Library semax_straight

Require Import veric.base.
Require Import msl.normalize.
Require Import msl.rmaps.
Require Import msl.rmaps_lemmas.
Require Import veric.compcert_rmaps.
Import Mem.
Require Import msl.msl_standard.
Require Import veric.juicy_mem veric.juicy_mem_lemmas veric.juicy_mem_ops.
Require Import veric.res_predicates.
Require Import veric.seplog.
Require Import veric.assert_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_new.
Require Import sepcomp.extspec.
Require Import sepcomp.step_lemmas.
Require Import veric.juicy_extspec.
Require Import veric.expr veric.expr_lemmas.
Require Import veric.semax.
Require Import veric.semax_lemmas.
Require Import veric.Clight_lemmas.
Require Import veric.binop_lemmas.

Open Local Scope pred.

Section extensions.
Context (Espec: OracleKind).

Lemma semax_straight_simple:
 forall Delta (B: assert) P c Q,
  (forall rho, boxy extendM (B rho)) ->
  (forall jm jm1 Delta' ge ve te rho k F,
              tycontext_sub Delta Delta' ->
              app_pred (B rho) (m_phi jm) ->
              guard_environ Delta' (current_function k) rho ->
              closed_wrt_modvars c F ->
              rho = construct_rho (filter_genv ge) ve te ->
              age jm jm1 ->
              ((F rho * |>P rho) && funassert Delta' rho) (m_phi jm) ->
              exists jm', exists te', exists rho',
                rho' = mkEnviron (ge_of rho) (ve_of rho) (make_tenv te') /\
                level jm = S (level jm') /\
                guard_environ (update_tycon Delta' c) (current_function k) rho' /\
                jstep cl_core_sem ge (State ve te (Kseq c :: k)) jm
                                 (State ve te' k) jm' /\
              ((F rho' * Q rho') && funassert Delta' rho) (m_phi jm')) ->
  semax Espec Delta (fun rho => B rho && |> P rho) c (normal_ret_assert Q).
intros until Q; intros EB Hc.
rewrite semax_unfold.
intros psi Delta' n TS _ k F Hcl Hsafe te ve w Hx w0 H Hglob.
apply nec_nat in Hx.
apply (pred_nec_hereditary _ _ _ Hx) in Hsafe.
clear n Hx.
apply (pred_nec_hereditary _ _ _ (necR_nat H)) in Hsafe.
clear H w.
rename w0 into w.
apply assert_safe_last'; intro Hage.
intros ora jm _ H2. subst w.
rewrite andp_assoc in Hglob.
destruct Hglob as [TC' Hglob].
apply can_age_jm in Hage; destruct Hage as [jm1 Hage].
destruct Hglob as [Hglob Hglob'].
apply extend_sepcon_andp in Hglob; auto.
destruct Hglob as [TC2 Hglob].
specialize (Hc jm jm1 Delta' psi ve te _ k F TS TC2 TC' Hcl (eq_refl _) Hage).
specialize (Hc (conj Hglob Hglob')); clear Hglob Hglob'.
destruct Hc as [jm' [te' [rho' [H9 [H2 [TC'' [H3 H4]]]]]]].
change (@level rmap _ (m_phi jm) = S (level (m_phi jm'))) in H2.
rewrite H2 in Hsafe.
eapply safe_step'_back2; [eassumption | ].
unfold rguard in Hsafe.
specialize (Hsafe EK_normal None te' ve).
simpl exit_cont in Hsafe.
specialize (Hsafe (m_phi jm')).
spec Hsafe.
change R.rmap with rmap; omega.
specialize (Hsafe _ (necR_refl _)).
spec Hsafe.
split; auto.
subst rho'; auto.
destruct H4; split; auto.
subst rho'.
unfold normal_ret_assert.
unfold frame_ret_assert in *.
rewrite prop_true_andp by auto.
rewrite prop_true_andp by auto.
rewrite sepcon_comm; auto.
replace (funassert (exit_tycon c Delta' EK_normal)) with (funassert Delta'); auto.
apply same_glob_funassert; simpl; auto. rewrite glob_types_update_tycon; auto.
subst rho'.
hnf in Hsafe.
change R.rmap with rmap in *.
replace (@level rmap compcert_rmaps.R.ag_rmap (m_phi jm) - 1)%nat with (@level rmap compcert_rmaps.R.ag_rmap (m_phi jm'))%nat by omega.
apply Hsafe; auto.

Definition force_valid_pointers m v1 v2 :=
match v1, v2 with
| Vptr b1 ofs1, Vptr b2 ofs2 =>
    (valid_pointer m b1 (Int.unsigned ofs1) &&
    valid_pointer m b2 (Int.unsigned ofs2))%bool
| _, _ => false

Definition blocks_match op v1 v2 :=
match op with Cop.Olt | Cop.Ogt | Cop.Ole | Cop.Oge =>
  match v1, v2 with
    Vptr b _, Vptr b2 _ => b=b2
    | _, _ => False
| _ => True

Lemma later_sepcon2 {A} {JA: Join A}{PA: Perm_alg A}{SA: Sep_alg A}{AG: ageable A}{XA: Age_alg A}:
  forall P Q, P * |> Q |-- |> (P * Q).
intros. apply @derives_trans with (|> P * |> Q).
apply sepcon_derives; auto. rewrite later_sepcon; auto.

Lemma mapsto_valid_pointer : forall b o sh t jm,
(mapsto_ sh (t) (Vptr b o) * TT)%pred (m_phi jm) ->
valid_pointer (m_dry jm) b (Int.unsigned o) = true.

destruct H. destruct H. destruct H. destruct H0.
unfold mapsto_,umapsto in H0. unfold umapsto in *.
destruct (access_mode t); try solve [ inv H0].
assert (exists v, address_mapsto m v (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh)
        (Share.unrel Share.Rsh sh) (b, Int.unsigned o) x).
destruct H0.
econstructor; apply H0. destruct H0 as [_ [v2' H0]]; exists v2'; apply H0.
clear H0; destruct H2 as [x1 H0].

pose proof mapsto_core_load m x1 (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh)
          (Share.unrel Share.Rsh sh) (b, Int.unsigned o) (m_phi jm).

destruct H2. simpl; eauto.
simpl in H2.
destruct H2.
specialize (H3 (b, Int.unsigned o)).
if_tac in H3.
destruct H3. destruct H3. destruct H3.

rewrite valid_pointer_nonempty_perm.
unfold perm.

assert (JMA := juicy_mem_access jm (b, Int.unsigned o)).
unfold access_at in *. simpl in JMA.
unfold perm_of_res in *.
rewrite H3 in JMA. simpl in JMA.
unfold perm_of_sh in *.
rewrite JMA.
repeat if_tac; try constructor. subst.
simpl in H3.
unfold nonunit in x5.
destruct (x5 sh). auto.
destruct H4. repeat split. omega.
destruct m; simpl; omega.


Lemma mapsto_is_pointer : forall sh t m v,
mapsto_ sh t v m ->
exists b, exists o, v = Vptr b o.
intros. unfold mapsto_, umapsto in H.
destruct (access_mode t); try contradiction.
destruct v; try contradiction.
destruct H as [? | [? [v ?]]]; eauto.

Lemma pointer_cmp_eval :
   forall (Delta : tycontext) (cmp : Cop.binary_operation) (e1 e2 : expr) sh1 sh2,
   is_comparison cmp = true ->
   forall (jm : juicy_mem) (rho : environ),
   (tc_expr Delta e1 rho) (m_phi jm) ->
   (tc_expr Delta e2 rho) (m_phi jm) ->
   blocks_match cmp (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho) ->
   typecheck_environ Delta rho ->
   (mapsto_ sh1 (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho) * TT)%pred (m_phi jm) ->
   (mapsto_ sh2 (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho) * TT)%pred (m_phi jm) ->
   Cop.sem_binary_operation cmp (eval_expr e1 rho)
     (typeof e1) (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) (m_dry jm) =
   Some (cmp_ptr_no_mem (op_to_cmp cmp) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)).
intros until rho. intros ? ? BM. intros.
unfold cmp_ptr_no_mem.
simpl in H0, H1. apply typecheck_expr_sound in H0; auto.
apply typecheck_expr_sound in H1; auto.

copy H3. copy H4. rename H5 into MT_1.
rename H6 into MT_2.
destruct H3 as [? [? [J1 [MT1 _]]]].
destruct H4 as [? [? [J2 [MT2 _]]]].
destruct (mapsto_is_pointer _ _ _ _ MT1) as [? [? ?]].
destruct (mapsto_is_pointer _ _ _ _ MT2) as [? [? ?]].

unfold blocks_match in *.
simpl in BM.

rewrite H3 in *. rewrite H4 in *.

destruct (typeof e1);
try solve [simpl in *; congruence];

destruct (typeof e2);
try solve [simpl in *; congruence];

try solve[
  destruct MT1; inv H5
| destruct MT2; inv H5

apply mapsto_valid_pointer in MT_1.
apply mapsto_valid_pointer in MT_2.

unfold Cop.sem_binary_operation.
destruct cmp; inv H; try rewrite H3 in *;
try rewrite H4 in *; subst;
unfold Cop.sem_cmp; simpl; try rewrite MT_1; try rewrite MT_2; simpl;
try solve[if_tac; eauto]; try repeat rewrite zeq_true; eauto.

Lemma pointer_cmp_no_mem_bool_type :
   forall (Delta : tycontext) cmp (e1 e2 : expr) ty b1 o1 b2 o2,
   is_int_type ty = true ->
   is_comparison cmp = true->
   forall (rho : environ),
   eval_expr e1 rho = Vptr b1 o1 ->
   eval_expr e2 rho = Vptr b2 o2 ->
   blocks_match cmp (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho) ->
   denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e1) rho ->
   denote_tc_assert (typecheck_expr Delta e2) rho ->
   typecheck_environ Delta rho ->
   typecheck_val (cmp_ptr_no_mem (op_to_cmp cmp) (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)) ty = true.
apply typecheck_both_sound in H4; auto.
apply typecheck_both_sound in H5; auto.
unfold cmp_ptr_no_mem.
unfold blocks_match in *.
rewrite H1 in *.
rewrite H2 in *.
if_tac; auto.
 destruct ty; inv H; of_bool_destruct; auto.
 destruct cmp; try rewrite H1 in *; try rewrite H2 in *; subst;
inv H0; destruct ty; inv H; auto.

Definition weak_mapsto_ sh e rho :=
match (eval_expr e rho) with
| Vptr b o => (mapsto_ sh (typeof e) (Vptr b o)) ||
              (mapsto_ sh (typeof e) (Vptr b o))
| _ => FF

Lemma semax_ptr_compare :
forall (Delta: tycontext) (P: assert) id cmp e1 e2 ty sh1 sh2,
    is_comparison cmp = true ->
    (typecheck_tid_ptr_compare Delta id = true) ->
    semax Espec Delta
        (fun rho =>
          |> (tc_expr Delta e1 rho && tc_expr Delta e2 rho &&
          !!(blocks_match cmp (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho)) &&
          (mapsto_ sh1 (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho) * TT) &&
          (mapsto_ sh2 (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho) * TT) &&
          P rho))
          (Sset id (Ebinop cmp e1 e2 ty))
          (fun rho => (EX old:val,
                 !!(eval_id id rho = subst id old
                     (eval_expr (Ebinop cmp e1 e2 ty)) rho) &&
                            subst id old P rho))).
intros until sh2.
replace (fun rho : environ =>
   |> (tc_expr Delta e1 rho && tc_expr Delta e2 rho &&
           !!blocks_match cmp (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho) &&
          (mapsto_ sh1 (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho) * TT) &&
          (mapsto_ sh2 (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho) * TT) &&
          P rho))
 with (fun rho : environ =>
     (|> tc_expr Delta e1 rho &&
      |> tc_expr Delta e2 rho &&
      |> !!blocks_match cmp (eval_expr e1 rho) (eval_expr e2 rho) &&
      |> (mapsto_ sh1 (typeof e1) (eval_expr e1 rho) * TT) &&
      |> (mapsto_ sh2 (typeof e2) (eval_expr e2 rho) * TT) &&
      |> P rho))
  by (extensionality rho; repeat rewrite later_andp; auto).
intros CMP TC2.
apply semax_straight_simple; auto. admit.
intros jm jm' Delta' ge vx tx rho k F TS [[[[TC3 TC1] TC4] MT1] MT2] TC' Hcl Hge ? ?.
specialize (TC3 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (TC1 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (TC4 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (MT1 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (MT2 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
apply (typecheck_tid_ptr_compare_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC3.
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC1.
clear Delta TS.
exists jm', (PTree.set id (eval_expr (Ebinop cmp e1 e2 ty) rho) (tx)).
split3; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
normalize in H0.

clear H H0.
simpl. rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
apply guard_environ_put_te'; auto. subst. simpl.
unfold construct_rho in *; auto.


simpl in TC2. unfold typecheck_tid_ptr_compare in *.
rewrite H in TC2.
destruct t as [t b].
unfold guard_environ in *.
destruct TC' as [TC' TC''].

destruct MT1 as [? [? [J1 [MT1 _]]]].
destruct MT2 as [? [? [J2 [MT2 _]]]].
destruct (mapsto_is_pointer _ _ _ _ MT1) as [? [? ?]].
destruct (mapsto_is_pointer _ _ _ _ MT2) as [? [? ?]].

destruct t; inv TC2.
simpl. super_unfold_lift.
rewrite H0. rewrite H1.
unfold eval_binop. rewrite CMP.
rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- H1.
eapply pointer_cmp_no_mem_bool_type; eauto.
apply TC3.
apply TC1.

destruct H0.
split; auto.
split3; auto.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H).
rewrite <- H3.
econstructor; eauto.

rewrite Hge in *.
destruct TC'; simpl in H4, TC3, TC1.
rewrite <- Hge in *.
eapply Clight.eval_Ebinop.
eapply eval_expr_relate; eauto.
eapply eval_expr_relate; eauto.
rewrite H3.
destruct MT1 as [? [? [J1 [MT1 _]]]].
destruct MT2 as [? [? [J2 [MT2 _]]]].
destruct (mapsto_is_pointer _ _ _ _ MT1) as [? [? ?]].
destruct (mapsto_is_pointer _ _ _ _ MT2) as [? [? ?]].
rewrite H6. rewrite H7. unfold eval_binop. rewrite CMP.
rewrite <- H6. rewrite <- H7. clear H6 H7.
apply (pointer_cmp_eval Delta' cmp e1 e2 sh1 sh2); eauto; simpl; eauto.

apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.

2: eapply pred_hereditary; try apply H1; destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.

assert (app_pred (|> (F rho * P rho)) (m_phi jm)).
rewrite later_sepcon. eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H0; auto.
assert (laterR (m_phi jm) (m_phi jm')).
constructor 1.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.
specialize (H2 _ H3).
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H2; auto.
clear - Hcl Hge.
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
specialize (Hcl rho (Map.set id (eval_expr (Ebinop cmp e1 e2 ty) rho) (make_tenv tx))).
rewrite <- Hcl; auto.
destruct (eq_dec id i).
left. unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
 unfold insert_idset; rewrite PTree.gss; hnf; auto.
rewrite Map.gso; auto. subst; auto.
apply exp_right with (eval_id id rho).
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
assert (env_set
         (mkEnviron (ge_of rho) (ve_of rho)
            (Map.set id (eval_expr (Ebinop cmp e1 e2 ty) rho) (make_tenv tx))) id (eval_id id rho) = rho).
  unfold env_set;
  unfold eval_id; simpl.
  rewrite Map.override.
  rewrite Map.override_same. subst; auto.
  rewrite Hge in TC'.
  destruct TC' as [TC' _].
  destruct TC' as [TC' _]. unfold typecheck_temp_environ in *.
  simpl in TC2. unfold typecheck_tid_ptr_compare in *. remember ((temp_types Delta') ! id).
  destruct o; [ | inv TC2]. symmetry in Heqo. destruct p.
  specialize (TC' _ _ _ Heqo). destruct TC'. destruct H4.
simpl in H4.
rewrite H4. simpl.
  f_equal. rewrite Hge; simpl. rewrite H4. reflexivity.
apply andp_right.
intros ? _. simpl.
unfold subst.
simpl in H4. super_unfold_lift.
rewrite H4.
unfold eval_id at 1. unfold force_val; simpl.
rewrite Map.gss. auto.
simpl. simpl in H4. super_unfold_lift.
unfold subst.
rewrite H4.

Lemma semax_set_forward :
forall (Delta: tycontext) (P: assert) id e,
    semax Espec Delta
        (fun rho =>
          |> (tc_expr Delta e rho && (tc_temp_id id (typeof e) Delta e rho) && P rho))
          (Sset id e)
          (fun rho => (EX old:val,
                 !! (eval_id id rho = subst id old (eval_expr e) rho) &&
                            subst id old P rho))).
intros until e.
replace (fun rho : environ =>
   |>(tc_expr Delta e rho && tc_temp_id id (typeof e) Delta e rho &&
      P rho))
 with (fun rho : environ =>
     (|> tc_expr Delta e rho &&
      |> tc_temp_id id (typeof e) Delta e rho &&
      |> P rho))
  by (extensionality rho; repeat rewrite later_andp; auto).
apply semax_straight_simple; auto.
intros jm jm' Delta' ge vx tx rho k F TS [TC3 TC2] TC' Hcl Hge ? ?.
specialize (TC3 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (TC2 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC3.
apply (tc_temp_id_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
clear Delta TS.
exists jm', (PTree.set id (eval_expr e rho) (tx)).
split3; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
normalize in H0.
clear - TC' TC2 TC3 Hge.
simpl in *. simpl. rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
apply guard_environ_put_te'; auto. subst; simpl in *.
unfold construct_rho in *; auto.
intros. simpl in *. unfold typecheck_temp_id in *.
rewrite H in TC2.
destruct t as [t b]; simpl in *.
rewrite tc_andp_sound in *; simpl in *.
super_unfold_lift. destruct TC2.
unfold tc_bool in *. remember (is_neutral_cast (typeof e) t).
destruct b0; inv H0.
apply neutral_cast_typecheck_val with (Delta := Delta'); auto.
unfold guard_environ in *. destruct TC'; auto.
destruct H0.
split; auto.
split3; auto.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H).
rewrite <- H3.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply eval_expr_relate; auto. destruct TC'; eassumption. auto.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.

2: eapply pred_hereditary; try apply H1; destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.

assert (app_pred (|> (F rho * P rho)) (m_phi jm)).
rewrite later_sepcon. eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H0; auto.
assert (laterR (m_phi jm) (m_phi jm')).
constructor 1.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.
specialize (H2 _ H3).
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H2; auto.
clear - Hcl Hge.
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
specialize (Hcl rho (Map.set id (eval_expr e rho) (make_tenv tx))).
rewrite <- Hcl; auto.
destruct (eq_dec id i).
left. unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
 unfold insert_idset; rewrite PTree.gss; hnf; auto.
rewrite Map.gso; auto. subst; auto.
apply exp_right with (eval_id id rho).
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
assert (env_set
         (mkEnviron (ge_of rho) (ve_of rho)
            (Map.set id (eval_expr e rho) (make_tenv tx))) id (eval_id id rho) = rho).
  unfold env_set;
  unfold eval_id; simpl.
  rewrite Map.override.
  rewrite Map.override_same. subst; auto.
  rewrite Hge in TC'.
  destruct TC' as [TC' _].
  destruct TC' as [TC' _]. unfold typecheck_temp_environ in *.
  simpl in TC2. unfold typecheck_temp_id in *. remember ((temp_types Delta') ! id).
  destruct o; [ | inv TC2]. symmetry in Heqo. destruct p.
  specialize (TC' _ _ _ Heqo). destruct TC'. destruct H4.
simpl in H4.
rewrite H4. simpl.
  f_equal. rewrite Hge; simpl. rewrite H4. reflexivity.
apply andp_right.
intros ? _. simpl.
unfold subst.
rewrite H4.
unfold eval_id at 1. unfold force_val; simpl.
rewrite Map.gss. auto.
unfold subst; rewrite H4.

Lemma semax_set :
forall (Delta: tycontext) (P: assert) id e,
    semax Espec Delta
        (fun rho =>
          |> (tc_expr Delta e rho && (tc_temp_id id (typeof e) Delta e rho) &&
              subst id (eval_expr e rho) P rho))
          (Sset id e) (normal_ret_assert P).
intros until e.
replace (fun rho : environ =>
   |>(tc_expr Delta e rho && (tc_temp_id id (typeof e) Delta e rho) &&
      subst id (eval_expr e rho) P rho))
 with (fun rho : environ =>
     (|> tc_expr Delta e rho &&
      |> (tc_temp_id id (typeof e) Delta e rho) &&
      |> subst id (eval_expr e rho) P rho))
  by (extensionality rho; repeat rewrite later_andp; auto).
apply semax_straight_simple. auto.
intros jm jm' Delta' ge ve te rho k F TS [TC3 TC2] TC' Hcl Hge ? ?.
specialize (TC3 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (TC2 (m_phi jm') (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC3.
apply (tc_temp_id_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
clear Delta TS.
exists jm', (PTree.set id (eval_expr e rho) te).
split3; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
normalize in H0.
clear - TC' TC2 TC3 Hge.
unfold construct_rho in *.
simpl in *. rewrite Hge. simpl. rewrite <- Hge.
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
apply guard_environ_put_te'; try rewrite <- Hge; auto.
intros. simpl in *. unfold typecheck_temp_id in *.
rewrite H in TC2.
destruct t as [t b]; simpl in *.
rewrite tc_andp_sound in *; simpl in *.
super_unfold_lift. destruct TC2; simpl in *.
unfold tc_bool in *. remember (is_neutral_cast (typeof e) t).
destruct b0; inv H0.
destruct TC'.
apply neutral_cast_typecheck_val with (Delta := Delta'); auto.
destruct H0.
split; auto.
split3; auto.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H).
rewrite <- H3.
econstructor; eauto. rewrite Hge in *.
eapply eval_expr_relate; auto.
destruct TC'; eauto. auto.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.

2: eapply pred_hereditary; try apply H1; destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.

assert (app_pred (|> (F rho * subst id (eval_expr e rho) P rho)) (m_phi jm)).
rewrite later_sepcon. eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H0; auto.
assert (laterR (m_phi jm) (m_phi jm')).
constructor 1.
destruct (age1_juicy_mem_unpack _ _ H); auto.
specialize (H2 _ H3).
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H2; try solve[rewrite <- map_ptree_rel; subst; auto].
clear - Hcl Hge.
specialize (Hcl rho (Map.set id (eval_expr e rho) (make_tenv te))).
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
rewrite <- Hcl; auto.
destruct (eq_dec id i).
left. unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
 unfold insert_idset; rewrite PTree.gss; hnf; auto.
rewrite Map.gso; auto. rewrite Hge. simpl. auto.

Lemma semax_load :
forall (Delta: tycontext) sh id P e1 v2,
    semax Espec Delta
       (fun rho => |>
        (tc_lvalue Delta e1 rho && (tc_temp_id_load id (typeof e1) Delta v2 rho) &&
          (mapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) (v2 rho) * P rho)))
       (Sset id e1)
       (normal_ret_assert (fun rho =>
        EX old:val, (!!(eval_id id rho = subst id old v2 rho) &&
                         (subst id old (fun rho => mapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) (v2 rho) * P rho) rho)))).
intros until v2.
replace (fun rho : environ => |> ((tc_lvalue Delta e1 rho &&
  tc_temp_id_load id (typeof e1) Delta v2 rho ) &&
  (mapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) (v2 rho) * P rho)))
 with (fun rho : environ =>
   ( |> tc_lvalue Delta e1 rho &&
     |> tc_temp_id_load id (typeof e1) Delta v2 rho &&
     |> !!(typecheck_val (v2 rho) (typeof e1) = true) &&
     |> (umapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) (v2 rho) * P rho))).
Focus 2.
extensionality rho.
repeat rewrite <- later_andp.
repeat rewrite andp_assoc. f_equal. f_equal.
unfold mapsto, umapsto. normalize.
apply semax_straight_simple.
intro. apply boxy_andp; auto.
intros jm jm1 Delta' ge ve te rho k F TS [[TC2 TC1] TC3] TC' Hcl Hge ? ?.
specialize (TC1 (m_phi jm1) (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (TC2 (m_phi jm1) (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
specialize (TC3 (m_phi jm1) (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
apply (tc_lvalue_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
apply (tc_temp_id_load_sub _ _ TS) in TC1.
clear Delta TS.
destruct (eval_lvalue_relate _ _ _ _ _ e1 (m_dry jm) Hge (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC')) as [b [ofs [? ?]]]; auto.
exists jm1.
exists (PTree.set id (v2 rho) (te)).
apply age_level; auto. simpl.
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
apply guard_environ_put_te'.
unfold typecheck_temp_id in *.
unfold construct_rho in *. destruct rho; inv Hge; auto.
clear - TC1 TC2 TC3 TC' H2 Hge H0.
intros. simpl in TC1.
rewrite H in TC1.
destruct t as [t x].
destruct TC1 as [t0 [x0 [TC1 TC4]]].
inv TC1. simpl. simpl in TC3.
eapply allowed_val_cast_sound; eauto.
rewrite <- (age_jm_dry H); constructor; auto.
assert (NONVOL: type_is_volatile (typeof e1) = false).
unfold typecheck_temp_id in *.
unfold tc_lvalue in TC2; simpl in TC2. apply tc_lvalue_nonvol in TC2; auto.
apply Clight.eval_Elvalue with b ofs; auto.
destruct H0 as [H0 _].
assert ((|> (F rho * (umapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) (v2 rho) * P rho)))%pred
       (m_phi jm)).
rewrite later_sepcon.
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H0; auto.
specialize (H3 _ (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
rewrite sepcon_comm in H3.
rewrite sepcon_assoc in H3.
destruct H3 as [m1 [m2 [? [? _]]]].
unfold umapsto in H4.
revert H4; case_eq (access_mode (typeof e1)); intros; try contradiction.
rename m into ch.
rewrite H2 in H5.
destruct H5 as [H5 | [H5 _]]; [ | rewrite H5 in TC3; inv TC3].
assert (core_load ch (b, Int.unsigned ofs) (v2 rho) (m_phi jm1)).
apply mapsto_core_load with (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh) (Share.unrel Share.Rsh sh).
exists m1; exists m2; split3; auto.
apply Clight.deref_loc_value with ch; auto.
unfold loadv.
rewrite (age_jm_dry H).
apply core_load_load.
apply H6.
apply age1_resource_decay; auto.
apply age_level; auto.
rewrite <- map_ptree_rel.
rewrite <- (Hcl rho (Map.set id (v2 rho) (make_tenv te))).
exists (eval_id id rho).
destruct H0.
apply later_sepcon2 in H0.
specialize (H0 _ (age_laterR (age_jm_phi H))).
split; [ | apply pred_hereditary with (m_phi jm); auto; apply age_jm_phi; eauto].
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply H0; auto.
assert (env_set
         (mkEnviron (ge_of rho) (ve_of rho) (Map.set id (v2 rho) (make_tenv te))) id
         (eval_id id rho) = rho).
unfold env_set. simpl.
rewrite Map.override. unfold eval_id.
unfold tc_temp_id_load in TC1. simpl in TC1.
destruct TC1 as [t0 [x0 [TC1 TC4]]].
destruct TC' as [TC' _].
unfold typecheck_environ in TC'. repeat rewrite andb_true_iff in TC'. destruct TC' as [TC'[ _ _]].
unfold typecheck_temp_environ in *.
specialize (TC' _ _ _ TC1). destruct TC'. destruct H4. rewrite H4. simpl.
rewrite Map.override_same; subst; auto.
unfold subst.
rewrite H4.
apply andp_right; auto.
intros ? ?; simpl.
unfold eval_id, force_val. simpl. rewrite Map.gss. auto.
apply sepcon_derives; auto.
unfold mapsto. apply andp_right; auto.
intros ? ?; unfold prop; auto.

intro i; destruct (eq_dec id i); [left; auto | right; rewrite Map.gso; auto].
subst; unfold modifiedvars. simpl.
 unfold insert_idset; rewrite PTree.gss; hnf; auto.
subst. auto.

Lemma res_option_core: forall r, res_option (core r) = None.
 destruct r. rewrite core_NO; auto. rewrite core_YES; auto. rewrite core_PURE; auto.

Lemma address_mapsto_can_store: forall jm ch v rsh b ofs v' my,
       (address_mapsto ch v rsh (b, Int.unsigned ofs) * exactly my)%pred (m_phi jm) ->
       decode_val ch (encode_val ch v') = v' ->
       exists m',
       {H: ch (m_dry jm) b (Int.unsigned ofs) v' = Some m'|
       (address_mapsto ch v' rsh (b, Int.unsigned ofs) * exactly my)%pred
       (m_phi (store_juicy_mem _ _ _ _ _ _ H))}.
intros. rename H0 into DE.
destruct (mapsto_can_store ch v rsh b (Int.unsigned ofs) jm v') as [m' STORE]; auto.
eapply sepcon_derives; eauto.
exists m'.
exists STORE.
pose proof I.
destruct H as [m1 [m2 [? [? Hmy]]]].
do 3 red in Hmy.
assert (H2 := I); assert (H3 := I).
forget (Int.unsigned ofs) as i. clear ofs.
pose (f loc := if adr_range_dec (b,i) (size_chunk ch) loc
                      then YES (res_retain (m1 @ loc)) pfullshare (VAL (contents_at m' loc)) NoneP
                     else core (m_phi jm @ loc)).
assert (Vf: AV.valid (res_option oo f)).
apply VAL_valid; intros.
unfold compose, f in H4; clear f.
if_tac in H4.
2: rewrite res_option_core in H4; inv H4.
simpl in H4. injection H4; intros. subst k; auto.
destruct (make_rmap _ Vf (level jm)) as [mf [? ?]]; clear Vf.
unfold f, compose; clear f; extensionality loc.
symmetry. if_tac.
unfold resource_fmap. rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP.
generalize (resource_at_approx (m_phi jm) loc);
destruct (m_phi jm @ loc); [rewrite core_NO | rewrite core_YES | rewrite core_PURE]; try reflexivity.

unfold f in H5; clear f.
exists mf; exists m2; split3; auto.
apply resource_at_join2.
rewrite H4. symmetry. apply (level_store_juicy_mem _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
apply join_level in H; destruct H.
change R.rmap with rmap in *. change R.ag_rmap with ag_rmap in *.
rewrite H6; symmetry. apply (level_store_juicy_mem _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
intro; rewrite H5. clear mf H4 H5.
simpl m_phi.
apply (resource_at_join _ _ _ loc) in H.
destruct H1 as [vl [? ?]]. spec H4 loc. hnf in H4.
destruct H4. hnf in H4. rewrite H4 in H.
rewrite (proof_irr x top_share_nonunit) in H.
generalize (YES_join_full _ _ _ _ _ H); intros [rsh' ?].
rewrite H6.
unfold inflate_store; simpl.
rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
rewrite H6 in H.
inversion H; clear H.
subst rsh1 rsh2 k sh p.
rewrite H4; simpl.
apply join_unit1_e in H; auto.
rewrite H.
unfold inflate_store; simpl.
rewrite resource_at_make_rmap.
rewrite resource_at_approx.
case_eq (m_phi jm @ loc); simpl; intros.
rewrite core_NO. constructor. apply join_unit1; auto.
destruct k; try solve [rewrite core_YES; constructor; apply join_unit1; auto].
rewrite core_YES.
destruct (juicy_mem_contents _ _ _ _ _ _ H6). subst p0.
pose proof (store_phi_elsewhere_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE _ _ _ _ H5 H6).
rewrite H8.
apply join_unit1; auto.
rewrite core_PURE; constructor.

unfold address_mapsto in *.
exists (encode_val ch v').
destruct H1 as [vl [[? [? ?]] ?]].
split3; auto.
apply encode_val_length.
intro loc. hnf.
if_tac. exists top_share_nonunit.
hnf; rewrite H5.
rewrite if_true; auto.
assert (STORE' := Mem.store_mem_contents _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
pose proof (juicy_mem_contents (store_juicy_mem jm m' ch b i v' STORE)).
pose proof (juicy_mem_access (store_juicy_mem jm m' ch b i v' STORE)).
pose proof (juicy_mem_max_access (store_juicy_mem jm m' ch b i v' STORE)).
pose proof I.
unfold contents_cohere in H10.
rewrite preds_fmap_NoneP.
specialize (H8 loc). rewrite jam_true in H8 by auto.
destruct H8. hnf in H8. rewrite H8. simpl; auto.
clear - STORE H9.
destruct loc as [b' z].
destruct H9.
subst b'.
rewrite (nth_getN m' b _ _ _ H0).
rewrite (store_mem_contents _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE).
rewrite ZMap.gss.
replace (nat_of_Z (size_chunk ch)) with (size_chunk_nat ch) by (destruct ch; simpl; auto).
rewrite <- (encode_val_length ch v').
apply getN_setN_same.
generalize (size_chunk_pos ch); omega.
do 3 red. rewrite H5. rewrite if_false by auto.
apply core_identity.

Ltac dec_enc :=
match goal with
[ |- decode_val ?CH _ = ?V] => assert (DE := decode_encode_val_general V CH CH);
                               apply decode_encode_val_similar in DE; auto

Lemma load_cast :
 forall (e1 : expr) (e2 : expr) (ch : memory_chunk) rho,
   typecheck_val (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) = true ->
   denote_tc_assert (isCastResultType (typeof e2) (typeof e1) (typeof e1) e2)
     rho ->
   access_mode (typeof e1) = By_value ch ->
   Val.load_result ch
     (force_val (Cop.sem_cast (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) (typeof e1))) =
   force_val (Cop.sem_cast (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) (typeof e1)).
destruct ch; destruct (typeof e1); try solve [inv H1];
simpl in *; try destruct i; try destruct s; try destruct f; try solve [inv H1]; clear H1; destruct (eval_expr e2 rho); destruct (typeof e2); try solve [inv H];
unfold Cop.sem_cast; simpl;
try destruct (Float.intoffloat f);
try destruct (Float.intuoffloat f);
try destruct (Float.longoffloat f);
try destruct (Float.longuoffloat f);
 auto; simpl;
try solve [try rewrite Int.sign_ext_idem; auto; simpl; omega];
try rewrite Int.zero_ext_idem; auto; simpl; try omega;
try solve [if_tac; auto];
try rewrite Float.singleoffloat_idem; auto.

Lemma semax_store:
 forall Delta e1 e2 sh P,
   writable_share sh ->
   semax Espec Delta
          (fun rho =>
          |> (tc_lvalue Delta e1 rho && tc_expr Delta (Ecast e2 (typeof e1)) rho &&
             (mapsto_ sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) * P rho)))
          (Sassign e1 e2)
          (normal_ret_assert (fun rho => mapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho)
                                           (eval_cast (typeof e2) (typeof e1) (eval_expr e2 rho)) * P rho)).
intros until P. intros WS.
apply semax_pre with
  (fun rho : environ =>
   EX v3: val,
      |> tc_lvalue Delta e1 rho && |> tc_expr Delta (Ecast e2 (typeof e1)) rho &&
      |> (umapsto sh (typeof e1) (eval_lvalue e1 rho) v3 * P rho)).
intro. apply andp_left2.
unfold mapsto_. apply exp_right with Vundef.
repeat rewrite later_andp; auto.
apply extract_exists_pre; intro v3.
apply semax_straight_simple; auto.
intros jm jm1 Delta' ge ve te rho k F TS [TC1 TC2] TC4 Hcl Hge Hage [H0 H0'].
specialize (TC1 (m_phi jm1) (age_laterR (age_jm_phi Hage))).
specialize (TC2 (m_phi jm1) (age_laterR (age_jm_phi Hage))).
apply (tc_lvalue_sub _ _ TS) in TC1.
apply (tc_expr_sub _ _ TS) in TC2.
clear Delta TS.
simpl in TC2.
rewrite tc_andp_sound in *; simpl in TC2; super_unfold_lift.
destruct TC2 as [TC2 TC3].
apply later_sepcon2 in H0.
specialize (H0 _ (age_laterR (age_jm_phi Hage))).
pose proof I.
destruct H0 as [?w [?w [? [? [?w [?w [H3 [H4 H5]]]]]]]].
unfold umapsto in H4.
revert H4; case_eq (access_mode (typeof e1)); intros; try contradiction.
rename H2 into Hmode. rename m into ch.
destruct (eval_lvalue_relate _ _ _ _ _ e1 (m_dry jm) Hge (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC4)) as [b0 [i [He1 He1']]]; auto.
rewrite He1' in *.
destruct (join_assoc H3 (join_comm H0)) as [?w [H6 H7]].
rewrite writable_share_right in H4 by auto.
assert (exists v, address_mapsto ch v (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh)
        (b0, Int.unsigned i) w1) by (destruct H4 as [H4 |[? [? ?]]]; eauto).
clear v3 H4; destruct H2 as [v3 H4].

assert (H11': (res_predicates.address_mapsto ch v3 (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh)
        (b0, Int.unsigned i) * TT)%pred (m_phi jm1))
 by (exists w1; exists w3; split3; auto).
assert (H11: (res_predicates.address_mapsto ch v3 (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh)
        (b0, Int.unsigned i) * exactly w3)%pred (m_phi jm1)).
generalize (address_mapsto_precise ch v3 (Share.unrel Share.Lsh sh) (b0,Int.unsigned i)); unfold precise; intro.
destruct H11' as [m7 [m8 [? [? _]]]].
specialize (H2 (m_phi jm1) _ _ H4 H9).
spec H2; [ eauto with typeclass_instances| ].
spec H2; [ eauto with typeclass_instances | ].
subst m7.
exists w1; exists w3; split3; auto. hnf. apply necR_refl.
apply address_mapsto_can_store with (v':=((force_val (Cop.sem_cast (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) (typeof e1))))) in H11.
Focus 2.

clear - WS TC2 TC4 TC3 TC1 Hmode.
unfold typecheck_store in *.
destruct TC4 as [TC4 _].
simpl in TC2. apply typecheck_expr_sound in TC2; auto.
remember (eval_expr e2 rho).
dec_enc. rewrite DE. clear DE. subst.
apply load_cast; auto.

destruct H11 as [m' [H11 AM]].
exists (store_juicy_mem _ _ _ _ _ _ H11).
exists (te); exists rho; split3; auto.
subst; simpl; auto.
rewrite level_store_juicy_mem. apply age_level; auto.
split; auto.
split3; auto.
generalize (eval_expr_relate _ _ _ _ _ e2 (m_dry jm) Hge (guard_environ_e1 _ _ _ TC4)); intro.
econstructor; try eassumption.
unfold tc_lvalue in TC1. simpl in TC1.
apply tc_lvalue_nonvol in TC1. auto. instantiate (1:= eval_expr e2 rho).
instantiate (1:=(force_val (Cop.sem_cast (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) (typeof e1)))).
eapply cast_exists; eauto. destruct TC4; auto.
eapply Clight.assign_loc_value.
apply Hmode.
unfold tc_lvalue in TC1. simpl in TC1.
apply tc_lvalue_nonvol in TC1. auto. unfold Mem.storev.
simpl m_dry.
rewrite (age_jm_dry Hage); auto.
apply (resource_decay_trans _ (nextblock (m_dry jm1)) _ (m_phi jm1)).
rewrite (age_jm_dry Hage); omega.
apply (age1_resource_decay _ _ Hage).
apply resource_nodecay_decay.
apply juicy_store_nodecay.
rewrite level_store_juicy_mem. apply age_level; auto.
Focus 2.
rewrite corable_funassert.
replace (core (m_phi (store_juicy_mem _ _ _ _ _ _ H11))) with (core (m_phi jm1)).
rewrite <- corable_funassert.
eapply pred_hereditary; eauto. apply age_jm_phi; auto.
forget (force_val (Cop.sem_cast (eval_expr e2 rho) (typeof e2) (typeof e1))) as v.
apply rmap_ext.
do 2 rewrite level_core.
rewrite <- level_juice_level_phi; rewrite level_store_juicy_mem.
intro loc.
unfold store_juicy_mem.
simpl. rewrite <- core_resource_at. unfold inflate_store. simpl.
rewrite resource_at_make_rmap. rewrite <- core_resource_at.
 case_eq (m_phi jm1 @ loc); intros; auto.
 destruct k0; simpl; repeat rewrite core_YES; auto.
rewrite sepcon_comm.
rewrite sepcon_assoc.
eapply sepcon_derives; try apply AM; auto.
unfold mapsto, umapsto.
apply andp_right. intros ? ?; unfold prop. simpl.
destruct TC4 as [TC4 _].
clear - Hmode TC3 TC2 TC4.
eapply typecheck_val_eval_cast; eauto.

rewrite Hmode.
rewrite He1'. apply orp_right1.
rewrite writable_share_right; auto.
rewrite <- eval_cast_sem_cast. auto.
clear - H6 H5 H1.
intros ? ?.
do 3 red in H.
destruct (nec_join2 H6 H) as [w2' [w' [? [? ?]]]].
exists w2'; exists w'; split3; auto; eapply pred_nec_hereditary; eauto.

End extensions.