forall lbl s pre j ctl1 ctl2,
   find_label lbl s (pre++ctl1) = Some (j++ctl1) ->
   find_label lbl s (pre++ctl2) = Some (j++ctl2).
 destruct (find_label_prefix _ _ _ _ H).
 rewrite <- app_ass in H0.
 apply app_inv_tail in H0. subst j.
 rewrite app_ass in *.
 forget (pre++ctl1) as k1. forget (pre++ctl2) as k2.
 clear - H. rename x into pre.
 eapply find_label_prefix2'; eauto.

Lemma corestep_preservation_lemma:
   forall ge ctl1 ctl2 ora ve te m n c l c' m',
       filter_seq ctl1 = filter_seq ctl2 ->
      (forall k : list cont', control_as_safe ge n (k ++ ctl1) (k ++ ctl2)) ->
      control_as_safe ge (S n) ctl1 ctl2 ->
      jstep cl_core_sem ge (State ve te (c :: l ++ ctl1)) m c' m' ->
      jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge n ora c' m' ->
   exists c2 : corestate,
     exists m2 : juicy_mem,
       jstep cl_core_sem ge (State ve te (c :: l ++ ctl2)) m c2 m2 /\
       jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge n ora c2 m2.
Proof. intros until m'. intros H0 H4 CS0 H H1.
  remember (State ve te (c :: l ++ ctl1)) as q. rename c' into q'.
  destruct H as [H [Hb Hc]].
  remember (m_dry m) as dm; remember (m_dry m') as dm'.
  revert c l m Heqdm m' Heqdm' Hb Hc H1 Heqq; induction H; intros; try inv Heqq.
  do 2 eexists; split; [split3; [econstructor; eauto | auto | auto ] | apply H4; auto ].
  do 2 eexists; split; [split3; [ | eassumption | auto ] | ].
  rewrite <- Heqdm'; econstructor; eauto.
  apply H4; auto.
  do 2 eexists; split; [split3; [econstructor; eauto | auto | auto ] | ].
  do 3 rewrite cons_app'. apply H4; auto.
Focus 1.
  do 2 eexists; split; [split3; [ | eassumption | auto ] | ].
  rewrite <- Heqdm'; eapply step_call_external; eauto.
  destruct n; auto.
  simpl in H5|-*.
  destruct H5 as [x ?]; exists x.
  generalize I as H7; intro.
  destruct H5; split; auto.
  intros ret m'0 z'' H9; specialize (H6 ret m'0 z'' H9).
  destruct H6 as [c' [? ?]].
  unfold cl_after_external in *.
  destruct ret as [ret|]. destruct optid.
  exists (State ve (PTree.set i ret te) (l ++ ctl2)); split; auto.
  inv H6.
  apply H4; auto. congruence.
  exists (State ve te (l ++ ctl2)); split; auto.
  destruct optid; auto. congruence.
  apply H4; auto.
  destruct optid; auto. inv H6. inv H6; auto.
  destruct (IHcl_step (Kseq s1) (Kseq s2 :: l) _ (eq_refl _) _ (eq_refl _) Hb Hc H1 (eq_refl _)) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; clear IHcl_step.
   destruct H2 as [H2 [H2b H2c]].
  exists c2, m2; split; auto. split3; auto. constructor. apply H2.
  destruct l.
    simpl in H.
 assert (jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) ge (S n) ora (State ve te ctl1) m0).
 eapply safe_corestep_backward; eauto; split3; eauto.
 apply CS0 in H2; auto.
  eapply safe_step_forward in H2; auto.
 destruct H2 as [st2 [m2 [? ?]]]; exists st2; exists m2; split; auto.
   destruct H2 as [H2 [H2b H2c]].
  split3; auto.
  rewrite <- strip_step. simpl. rewrite strip_step; auto.
  destruct (IHcl_step c l _ (eq_refl _) _ (eq_refl _) Hb Hc H1 (eq_refl _)) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; clear IHcl_step.
  exists c2; exists m2; split; auto.
   destruct H2 as [H2 [H2b H2c]].
  split3; auto.
  rewrite <- strip_step.
 change (strip_skip (Kseq Sskip :: c :: l ++ ctl2)) with (strip_skip (c::l++ctl2)).
  rewrite strip_step; auto.
  case_eq (continue_cont l); intros.
  assert (continue_cont (l++ctl1) = continue_cont (l++ctl2)).
  clear - H0 H2.
  induction l; simpl in *.
 revert ctl2 H0; induction ctl1; simpl; intros.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; auto.
 destruct a; simpl in *; auto. inv H0. inv H0.
 destruct a; auto.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros. inv H0.
 destruct a; try congruence. rewrite <- (IHctl2 H0).
 revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence.
 destruct a; try congruence. auto. auto.
  rewrite H3 in H.
  exists st', m'0; split; auto.
  split3; auto.
  constructor. auto.
  assert (forall k, continue_cont (l++k) = c::l0++k).
  clear - H2. revert H2; induction l; intros; try destruct a; simpl in *; auto; try discriminate.
  repeat rewrite cons_app'. f_equal; auto.
  rewrite H3 in H, IHcl_step.
  destruct (IHcl_step _ _ _ (eq_refl _) _ (eq_refl _) Hb Hc H1 (eq_refl _)) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; clear IHcl_step.
  exists c2,m2; split; auto.
   destruct H5 as [H5 [H5b H5c]].
 split3; auto.
 constructor. rewrite H3; auto.
Focus 1.
  case_eq (prebreak_cont l); intros.
  assert (break_cont (l++ctl1) = break_cont (l++ctl2)).
  clear - H0 H2.
  revert H2; induction l; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence.
  revert ctl2 H0; induction ctl1; simpl; intros.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; simpl; intros; try destruct a; try congruence. auto.
 destruct a. auto.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; try destruct a; simpl; intros; try congruence; auto.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; try destruct a; simpl; intros; try congruence; auto.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; try destruct a; simpl; intros; try congruence; auto.
 revert H0; induction ctl2; try destruct a; simpl; intros; try congruence; auto.
 destruct s; auto.
  rewrite H3 in H.
  exists st', m'0; split; auto.
  split3; auto.
  constructor. auto.
  assert (PB:= prebreak_cont_is l); rewrite H2 in PB.
  destruct c; try contradiction.
  assert (forall k, break_cont (l++k) = l0++k).
  clear - H2.
  revert H2; induction l; intros; try destruct a; simpl in *; auto; congruence.
  rewrite H3 in H.
  destruct l0; simpl in *.
  hnf in CS0.
  specialize (CS0 ora ve te m0 (S n)).
  assert (core_semantics.corestep (juicy_core_sem cl_core_sem) ge (State ve te ctl1) m0 st' m'0).
  split3; auto.
  pose proof (safe_corestep_backward (juicy_core_sem cl_core_sem) OK_spec ge _ _ _ _ _ _ H5 H1).
  apply CS0 in H6; auto.
  destruct (safe_step_forward ge n ora (State ve te ctl2) m0) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; auto.
  exists c2; exists m2; split; auto.
  destruct H7; constructor; auto. constructor; auto. rewrite H3. auto.
  destruct (IHcl_step c l0 m0 (eq_refl _) m'0 (eq_refl _)) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; auto.
  rewrite H3; auto.
  exists c2,m2; split; auto.
  destruct H5; split; auto. constructor; auto. rewrite H3; auto.
  assert (forall k, break_cont (l++k) = l0++k).
  clear - H2.
  revert H2; induction l; intros; try destruct a; simpl in *; auto; congruence.
  rewrite H3 in H.
  destruct l0; simpl in *.
  hnf in CS0.
  specialize (CS0 ora ve te m0 (S n)).
  assert (core_semantics.corestep (juicy_core_sem cl_core_sem) ge (State ve te ctl1) m0 st' m'0).
  split3; auto.
  pose proof (safe_corestep_backward (juicy_core_sem cl_core_sem) OK_spec ge _ _ _ _ _ _ H5 H1).
  apply CS0 in H6; auto.
  destruct (safe_step_forward ge n ora (State ve te ctl2) m0) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; auto.
  exists c2; exists m2; split; auto.
  destruct H7; constructor; auto. constructor; auto. rewrite H3. auto.
  destruct (IHcl_step c l0 m0 (eq_refl _) m'0 (eq_refl _)) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; auto.
  rewrite H3; auto.
  exists c2,m2; split; auto.
  destruct H5; split; auto. constructor; auto. rewrite H3; auto.
  exists (State ve te (Kseq (if b then s1 else s2) :: l ++ ctl2)), m'.
  split. split3; auto. rewrite <- Heqdm'. econstructor; eauto.
  rewrite cons_app. rewrite <- app_ass.
  apply H4; auto.
  change (Kseq s1 :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: l ++ ctl1) with
               ((Kseq s1 :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s1 s2 :: l) ++ ctl1) in H1.
  eapply H4 in H1.
  do 2 eexists; split; eauto.
   split3; auto. rewrite <- Heqdm'.
  econstructor; eauto. omega.
  change (Kseq s :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s a3 :: l ++ ctl1) with
              ((Kseq s :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 s a3 :: l) ++ ctl1) in H1.
  apply H4 in H1; auto.
  do 2 eexists; split; eauto. split3; auto. rewrite <- Heqdm'. econstructor; eauto.
  case_eq (call_cont l); intros.
  rewrite call_cont_app_nil in * by auto.
  exists (State ve' te'' k'), m'0; split; auto.
  split3; auto.
  econstructor; try eassumption. rewrite call_cont_app_nil; auto.
  rewrite <- (filter_seq_call_cont _ _ H0); auto.
  rewrite (call_cont_app_cons _ _ _ H6) in H. inv H.
  do 2 eexists; split.
  split3; eauto.
  econstructor; try eassumption.
 rewrite (call_cont_app_cons _ _ _ H6). reflexivity.
  apply H4; auto.
  do 2 eexists; split; [split3; [| eauto | eauto] | ].
  rewrite <- Heqdm'. econstructor; eauto.
  do 2 rewrite cons_app'. apply H4; auto.
  destruct (IHcl_step _ _ _ (eq_refl _) _ (eq_refl _) Hb Hc H1 (eq_refl _)) as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; clear IHcl_step.
  exists c2, m2; split; auto.
   destruct H2 as [H2 [H2b H2c]].
  split3; auto.
  constructor; auto.
  case_eq (call_cont l); intros.
  do 2 eexists; split; [ | apply H1].
  split3; auto.
  rewrite <- Heqdm'; econstructor. 2: rewrite call_cont_app_nil; auto.
  instantiate (1:=f).
  generalize (filter_seq_current_function ctl1 ctl2 H0); intro.
  clear - H3 H2 CUR.
  revert l H3 H2 CUR; induction l; simpl; try destruct a; intros; auto; try congruence.
  rewrite call_cont_app_nil in H by auto.
  rewrite <- (filter_seq_call_cont ctl1 ctl2 H0); auto.
  rewrite (call_cont_app_cons _ _ _ H2) in H.
  assert (exists j, k' = j ++ ctl1).
  clear - H2 H.
  assert (exists id, exists f, exists ve, exists te, c = Kcall id f ve te).
  clear - H2; induction l; [inv H2 | ].
  destruct a; simpl in H2; auto. inv H2; do 4 eexists; reflexivity.
  destruct H0 as [id [ff [ve [te ?]]]]. clear H2; subst c.
  change (find_label lbl (fn_body f)
      ((Kseq (Sreturn None) :: Kcall id ff ve te :: l0) ++ ctl1) = Some k') in H.
  forget (Kseq (Sreturn None) :: Kcall id ff ve te :: l0) as pre.
  assert (exists j, k' = j++ (pre++ctl1));
   [ | destruct H0 as [j H0]; exists (j++pre); rewrite app_ass; auto ].
  forget (pre++ctl1) as ctl. forget (fn_body f) as s; clear - H.
 eapply find_label_prefix; eauto.
  destruct H3 as [j ?].
  subst k'.
  exists (State ve te (j++ctl2)), m'; split; [ | apply H4; auto].
  split3; auto.
  rewrite <- Heqdm'; econstructor.
  instantiate (1:=f).
  clear - CUR H2.
  revert f c l0 CUR H2; induction l; simpl; intros. inv H2.
  destruct a; simpl in *; eauto.
  rewrite (call_cont_app_cons _ _ _ H2).
  clear - H2 H.
  change (Kseq (Sreturn None) :: c :: l0 ++ ctl1) with ((Kseq (Sreturn None) :: c :: l0) ++ ctl1) in H.
  change (Kseq (Sreturn None) :: c :: l0 ++ ctl2) with ((Kseq (Sreturn None) :: c :: l0) ++ ctl2).
  forget (Kseq (Sreturn None) :: c :: l0) as pre.
clear - H.
 eapply find_label_prefix2; eauto.

Lemma control_as_safe_le:
  forall n' n ge ctl1 ctl2, n' <= n -> control_as_safe ge n ctl1 ctl2 -> control_as_safe ge n' ctl1 ctl2.
 intros. intro; intros. eapply H0; auto; omega.

Lemma control_suffix_safe :
      ge n ctl1 ctl2 k,
      filter_seq ctl1 = filter_seq ctl2 ->
      control_as_safe ge n ctl1 ctl2 ->
      control_as_safe ge n (k ++ ctl1) (k ++ ctl2).
    intro ge. induction n using (well_founded_induction lt_wf).
    intros. hnf; intros.
    destruct n'; [ simpl; auto | ].
    assert (forall k, control_as_safe ge n' (k ++ ctl1) (k ++ ctl2)).
    intro; apply H; auto. apply control_as_safe_le with n; eauto. omega.
   case_eq (strip_skip k); intros.
    rewrite <- safeN_strip in H3|-*. rewrite strip_skip_app in H3|-* by auto.
   rewrite safeN_strip in H3|-*.
   assert (ZZ: forall k, strip_skip (c::l++k) = c::l++k)
    by (clear - H5; intros; rewrite <- (strip_skip_app_cons H5); rewrite strip_strip; auto).
  rewrite <- safeN_strip in H3|-*.
  rewrite (strip_skip_app_cons H5) in H3|-* by auto.
   hnf in H3|-*.
   destruct H3 as [c' [m' [? ?]]].
  eapply corestep_preservation_lemma; eauto.
   eapply control_as_safe_le; eauto.
 apply H3.

Lemma guard_safe_adj:
   psi Delta P k1 k2,
   current_function k1 = current_function k2 ->
  (forall ora m ve te n,
     jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) psi n ora (State ve te k1) m ->
     jsafeN (@OK_spec Espec) psi n ora (State ve te k2) m) ->
  guard Espec psi Delta P k1 |-- guard Espec psi Delta P k2.
unfold guard.
apply allp_derives. intros tx.
apply allp_derives. intros vx.
rewrite H; apply subp_derives; auto.
intros w ? ? ? ? ?.
apply H0.
eapply H1; eauto.

Lemma assert_safe_adj:
  forall ge ve te k k' rho,
      (forall n, control_as_safe ge n k k') ->
     assert_safe Espec ge ve te k rho |-- assert_safe Espec ge ve te k' rho.
 intros. intros w ? ? ? ? ?. specialize (H0 ora jm H1 H2).
 eapply H; try apply H0. apply le_refl.

Lemma assert_safe_adj':
  forall ge ve te k k' rho P w,
      (forall n, control_as_safe ge n k k') ->
     app_pred (P >=> assert_safe Espec ge ve te k rho) w ->
     app_pred (P >=> assert_safe Espec ge ve te k' rho) w.
 eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply derives_subp; eapply assert_safe_adj; try eassumption; eauto].

Lemma rguard_adj:
  forall ge Delta R k k',
      current_function k = current_function k' ->
      (forall ek vl n, control_as_safe ge n (exit_cont ek vl k) (exit_cont ek vl k')) ->
      rguard Espec ge Delta R k |-- rguard Espec ge Delta R k'.
 intros n H1; hnf in H1|-*.
 intros ek vl te ve; specialize (H1 ek vl te ve).
 rewrite <- H.
 eapply assert_safe_adj'; eauto.

Lemma assert_safe_last': forall (Espec:OracleKind) ge ve te ctl rho w,
            (age1 w <> None -> assert_safe Espec ge ve te ctl rho w) ->
             assert_safe Espec ge ve te ctl rho w.
 intros. apply assert_safe_last; intros. apply H. rewrite H0. congruence.

Lemma pjoinable_emp_None {A}{JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{SA: Sep_alg A}:
  forall w: option (psepalg.lifted JA), identity w -> w=None.
destruct w; auto.
elimtype False.
specialize (H None (Some l)).
spec H.
inversion H.

Lemma pjoinable_None_emp {A}{JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{SA: Sep_alg A}:
           identity (None: option (psepalg.lifted JA)).
intros; intro; intros.
inv H; auto.

Lemma unage_umapsto:
  forall sh t v1 v2 w, age1 w <> None -> (|> umapsto sh t v1 v2) w -> umapsto sh t v1 v2 w.
 case_eq (age1 w); intros; try contradiction.
 clear H.
 specialize (H0 _ (age_laterR H1)).
 unfold umapsto in *.
 revert H0; case_eq (access_mode t); intros; auto.
 destruct v1; try contradiction.
 rename H into Hmode.
destruct H0 as [H0|H0]; [left | right].
 destruct H0 as [bl [? ?]]; exists bl; split; auto.
 clear - H0 H1.
  intro loc'; specialize (H0 loc').
  hnf in *.
  destruct H0 as [p ?]; exists p.
  hnf in *.
  rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP in *.
  apply (age1_YES w r); auto.
  unfold noat in *; simpl in *.
 apply <- (age1_resource_at_identity _ _ loc' H1); auto.
 destruct H0 as [? [v2' [bl [? ?]]]].
 hnf in H. subst v2. split; hnf; auto. exists v2', bl; split; auto.
 clear - H2 H1; rename H2 into H0.
  intro loc'; specialize (H0 loc').
  hnf in *.
  destruct H0 as [p ?]; exists p.
  hnf in *.
  rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP in *.
  apply (age1_YES w r); auto.
  unfold noat in *; simpl in *.
 apply <- (age1_resource_at_identity _ _ loc' H1); auto.

Lemma semax_extensionality_Delta:
  forall Delta Delta' P c R,
       tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
     semax Espec Delta P c R -> semax Espec Delta' P c R.
unfold semax in *.
specialize (H0 n).
apply (semax_extensionality1 Espec Delta Delta' P P c R R); auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ?; auto.

End extensions.

Definition Cnot (e: Clight.expr) : Clight.expr :=
   Clight.Eunop Cop.Onotbool e type_bool.

Lemma bool_val_Cnot:
  forall rho a b,
    bool_type (typeof a) = true ->
    strict_bool_val (eval_expr a rho) (typeof a) = Some b ->
    strict_bool_val (eval_expr (Cnot a) rho) (typeof (Cnot a)) = Some (negb b).
 unfold Cnot. simpl.
 unfold eval_unop; super_unfold_lift; simpl.
 destruct (eval_expr a rho); simpl in *; try congruence.
 destruct (typeof a); simpl in *; try congruence.
 inv H0. rewrite negb_involutive. unfold Cop.sem_notbool, Cop.classify_bool, Val.of_bool.
 destruct i0; simpl; auto; destruct (Int.eq i; auto;
 destruct s; simpl; auto.
  destruct (Int.eq i; inv H0; reflexivity.
 destruct (Int.eq i; inv H0; reflexivity.
 destruct (Int.eq i; inv H0; reflexivity.
 destruct (typeof a); inv H0; simpl.
 destruct (Int64.eq i; reflexivity.
 destruct (typeof a); inv H0; simpl.
 destruct ((Float.cmp Ceq f; reflexivity.
 destruct (typeof a); inv H0; simpl; rewrite Int.eq_true; reflexivity.

Lemma guard_environ_sub:
  forall {Delta Delta' f rho},
   tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
   guard_environ Delta' f rho ->
   guard_environ Delta f rho.
destruct H0; split; auto.
eapply typecheck_environ_sub; eauto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct H1; split; auto.
destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]]. rewrite H4; auto.

Definition typecheck_tid_ptr_compare
Delta id :=
match (temp_types Delta) ! id with
| Some (t, _) =>
   is_int_type t
| None => false

Lemma typecheck_tid_ptr_compare_sub:
   forall Delta Delta',
    tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
    forall id, typecheck_tid_ptr_compare Delta id = true ->
                typecheck_tid_ptr_compare Delta' id = true.
unfold typecheck_tid_ptr_compare;
destruct H as [? _].
specialize (H id).
destruct ((temp_types Delta) ! id) as [[? ?]|]; try discriminate.
destruct ((temp_types Delta') ! id) as [[? ?]|]; try contradiction.
destruct H; subst; auto.