Library semax_loop
Require Import veric.base.
Require Import msl.normalize.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import veric.juicy_mem veric.juicy_mem_lemmas veric.juicy_mem_ops.
Require Import veric.res_predicates.
Require Import veric.seplog.
Require Import veric.assert_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_new.
Require Import sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import sepcomp.step_lemmas.
Require Import veric.juicy_extspec.
Require Import veric.expr veric.expr_lemmas.
Require Import veric.semax.
Require Import veric.semax_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_lemmas.
Open Local Scope pred.
Open Local Scope nat_scope.
Section extensions.
Context (Espec : OracleKind).
Lemma funassert_exit_tycon: forall c Delta ek,
funassert (exit_tycon c Delta ek) = funassert Delta.
apply same_glob_funassert.
unfold exit_tycon; simpl. destruct ek; auto.
rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
Lemma strict_bool_val_sub : forall v t b,
strict_bool_val v t = Some b ->
Cop.bool_val v t = Some b.
intros. destruct v; destruct t; simpl in *; auto; try congruence;
unfold Cop.bool_val, Cop.classify_bool; simpl.
destruct i0; auto.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
Lemma ret_type_join_tycon:
forall Delta Delta', ret_type (join_tycon Delta Delta') = ret_type Delta.
intros; destruct Delta as [[[? ?] ? ] ?]; destruct Delta' as [[[? ?] ? ] ?]; reflexivity.
Lemma ret_type_update_tycon:
forall Delta c, ret_type (update_tycon Delta c) = ret_type Delta
with ret_type_join_tycon_labeled: forall l Delta,
ret_type (join_tycon_labeled l Delta) = ret_type Delta.
intros. revert Delta; induction c; simpl; intros; try destruct o; auto;
try (unfold initialized; destruct ((temp_types Delta)!i); try destruct p; auto).
rewrite IHc2; auto.
rewrite ret_type_join_tycon. auto.
induction l; simpl; intros; auto. rewrite ret_type_join_tycon. auto.
Lemma ret_type_exit_tycon:
forall c Delta ek, ret_type (exit_tycon c Delta ek) = ret_type Delta.
destruct ek; try reflexivity. unfold exit_tycon. apply ret_type_update_tycon.
Lemma funassert_update_tycon:
forall Delta h, funassert (update_tycon Delta h) = funassert Delta.
intros; apply same_glob_funassert. rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
Lemma tycontext_evolve_refl : forall Delta, tycontext_evolve Delta Delta.
split; auto.
intros. destruct ((temp_types Delta)!id) as [[? ?]|]; auto.
split; auto. destruct b; reflexivity.
Lemma tycontext_evolve_join:
forall Delta Delta1 Delta2,
tycontext_evolve Delta Delta1 ->
tycontext_evolve Delta Delta2 ->
tycontext_evolve Delta (join_tycon Delta1 Delta2).
intros [[[A B] C] D] [[[A1 B1] C1] D1] [[[A2 B2] C2] D2]
[? [? [? ?]]] [? [? [? ?]]];
simpl in *;
repeat split; auto.
clear - H H3.
intro id; specialize (H id); specialize (H3 id).
unfold temp_types in *; simpl in *.
destruct (A ! id) as [[? ?]|].
destruct (A1 ! id) as [[? ?]|] eqn:?; [ | contradiction].
destruct (A2 ! id) as [[? ?]|] eqn:?; [ | contradiction].
destruct H,H3; subst t1 t0.
rewrite (join_te_eqv _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqo Heqo0).
split; auto. destruct b,b0; inv H0; auto.
rewrite join_te_denote2.
unfold te_one_denote.
destruct (A1 ! id) as [[? ?]|]; [contradiction|].
Lemma tycontext_evolve_update_tycon:
forall c Delta, tycontext_evolve Delta (update_tycon Delta c)
with tycontext_evolve_join_labeled:
forall l Delta, tycontext_evolve Delta (join_tycon_labeled l Delta).
clear tycontext_evolve_update_tycon.
induction c; simpl; intros; try destruct o; try apply tycontext_evolve_refl;
try apply initialized_tycontext_evolve.
eapply tycontext_evolve_trans; [ apply IHc1 | apply IHc2].
apply tycontext_evolve_join; auto.
clear tycontext_evolve_join_labeled.
induction l; simpl; auto; intros.
apply tycontext_evolve_join; auto.
Lemma semax_ifthenelse :
forall Delta P (b: expr) c d R,
bool_type (typeof b) = true ->
semax Espec Delta (fun rho => P rho && !! expr_true b rho) c R ->
semax Espec Delta (fun rho => P rho && !! expr_false b rho) d R ->
semax Espec Delta
(fun rho => tc_expr Delta b rho && P rho)
(Sifthenelse b c d) R.
rewrite semax_unfold in H0, H1 |- *.
specialize (H0 psi _ _ TS Prog_OK k F).
specialize (H1 psi _ _ TS Prog_OK k F).
spec H0. intros i te' ?. apply H2; simpl; auto. intros i0; destruct (H4 i0); intuition.
left; clear - H5.
unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
apply modifiedvars'_union. left; apply H5.
spec H1. intros i te' ?. apply H2; simpl; auto.
clear - H4; intros i0; destruct (H4 i0); intuition.
unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
apply modifiedvars'_union. right; apply H.
assert (H3then: app_pred
(rguard Espec psi (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) w).
clear - H3.
intros ek vl tx vx; specialize (H3 ek vl tx vx).
cbv beta in H3.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H3].
apply derives_subp; apply andp_derives; auto.
unfold exit_tycon; simpl. destruct ek; simpl; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; split; auto.
apply typecheck_environ_join1; auto.
repeat rewrite var_types_update_tycon. auto.
repeat rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
destruct (current_function k); destruct H0; split; auto.
rewrite ret_type_join_tycon; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H1|-*; auto.
repeat rewrite funassert_exit_tycon in *; auto.
assert (H3else: app_pred
(rguard Espec psi (exit_tycon d Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) w).
clear - H3.
intros ek vl tx vx; specialize (H3 ek vl tx vx).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H3].
apply derives_subp; apply andp_derives; auto.
unfold exit_tycon; simpl. destruct ek; simpl; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; split; auto.
apply typecheck_environ_join2 with Delta'; auto;
apply tycontext_evolve_update_tycon.
repeat rewrite var_types_update_tycon. auto.
repeat rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
destruct (current_function k); destruct H0; split; auto.
rewrite ret_type_join_tycon; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H1|-*; auto.
repeat rewrite funassert_exit_tycon in *; auto.
specialize (H0 H3then).
specialize (H1 H3else).
clear Prog_OK H3 H3then H3else.
intros tx vx; specialize (H0 tx vx); specialize (H1 tx vx).
remember (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx) as rho.
rewrite <- fash_and.
intros ? ?. clear w H0.
revert a'.
apply fash_derives.
intros w [? ?].
intros ?w ? [[?TC ?] ?].
apply extend_sepcon_andp in H4; auto.
destruct H4 as [TC2 H4].
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
hnf in TC2.
destruct H4 as [w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]].
specialize (H0 w0 H3).
specialize (H1 w0 H3).
unfold expr_true, expr_false, Cnot in *.
intros ora jm Hge Hphi.
generalize (eval_expr_relate _ _ _ _ _ b (m_dry jm) Hge (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC)); intro.
assert (exists b': bool, strict_bool_val (eval_expr b rho) (typeof b) = Some b').
clear - TC H TC2.
assert (TCS := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC) TC2).
remember (eval_expr b rho). destruct v;
simpl; destruct (typeof b); intuition; simpl in *; try rewrite TCS; eauto.
destruct H9 as [b' ?].
apply wlog_safeN_gt0; intro.
subst w0.
change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm) in H10.
revert H10; case_eq (level jm); intros.
apply levelS_age1 in H10. destruct H10 as [jm' ?].
clear H11.
apply (@safe_step'_back2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ psi ora _ jm
(State vx tx (Kseq (if b' then c else d) :: k)) jm' _).
rewrite <- (age_jm_dry H10); econstructor; eauto.
apply strict_bool_val_sub; auto.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm).
replace (level jm - 1)%nat with (level jm' ) by (apply age_level in H10; omega).
eapply @age_safe; try apply H10.
rewrite <- Hge in *.
destruct b'.
eapply H0; auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
subst; auto.
rewrite andp_comm. rewrite prop_true_andp by auto.
do 2 econstructor; split3; eauto.
eapply H1; auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
subst; auto.
rewrite andp_comm; rewrite prop_true_andp.
do 2 econstructor; split3; eauto.
clear - H TC TC2 H9.
assert (TCS := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC) TC2).
simpl. super_unfold_lift. unfold typed_true.
intuition; simpl in *;
unfold sem_notbool; destruct i0; destruct s; auto; simpl;
inv H9; rewrite negb_false_iff in H1; rewrite H1; auto.
Lemma seq_assoc1:
forall Delta P s1 s2 s3 R,
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence s1 (Ssequence s2 s3)) R ->
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence (Ssequence s1 s2) s3) R.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros.
specialize (H psi Delta' w TS Prog_OK k F).
spec H.
intros ? ? ?. apply H0.
intro i; destruct (H2 i); intuition.
spec H; [solve [auto] |].
clear - H.
intros te ve ? ? ? ? ?.
specialize (H te ve y H0 a' H1 H2).
clear - H.
intros ora jm _ H2; specialize (H ora jm (eq_refl _) H2).
clear - H.
destruct (@level rmap ag_rmap a'); simpl in *; auto.
destruct H as [st' [m' [? ?]]].
destruct (corestep_preservation_lemma Espec psi
(Kseq (Ssequence s2 s3) :: k)
(Kseq s2 :: Kseq s3 :: k)
ora ve te jm n (Kseq s1) nil st' m')
as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; simpl; auto.
intros. apply control_suffix_safe; simpl; auto.
intro; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto. inv H1; auto.
hnf; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
clear; intros.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto. inv H1; auto.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto. inv H1; auto.
do 2 econstructor; split; try apply H2.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor; constructor; auto.
Lemma seq_assoc2:
forall Delta P s1 s2 s3 R,
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence (Ssequence s1 s2) s3) R ->
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence s1 (Ssequence s2 s3)) R.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros.
specialize (H psi Delta' w TS Prog_OK k F).
spec H.
intros ? ? ?. apply H0.
intro i; destruct (H2 i); intuition.
spec H; [solve [auto] |].
clear - H.
intros te ve ? ? ? ? ?.
specialize (H te ve y H0 a' H1 H2).
clear - H.
intros ora jm _ H2; specialize (H ora jm (eq_refl _) H2).
clear - H.
destruct (@level rmap ag_rmap a'); simpl in *; auto.
destruct H as [st' [m' [? ?]]].
destruct (corestep_preservation_lemma Espec psi
(Kseq s2 :: Kseq s3 :: k)
(Kseq (Ssequence s2 s3) :: k)
ora ve te jm n (Kseq s1) nil st' m')
as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; simpl; auto.
intros. apply control_suffix_safe; simpl; auto.
intro; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor; auto.
hnf; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
clear; intros.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor; auto.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
inv H1. inv H9; auto.
do 2 econstructor; split; try apply H2.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor. auto.
Lemma seq_assoc:
forall Delta P s1 s2 s3 R,
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence s1 (Ssequence s2 s3)) R <->
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence (Ssequence s1 s2) s3) R.
split; intro.
apply seq_assoc1; auto.
apply seq_assoc2; auto.
Lemma semax_seq:
forall Delta (R: ret_assert) P Q h t,
semax Espec Delta P h (overridePost Q R) ->
semax Espec (update_tycon Delta h) Q t R ->
semax Espec Delta P (Clight.Ssequence h t) R.
rewrite semax_unfold in H,H0|-*.
specialize (H psi _ w TS Prog_OK).
specialize (H0 psi (update_tycon Delta' h) w).
spec H0. apply update_tycon_sub; auto.
spec H0.
clear - Prog_OK.
unfold believe in *.
unfold believe_internal in *.
intros v fsig A P Q; specialize (Prog_OK v fsig A P Q).
intros ? ? ?. specialize (Prog_OK a' H).
spec Prog_OK.
destruct H0 as [id [? ?]]. exists id; split; auto.
rewrite glob_types_update_tycon in H0. auto.
destruct Prog_OK; [ left; auto | right].
destruct H1 as [b [f ?]]; exists b,f.
destruct H1; split; auto.
intro x; specialize (H2 x).
replace (func_tycontext' f (update_tycon Delta' h)) with (func_tycontext' f Delta'); auto.
unfold func_tycontext'.
f_equal; try reflexivity. apply eq_refl.
rewrite glob_types_update_tycon; auto.
assert ((guard Espec psi Delta' (fun rho : environ => F rho * P rho)%pred
(Kseq h :: Kseq t :: k)) w).
Focus 2.
eapply guard_safe_adj; try apply H3; try reflexivity;
intros until n; apply convergent_controls_safe; simpl; auto;
intros; destruct q'.
destruct H4 as [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. constructor; auto.
destruct H4 as [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. constructor; auto.
eapply H; eauto.
repeat intro; apply H1.
clear - H3. intro i; destruct (H3 i); [left | right]; auto.
unfold modifiedvars in H|-*. simpl. apply modifiedvars'_union.
left; auto.
clear - H0 H1 H2.
intros ek vl.
intros tx vx.
unfold overridePost, frame_ret_assert.
unfold exit_cont.
unfold guard in H0.
rewrite <- andp_assoc.
remember (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx) as rho.
assert (app_pred
(!!guard_environ (update_tycon Delta' h) (current_function k) rho &&
(F rho * (Q rho)) && funassert Delta' rho >=>
assert_safe Espec psi vx tx (Kseq t :: k) rho) w).
specialize (H0 k F).
spec H0.
clear - H1;
repeat intro; apply H1. simpl.
intro i; destruct (H i); [left | right]; auto.
unfold modifiedvars in H0|-*. simpl. apply modifiedvars'_union.
spec H0.
clear - H2.
intros ek vl te ve; specialize (H2 ek vl te ve).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H2].
apply derives_subp. apply andp_derives; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; hnf in H,H0|-*; split; auto.
clear - H.
destruct ek; simpl in *; auto; try solve [eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto].
destruct (current_function k); destruct H0; split; auto.
rewrite ret_type_exit_tycon in H1|-*; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H1; auto.
cbv beta in H2.
repeat rewrite funassert_exit_tycon.
rewrite funassert_update_tycon; auto.
specialize (H0 tx vx). cbv beta in H0.
rewrite funassert_update_tycon in H0.
apply H0.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H].
apply derives_subp. apply andp_derives; auto. apply andp_derives; auto.
rewrite sepcon_comm;
apply sepcon_derives; auto.
apply andp_left2; auto.
rewrite funassert_exit_tycon. auto.
replace (exit_cont ek vl (Kseq t :: k)) with (exit_cont ek vl k)
by (destruct ek; simpl; congruence).
unfold rguard in H2.
specialize (H2 ek vl tx vx).
replace (exit_tycon h Delta' ek) with Delta'.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H2].
apply derives_subp.
apply andp_derives; auto.
replace (exit_tycon (Ssequence h t) Delta' ek) with Delta'; auto.
destruct ek; try congruence; auto.
destruct ek; try congruence; auto.
destruct ek; try congruence; auto.
Lemma semax_loop :
forall Delta Q Q' incr body R,
semax Espec Delta Q body (loop1_ret_assert Q' R) ->
semax Espec Delta Q' incr (loop2_ret_assert Q R) ->
semax Espec Delta Q (Sloop body incr) R.
intros ? ? ? ? ? POST H H0.
rewrite semax_unfold.
intros until 3.
rename H1 into H2.
assert (CLO_body: closed_wrt_modvars body F).
clear - H2. intros rho te ?. apply (H2 rho te). simpl.
intro; destruct (H i); auto. left; unfold modifiedvars in H0|-*; simpl;
apply modifiedvars'_union; auto.
assert (CLO_incr: closed_wrt_modvars incr F).
clear - H2. intros rho te ?. apply (H2 rho te). simpl.
intro; destruct (H i); auto. left; unfold modifiedvars in H0|-*; simpl;
apply modifiedvars'_union; auto.
revert Prog_OK; induction w using (well_founded_induction lt_wf); intros.
intros tx vx.
intros ? ? ? ? [[? ?] ?]. hnf in H6.
simpl update_tycon in H3.
apply assert_safe_last; intros a2 LEVa2.
assert (NEC2: necR w (level a2)).
apply age_level in LEVa2. apply necR_nat in H5. apply nec_nat in H5.
change w with (level w) in H4|-*. apply nec_nat. clear - H4 H5 LEVa2.
change compcert_rmaps.R.rmap with rmap in *; omega.
assert (LT: level a2 < level w).
apply age_level in LEVa2. apply necR_nat in H5.
clear - H4 H5 LEVa2.
change w with (level w) in H4.
change R.rmap with rmap in *. rewrite LEVa2 in *. clear LEVa2.
apply nec_nat in H5. omega.
assert (Prog_OK2: (believe Espec Delta' psi Delta') (level a2))
by (apply pred_nec_hereditary with w; auto).
generalize (pred_nec_hereditary _ _ _ NEC2 H3); intro H3'.
remember (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx) as rho.
pose proof I.
intros ora jm RE H11.
pose (H10:=True).
replace (level a') with (S (level a2))
by (apply age_level in LEVa2; rewrite LEVa2; apply minus_n_O).
subst a'.
destruct (can_age1_juicy_mem _ _ LEVa2) as [jm' LEVa2'].
unfold age in LEVa2.
assert (a2 = m_phi jm').
generalize (age_jm_phi LEVa2'); unfold age; change R.rmap with rmap;
change R.ag_rmap with ag_rmap; rewrite LEVa2; intro Hx; inv Hx; auto.
subst a2.
clear LEVa2; rename LEVa2' into LEVa2.
apply safe_corestep_backward
with (State vx tx (Kseq body :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 body incr :: k))
rewrite (age_jm_dry LEVa2); econstructor.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
eapply semax_extensionality_Delta in H; try apply TS; auto.
eapply semax_extensionality_Delta in H0; try apply TS; auto.
clear Delta TS.
assert (w >= level (m_phi jm)).
apply necR_nat in H5. apply nec_nat in H5.
change R.rmap with rmap in *; omega.
clear y H5 H4. rename H11 into H5. pose (H4:=True).
generalize H; rewrite semax_unfold; intros H'.
specialize (H' psi Delta' (level jm') (tycontext_sub_refl _) Prog_OK2 (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 body incr :: k) F CLO_body).
spec H'.
intros ek vl.
destruct ek.
simpl exit_cont.
rewrite semax_unfold in H0.
specialize (H0 psi _ (level jm') (tycontext_sub_refl _) Prog_OK2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k) F CLO_incr).
spec H0.
intros ek2 vl2 tx2 vx2; unfold loop2_ret_assert.
destruct ek2; simpl exit_tycon in *.
unfold exit_cont.
apply (assert_safe_adj' Espec) with (k:=Kseq (Sloop body incr) :: k); auto.
repeat intro. eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H12; simpl; auto.
intros q' m' [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. inv H13; econstructor; eauto.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply (H1 _ LT Prog_OK2 H3' tx2 vx2)].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc.
rewrite funassert_update_tycon;
apply andp_derives; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; split; auto.
hnf in H11|-*.
eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto.
simpl in H12|-*. rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H12; auto.
simpl exit_cont.
unfold frame_ret_assert. normalize.
rewrite sepcon_comm. auto.
unfold frame_ret_assert. normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert. normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
change (exit_cont EK_return vl2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k))
with (exit_cont EK_return vl2 k).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H3'].
intros tx2 vx2.
apply (assert_safe_adj' Espec) with (k:= Kseq incr :: Kloop2 body incr :: k); auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; simpl; eauto.
intros q' m' [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. constructor. simpl. auto.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H0].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite funassert_exit_tycon;
apply andp_derives; auto.
simpl exit_tycon.
intros ? [? ?]; split.
hnf in H11|-*.
eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto.
simpl in H12|-*; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H12; auto.
simpl exit_cont.
simpl exit_tycon.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
unfold loop1_ret_assert.
intros tx3 vx3.
intros tx3 vx3.
unfold loop1_ret_assert, frame_ret_assert.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply (H3' EK_normal None tx3 vx3)].
simpl exit_tycon.
apply derives_subp.
simpl exit_tycon. simpl exit_cont.
unfold loop1_ret_assert, frame_ret_assert.
rewrite semax_unfold in H0.
intros tx2 vx2.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply (H0 _ _ _ (tycontext_sub_refl _) Prog_OK2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k) F CLO_incr)].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc. rewrite sepcon_comm.
apply andp_derives; auto.
clear tx2 vx2.
intros ek2 vl2 tx2 vx2.
destruct ek2.
unfold exit_cont.
apply (assert_safe_adj' Espec) with (k:=Kseq (Sloop body incr) :: k); auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; simpl; eauto.
intros q' m' [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. inv H12; econstructor; eauto.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply H1; eauto].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc.
rewrite funassert_exit_tycon;
apply andp_derives; auto.
simpl exit_tycon.
intros ? [? ?]; split.
hnf in H11|-*.
eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto.
simpl in H12|-*; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H12; auto.
unfold exit_cont, loop2_ret_assert; normalize.
unfold exit_cont, loop2_ret_assert; normalize.
change (exit_cont EK_return vl2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k))
with (exit_cont EK_return vl2 k).
specialize (H3' EK_return vl2 tx2 vx2). simpl exit_tycon in H3'.
simpl exit_tycon. auto.
change (exit_cont EK_return vl (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 body incr :: k))
with (exit_cont EK_return vl k).
intros tx4 vx4.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3', vx4.
rewrite sepcon_comm; auto.
intros tx4 vx4.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3', vx4|-*.
unfold loop2_ret_assert. normalize.
repeat intro; normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3'|-*.
unfold loop2_ret_assert. normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3'|-*.
unfold loop2_ret_assert.
simpl exit_tycon.
specialize (H3' EK_return vl2).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply H3'; eauto].
unfold frame_ret_assert, loop1_ret_assert.
intros tx4 vx4.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply (H3' EK_return) ; eauto].
simpl exit_tycon.
unfold loop1_ret_assert.
apply (H' tx vx _ (le_refl _) (m_phi jm') (necR_refl _)); try solve[subst; auto].
apply pred_hereditary with (m_phi jm); auto.
apply age_jm_phi; auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
Lemma semax_break:
forall Delta Q, semax Espec Delta (Q EK_break None) Sbreak Q.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros. clear Prog_OK. rename w into n.
intros te ve w ?.
specialize (H0 EK_break None te ve w H1).
simpl exit_cont in H0.
clear n H1.
remember ((construct_rho (filter_genv psi) ve te)) as rho.
revert w H0.
apply imp_derives; auto.
rewrite andp_assoc.
apply andp_derives; auto.
repeat intro. simpl exit_tycon.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
eapply andp_derives; try apply H0; auto.
repeat intro.
specialize (H0 ora jm H1 H2).
destruct (@level rmap _ a).
simpl; auto.
apply convergent_controls_safe with (State ve te (break_cont k)); auto.
destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
split3; auto.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma semax_continue:
forall Delta Q, semax Espec Delta (Q EK_continue None) Scontinue Q.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros. clear Prog_OK. rename w into n.
intros te ve w ?.
specialize (H0 EK_continue None te ve w H1).
simpl exit_cont in H0.
clear n H1.
remember ((construct_rho (filter_genv psi) ve te)) as rho.
revert w H0.
apply imp_derives; auto.
rewrite andp_assoc.
apply andp_derives; auto.
repeat intro. simpl exit_tycon.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
eapply andp_derives; try apply H0; auto.
repeat intro.
specialize (H0 ora jm H1 H2).
destruct (@level rmap _ a).
simpl; auto.
apply convergent_controls_safe with (State ve te (continue_cont k)); auto.
destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
split3; auto.
econstructor; eauto.
End extensions.
Require Import msl.normalize.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import veric.juicy_mem veric.juicy_mem_lemmas veric.juicy_mem_ops.
Require Import veric.res_predicates.
Require Import veric.seplog.
Require Import veric.assert_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_new.
Require Import sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import sepcomp.step_lemmas.
Require Import veric.juicy_extspec.
Require Import veric.expr veric.expr_lemmas.
Require Import veric.semax.
Require Import veric.semax_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_lemmas.
Open Local Scope pred.
Open Local Scope nat_scope.
Section extensions.
Context (Espec : OracleKind).
Lemma funassert_exit_tycon: forall c Delta ek,
funassert (exit_tycon c Delta ek) = funassert Delta.
apply same_glob_funassert.
unfold exit_tycon; simpl. destruct ek; auto.
rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
Lemma strict_bool_val_sub : forall v t b,
strict_bool_val v t = Some b ->
Cop.bool_val v t = Some b.
intros. destruct v; destruct t; simpl in *; auto; try congruence;
unfold Cop.bool_val, Cop.classify_bool; simpl.
destruct i0; auto.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
f_equal. destruct (Int.eq i; try congruence. inv H. reflexivity.
Lemma ret_type_join_tycon:
forall Delta Delta', ret_type (join_tycon Delta Delta') = ret_type Delta.
intros; destruct Delta as [[[? ?] ? ] ?]; destruct Delta' as [[[? ?] ? ] ?]; reflexivity.
Lemma ret_type_update_tycon:
forall Delta c, ret_type (update_tycon Delta c) = ret_type Delta
with ret_type_join_tycon_labeled: forall l Delta,
ret_type (join_tycon_labeled l Delta) = ret_type Delta.
intros. revert Delta; induction c; simpl; intros; try destruct o; auto;
try (unfold initialized; destruct ((temp_types Delta)!i); try destruct p; auto).
rewrite IHc2; auto.
rewrite ret_type_join_tycon. auto.
induction l; simpl; intros; auto. rewrite ret_type_join_tycon. auto.
Lemma ret_type_exit_tycon:
forall c Delta ek, ret_type (exit_tycon c Delta ek) = ret_type Delta.
destruct ek; try reflexivity. unfold exit_tycon. apply ret_type_update_tycon.
Lemma funassert_update_tycon:
forall Delta h, funassert (update_tycon Delta h) = funassert Delta.
intros; apply same_glob_funassert. rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
Lemma tycontext_evolve_refl : forall Delta, tycontext_evolve Delta Delta.
split; auto.
intros. destruct ((temp_types Delta)!id) as [[? ?]|]; auto.
split; auto. destruct b; reflexivity.
Lemma tycontext_evolve_join:
forall Delta Delta1 Delta2,
tycontext_evolve Delta Delta1 ->
tycontext_evolve Delta Delta2 ->
tycontext_evolve Delta (join_tycon Delta1 Delta2).
intros [[[A B] C] D] [[[A1 B1] C1] D1] [[[A2 B2] C2] D2]
[? [? [? ?]]] [? [? [? ?]]];
simpl in *;
repeat split; auto.
clear - H H3.
intro id; specialize (H id); specialize (H3 id).
unfold temp_types in *; simpl in *.
destruct (A ! id) as [[? ?]|].
destruct (A1 ! id) as [[? ?]|] eqn:?; [ | contradiction].
destruct (A2 ! id) as [[? ?]|] eqn:?; [ | contradiction].
destruct H,H3; subst t1 t0.
rewrite (join_te_eqv _ _ _ _ _ _ Heqo Heqo0).
split; auto. destruct b,b0; inv H0; auto.
rewrite join_te_denote2.
unfold te_one_denote.
destruct (A1 ! id) as [[? ?]|]; [contradiction|].
Lemma tycontext_evolve_update_tycon:
forall c Delta, tycontext_evolve Delta (update_tycon Delta c)
with tycontext_evolve_join_labeled:
forall l Delta, tycontext_evolve Delta (join_tycon_labeled l Delta).
clear tycontext_evolve_update_tycon.
induction c; simpl; intros; try destruct o; try apply tycontext_evolve_refl;
try apply initialized_tycontext_evolve.
eapply tycontext_evolve_trans; [ apply IHc1 | apply IHc2].
apply tycontext_evolve_join; auto.
clear tycontext_evolve_join_labeled.
induction l; simpl; auto; intros.
apply tycontext_evolve_join; auto.
Lemma semax_ifthenelse :
forall Delta P (b: expr) c d R,
bool_type (typeof b) = true ->
semax Espec Delta (fun rho => P rho && !! expr_true b rho) c R ->
semax Espec Delta (fun rho => P rho && !! expr_false b rho) d R ->
semax Espec Delta
(fun rho => tc_expr Delta b rho && P rho)
(Sifthenelse b c d) R.
rewrite semax_unfold in H0, H1 |- *.
specialize (H0 psi _ _ TS Prog_OK k F).
specialize (H1 psi _ _ TS Prog_OK k F).
spec H0. intros i te' ?. apply H2; simpl; auto. intros i0; destruct (H4 i0); intuition.
left; clear - H5.
unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
apply modifiedvars'_union. left; apply H5.
spec H1. intros i te' ?. apply H2; simpl; auto.
clear - H4; intros i0; destruct (H4 i0); intuition.
unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
apply modifiedvars'_union. right; apply H.
assert (H3then: app_pred
(rguard Espec psi (exit_tycon c Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) w).
clear - H3.
intros ek vl tx vx; specialize (H3 ek vl tx vx).
cbv beta in H3.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H3].
apply derives_subp; apply andp_derives; auto.
unfold exit_tycon; simpl. destruct ek; simpl; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; split; auto.
apply typecheck_environ_join1; auto.
repeat rewrite var_types_update_tycon. auto.
repeat rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
destruct (current_function k); destruct H0; split; auto.
rewrite ret_type_join_tycon; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H1|-*; auto.
repeat rewrite funassert_exit_tycon in *; auto.
assert (H3else: app_pred
(rguard Espec psi (exit_tycon d Delta') (frame_ret_assert R F) k) w).
clear - H3.
intros ek vl tx vx; specialize (H3 ek vl tx vx).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H3].
apply derives_subp; apply andp_derives; auto.
unfold exit_tycon; simpl. destruct ek; simpl; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; split; auto.
apply typecheck_environ_join2 with Delta'; auto;
apply tycontext_evolve_update_tycon.
repeat rewrite var_types_update_tycon. auto.
repeat rewrite glob_types_update_tycon. auto.
destruct (current_function k); destruct H0; split; auto.
rewrite ret_type_join_tycon; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H1|-*; auto.
repeat rewrite funassert_exit_tycon in *; auto.
specialize (H0 H3then).
specialize (H1 H3else).
clear Prog_OK H3 H3then H3else.
intros tx vx; specialize (H0 tx vx); specialize (H1 tx vx).
remember (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx) as rho.
rewrite <- fash_and.
intros ? ?. clear w H0.
revert a'.
apply fash_derives.
intros w [? ?].
intros ?w ? [[?TC ?] ?].
apply extend_sepcon_andp in H4; auto.
destruct H4 as [TC2 H4].
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
hnf in TC2.
destruct H4 as [w1 [w2 [? [? ?]]]].
specialize (H0 w0 H3).
specialize (H1 w0 H3).
unfold expr_true, expr_false, Cnot in *.
intros ora jm Hge Hphi.
generalize (eval_expr_relate _ _ _ _ _ b (m_dry jm) Hge (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC)); intro.
assert (exists b': bool, strict_bool_val (eval_expr b rho) (typeof b) = Some b').
clear - TC H TC2.
assert (TCS := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC) TC2).
remember (eval_expr b rho). destruct v;
simpl; destruct (typeof b); intuition; simpl in *; try rewrite TCS; eauto.
destruct H9 as [b' ?].
apply wlog_safeN_gt0; intro.
subst w0.
change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm) in H10.
revert H10; case_eq (level jm); intros.
apply levelS_age1 in H10. destruct H10 as [jm' ?].
clear H11.
apply (@safe_step'_back2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ psi ora _ jm
(State vx tx (Kseq (if b' then c else d) :: k)) jm' _).
rewrite <- (age_jm_dry H10); econstructor; eauto.
apply strict_bool_val_sub; auto.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
change (level (m_phi jm)) with (level jm).
replace (level jm - 1)%nat with (level jm' ) by (apply age_level in H10; omega).
eapply @age_safe; try apply H10.
rewrite <- Hge in *.
destruct b'.
eapply H0; auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
subst; auto.
rewrite andp_comm. rewrite prop_true_andp by auto.
do 2 econstructor; split3; eauto.
eapply H1; auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
subst; auto.
rewrite andp_comm; rewrite prop_true_andp.
do 2 econstructor; split3; eauto.
clear - H TC TC2 H9.
assert (TCS := typecheck_expr_sound _ _ _ (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC) TC2).
simpl. super_unfold_lift. unfold typed_true.
intuition; simpl in *;
unfold sem_notbool; destruct i0; destruct s; auto; simpl;
inv H9; rewrite negb_false_iff in H1; rewrite H1; auto.
Lemma seq_assoc1:
forall Delta P s1 s2 s3 R,
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence s1 (Ssequence s2 s3)) R ->
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence (Ssequence s1 s2) s3) R.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros.
specialize (H psi Delta' w TS Prog_OK k F).
spec H.
intros ? ? ?. apply H0.
intro i; destruct (H2 i); intuition.
spec H; [solve [auto] |].
clear - H.
intros te ve ? ? ? ? ?.
specialize (H te ve y H0 a' H1 H2).
clear - H.
intros ora jm _ H2; specialize (H ora jm (eq_refl _) H2).
clear - H.
destruct (@level rmap ag_rmap a'); simpl in *; auto.
destruct H as [st' [m' [? ?]]].
destruct (corestep_preservation_lemma Espec psi
(Kseq (Ssequence s2 s3) :: k)
(Kseq s2 :: Kseq s3 :: k)
ora ve te jm n (Kseq s1) nil st' m')
as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; simpl; auto.
intros. apply control_suffix_safe; simpl; auto.
intro; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto. inv H1; auto.
hnf; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
clear; intros.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto. inv H1; auto.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto. inv H1; auto.
do 2 econstructor; split; try apply H2.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor; constructor; auto.
Lemma seq_assoc2:
forall Delta P s1 s2 s3 R,
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence (Ssequence s1 s2) s3) R ->
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence s1 (Ssequence s2 s3)) R.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros.
specialize (H psi Delta' w TS Prog_OK k F).
spec H.
intros ? ? ?. apply H0.
intro i; destruct (H2 i); intuition.
spec H; [solve [auto] |].
clear - H.
intros te ve ? ? ? ? ?.
specialize (H te ve y H0 a' H1 H2).
clear - H.
intros ora jm _ H2; specialize (H ora jm (eq_refl _) H2).
clear - H.
destruct (@level rmap ag_rmap a'); simpl in *; auto.
destruct H as [st' [m' [? ?]]].
destruct (corestep_preservation_lemma Espec psi
(Kseq s2 :: Kseq s3 :: k)
(Kseq (Ssequence s2 s3) :: k)
ora ve te jm n (Kseq s1) nil st' m')
as [c2 [m2 [? ?]]]; simpl; auto.
intros. apply control_suffix_safe; simpl; auto.
intro; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor; auto.
hnf; intros.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H0; simpl; auto.
clear; intros.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor; auto.
destruct H as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
inv H1. inv H9; auto.
do 2 econstructor; split; try apply H2.
destruct H1 as [H1 [H1a H1b]]; split3; auto.
constructor. auto.
Lemma seq_assoc:
forall Delta P s1 s2 s3 R,
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence s1 (Ssequence s2 s3)) R <->
semax Espec Delta P (Ssequence (Ssequence s1 s2) s3) R.
split; intro.
apply seq_assoc1; auto.
apply seq_assoc2; auto.
Lemma semax_seq:
forall Delta (R: ret_assert) P Q h t,
semax Espec Delta P h (overridePost Q R) ->
semax Espec (update_tycon Delta h) Q t R ->
semax Espec Delta P (Clight.Ssequence h t) R.
rewrite semax_unfold in H,H0|-*.
specialize (H psi _ w TS Prog_OK).
specialize (H0 psi (update_tycon Delta' h) w).
spec H0. apply update_tycon_sub; auto.
spec H0.
clear - Prog_OK.
unfold believe in *.
unfold believe_internal in *.
intros v fsig A P Q; specialize (Prog_OK v fsig A P Q).
intros ? ? ?. specialize (Prog_OK a' H).
spec Prog_OK.
destruct H0 as [id [? ?]]. exists id; split; auto.
rewrite glob_types_update_tycon in H0. auto.
destruct Prog_OK; [ left; auto | right].
destruct H1 as [b [f ?]]; exists b,f.
destruct H1; split; auto.
intro x; specialize (H2 x).
replace (func_tycontext' f (update_tycon Delta' h)) with (func_tycontext' f Delta'); auto.
unfold func_tycontext'.
f_equal; try reflexivity. apply eq_refl.
rewrite glob_types_update_tycon; auto.
assert ((guard Espec psi Delta' (fun rho : environ => F rho * P rho)%pred
(Kseq h :: Kseq t :: k)) w).
Focus 2.
eapply guard_safe_adj; try apply H3; try reflexivity;
intros until n; apply convergent_controls_safe; simpl; auto;
intros; destruct q'.
destruct H4 as [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. constructor; auto.
destruct H4 as [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. constructor; auto.
eapply H; eauto.
repeat intro; apply H1.
clear - H3. intro i; destruct (H3 i); [left | right]; auto.
unfold modifiedvars in H|-*. simpl. apply modifiedvars'_union.
left; auto.
clear - H0 H1 H2.
intros ek vl.
intros tx vx.
unfold overridePost, frame_ret_assert.
unfold exit_cont.
unfold guard in H0.
rewrite <- andp_assoc.
remember (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx) as rho.
assert (app_pred
(!!guard_environ (update_tycon Delta' h) (current_function k) rho &&
(F rho * (Q rho)) && funassert Delta' rho >=>
assert_safe Espec psi vx tx (Kseq t :: k) rho) w).
specialize (H0 k F).
spec H0.
clear - H1;
repeat intro; apply H1. simpl.
intro i; destruct (H i); [left | right]; auto.
unfold modifiedvars in H0|-*. simpl. apply modifiedvars'_union.
spec H0.
clear - H2.
intros ek vl te ve; specialize (H2 ek vl te ve).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H2].
apply derives_subp. apply andp_derives; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; hnf in H,H0|-*; split; auto.
clear - H.
destruct ek; simpl in *; auto; try solve [eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto].
destruct (current_function k); destruct H0; split; auto.
rewrite ret_type_exit_tycon in H1|-*; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H1; auto.
cbv beta in H2.
repeat rewrite funassert_exit_tycon.
rewrite funassert_update_tycon; auto.
specialize (H0 tx vx). cbv beta in H0.
rewrite funassert_update_tycon in H0.
apply H0.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H].
apply derives_subp. apply andp_derives; auto. apply andp_derives; auto.
rewrite sepcon_comm;
apply sepcon_derives; auto.
apply andp_left2; auto.
rewrite funassert_exit_tycon. auto.
replace (exit_cont ek vl (Kseq t :: k)) with (exit_cont ek vl k)
by (destruct ek; simpl; congruence).
unfold rguard in H2.
specialize (H2 ek vl tx vx).
replace (exit_tycon h Delta' ek) with Delta'.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H2].
apply derives_subp.
apply andp_derives; auto.
replace (exit_tycon (Ssequence h t) Delta' ek) with Delta'; auto.
destruct ek; try congruence; auto.
destruct ek; try congruence; auto.
destruct ek; try congruence; auto.
Lemma semax_loop :
forall Delta Q Q' incr body R,
semax Espec Delta Q body (loop1_ret_assert Q' R) ->
semax Espec Delta Q' incr (loop2_ret_assert Q R) ->
semax Espec Delta Q (Sloop body incr) R.
intros ? ? ? ? ? POST H H0.
rewrite semax_unfold.
intros until 3.
rename H1 into H2.
assert (CLO_body: closed_wrt_modvars body F).
clear - H2. intros rho te ?. apply (H2 rho te). simpl.
intro; destruct (H i); auto. left; unfold modifiedvars in H0|-*; simpl;
apply modifiedvars'_union; auto.
assert (CLO_incr: closed_wrt_modvars incr F).
clear - H2. intros rho te ?. apply (H2 rho te). simpl.
intro; destruct (H i); auto. left; unfold modifiedvars in H0|-*; simpl;
apply modifiedvars'_union; auto.
revert Prog_OK; induction w using (well_founded_induction lt_wf); intros.
intros tx vx.
intros ? ? ? ? [[? ?] ?]. hnf in H6.
simpl update_tycon in H3.
apply assert_safe_last; intros a2 LEVa2.
assert (NEC2: necR w (level a2)).
apply age_level in LEVa2. apply necR_nat in H5. apply nec_nat in H5.
change w with (level w) in H4|-*. apply nec_nat. clear - H4 H5 LEVa2.
change compcert_rmaps.R.rmap with rmap in *; omega.
assert (LT: level a2 < level w).
apply age_level in LEVa2. apply necR_nat in H5.
clear - H4 H5 LEVa2.
change w with (level w) in H4.
change R.rmap with rmap in *. rewrite LEVa2 in *. clear LEVa2.
apply nec_nat in H5. omega.
assert (Prog_OK2: (believe Espec Delta' psi Delta') (level a2))
by (apply pred_nec_hereditary with w; auto).
generalize (pred_nec_hereditary _ _ _ NEC2 H3); intro H3'.
remember (construct_rho (filter_genv psi) vx tx) as rho.
pose proof I.
intros ora jm RE H11.
pose (H10:=True).
replace (level a') with (S (level a2))
by (apply age_level in LEVa2; rewrite LEVa2; apply minus_n_O).
subst a'.
destruct (can_age1_juicy_mem _ _ LEVa2) as [jm' LEVa2'].
unfold age in LEVa2.
assert (a2 = m_phi jm').
generalize (age_jm_phi LEVa2'); unfold age; change R.rmap with rmap;
change R.ag_rmap with ag_rmap; rewrite LEVa2; intro Hx; inv Hx; auto.
subst a2.
clear LEVa2; rename LEVa2' into LEVa2.
apply safe_corestep_backward
with (State vx tx (Kseq body :: Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 body incr :: k))
rewrite (age_jm_dry LEVa2); econstructor.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
eapply semax_extensionality_Delta in H; try apply TS; auto.
eapply semax_extensionality_Delta in H0; try apply TS; auto.
clear Delta TS.
assert (w >= level (m_phi jm)).
apply necR_nat in H5. apply nec_nat in H5.
change R.rmap with rmap in *; omega.
clear y H5 H4. rename H11 into H5. pose (H4:=True).
generalize H; rewrite semax_unfold; intros H'.
specialize (H' psi Delta' (level jm') (tycontext_sub_refl _) Prog_OK2 (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 body incr :: k) F CLO_body).
spec H'.
intros ek vl.
destruct ek.
simpl exit_cont.
rewrite semax_unfold in H0.
specialize (H0 psi _ (level jm') (tycontext_sub_refl _) Prog_OK2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k) F CLO_incr).
spec H0.
intros ek2 vl2 tx2 vx2; unfold loop2_ret_assert.
destruct ek2; simpl exit_tycon in *.
unfold exit_cont.
apply (assert_safe_adj' Espec) with (k:=Kseq (Sloop body incr) :: k); auto.
repeat intro. eapply convergent_controls_safe; try apply H12; simpl; auto.
intros q' m' [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. inv H13; econstructor; eauto.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply (H1 _ LT Prog_OK2 H3' tx2 vx2)].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc.
rewrite funassert_update_tycon;
apply andp_derives; auto.
intros ? [? ?]; split; auto.
hnf in H11|-*.
eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto.
simpl in H12|-*. rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H12; auto.
simpl exit_cont.
unfold frame_ret_assert. normalize.
rewrite sepcon_comm. auto.
unfold frame_ret_assert. normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert. normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
change (exit_cont EK_return vl2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k))
with (exit_cont EK_return vl2 k).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H3'].
intros tx2 vx2.
apply (assert_safe_adj' Espec) with (k:= Kseq incr :: Kloop2 body incr :: k); auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; simpl; eauto.
intros q' m' [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. constructor. simpl. auto.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply H0].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite funassert_exit_tycon;
apply andp_derives; auto.
simpl exit_tycon.
intros ? [? ?]; split.
hnf in H11|-*.
eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto.
simpl in H12|-*; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H12; auto.
simpl exit_cont.
simpl exit_tycon.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
unfold loop1_ret_assert.
intros tx3 vx3.
intros tx3 vx3.
unfold loop1_ret_assert, frame_ret_assert.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply (H3' EK_normal None tx3 vx3)].
simpl exit_tycon.
apply derives_subp.
simpl exit_tycon. simpl exit_cont.
unfold loop1_ret_assert, frame_ret_assert.
rewrite semax_unfold in H0.
intros tx2 vx2.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | apply (H0 _ _ _ (tycontext_sub_refl _) Prog_OK2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k) F CLO_incr)].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc. rewrite sepcon_comm.
apply andp_derives; auto.
clear tx2 vx2.
intros ek2 vl2 tx2 vx2.
destruct ek2.
unfold exit_cont.
apply (assert_safe_adj' Espec) with (k:=Kseq (Sloop body incr) :: k); auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
eapply convergent_controls_safe; simpl; eauto.
intros q' m' [? [? ?]]; split3; auto. inv H12; econstructor; eauto.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply H1; eauto].
apply derives_subp.
rewrite andp_assoc.
rewrite funassert_exit_tycon;
apply andp_derives; auto.
simpl exit_tycon.
intros ? [? ?]; split.
hnf in H11|-*.
eapply typecheck_environ_update; eauto.
simpl in H12|-*; rewrite ret_type_update_tycon in H12; auto.
unfold exit_cont, loop2_ret_assert; normalize.
unfold exit_cont, loop2_ret_assert; normalize.
change (exit_cont EK_return vl2 (Kloop2 body incr :: k))
with (exit_cont EK_return vl2 k).
specialize (H3' EK_return vl2 tx2 vx2). simpl exit_tycon in H3'.
simpl exit_tycon. auto.
change (exit_cont EK_return vl (Kseq Scontinue :: Kloop1 body incr :: k))
with (exit_cont EK_return vl k).
intros tx4 vx4.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3', vx4.
rewrite sepcon_comm; auto.
intros tx4 vx4.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3', vx4|-*.
unfold loop2_ret_assert. normalize.
repeat intro; normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3'|-*.
unfold loop2_ret_assert. normalize.
unfold frame_ret_assert in H3'|-*.
unfold loop2_ret_assert.
simpl exit_tycon.
specialize (H3' EK_return vl2).
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply H3'; eauto].
unfold frame_ret_assert, loop1_ret_assert.
intros tx4 vx4.
eapply subp_trans'; [ | eapply (H3' EK_return) ; eauto].
simpl exit_tycon.
unfold loop1_ret_assert.
apply (H' tx vx _ (le_refl _) (m_phi jm') (necR_refl _)); try solve[subst; auto].
apply pred_hereditary with (m_phi jm); auto.
apply age_jm_phi; auto.
split; auto.
split; auto.
Lemma semax_break:
forall Delta Q, semax Espec Delta (Q EK_break None) Sbreak Q.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros. clear Prog_OK. rename w into n.
intros te ve w ?.
specialize (H0 EK_break None te ve w H1).
simpl exit_cont in H0.
clear n H1.
remember ((construct_rho (filter_genv psi) ve te)) as rho.
revert w H0.
apply imp_derives; auto.
rewrite andp_assoc.
apply andp_derives; auto.
repeat intro. simpl exit_tycon.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
eapply andp_derives; try apply H0; auto.
repeat intro.
specialize (H0 ora jm H1 H2).
destruct (@level rmap _ a).
simpl; auto.
apply convergent_controls_safe with (State ve te (break_cont k)); auto.
destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
split3; auto.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma semax_continue:
forall Delta Q, semax Espec Delta (Q EK_continue None) Scontinue Q.
rewrite semax_unfold; intros. clear Prog_OK. rename w into n.
intros te ve w ?.
specialize (H0 EK_continue None te ve w H1).
simpl exit_cont in H0.
clear n H1.
remember ((construct_rho (filter_genv psi) ve te)) as rho.
revert w H0.
apply imp_derives; auto.
rewrite andp_assoc.
apply andp_derives; auto.
repeat intro. simpl exit_tycon.
unfold frame_ret_assert.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
eapply andp_derives; try apply H0; auto.
repeat intro.
specialize (H0 ora jm H1 H2).
destruct (@level rmap _ a).
simpl; auto.
apply convergent_controls_safe with (State ve te (continue_cont k)); auto.
destruct H3 as [? [? ?]].
split3; auto.
econstructor; eauto.
End extensions.